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Michael Cimino
Drakens år (Blu-Ray)
I New Yorks beryktade Chinatown regerar Triaden efter sina tusenåriga traditioner med korruption, utpressning och lönnmord. Hit delegeras kommissarien och vietnamveteranen Stanley White för att röja upp. Med hänsynslösa metoder tränger White allt djupare in i den kinesiska maffians verksamhet och inser snart att Chinatown är en bomb redo att brisera. Triaden måste stoppas till […]
99 SEK -
Classics - Drama
The Deer Hunter (40th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray)
Michael Cimino’s epic masterpiece The Deer Hunter has been stunningly restored with a brand new 4k restoration. Winner of no less than five Academy Awards in 1978 including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Supporting Actor for Christopher Walken, The Deer Hunter is widely acknowledged as one of cinema’s great masterpieces and contains some of […]
199 SEK -
Classics - Drama
The Deer Hunter (40th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray)
Robert De Niro, John Savage and Christopher Walken star in this Michael Cimino war drama. As Michael (De Niro), Steven (Savage) and Nick (Walken) volunteer to serve in Vietnam, they fail to foresee the horrors that will encapsulate their future lives. When the men are captured by the Vietcong and forced to play Russian roulette […]
249 SEK