Crimes of the Future (Blu-Ray)
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Shipping Class 3 = 200 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #2 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK
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From David Cronenberg, the master of body horror, comes a beguiling new tale. As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. With his partner Caprice (Léa Seydoux), Saul Tenser (Viggo Mortensen), celebrity performance artist, publicly showcases the metamorphosis of his organs in avant-garde performances. Timlin (Kristen Stewart), an investigator from the National Organ Registry, obsessively tracks their movements, which is when a mysterious group is revealed…Their mission – to use Saul’s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
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