God’s Own Country (Blu-Ray)
Shipping Class 2 = 69 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 89 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #1 Shipping Class 1 = 100 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 200 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #2 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 250 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #3 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK OUTSIDE EUROPE SHIPPING Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 250 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK
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Johnny Saxby (Josh O’Connor) works long hours on his family’s remote farm in the north of England. He numbs the daily frustration of his lonely existence with nightly binge-drinking at the local pub and casual sex. But when a handsome Romanian migrant worker (Alec Secareanu) arrives to take up temporary work on the family farm, Johnny suddenly finds himself having to deal with emotions he has never felt before.
As they begin working closely together during lambing season, an intense relationship starts to form which could change Johnny’s life forever. Captivating and broodingly beautiful, God’s Own Country is the award winning debut feature from writer/director Francis Lee. Bracingly open hearted, this is a thrillingly romantic story set in the heart of rural Yorkshire. Both poignant and moving, this finely crafted British film features a host of standout performances, marking it out as an absolute must see.
“One of the most assured British debuts of recent years” Sight & Sound “
Sensual, surprising and incredibly affecting” ★★★★★ Little White Lies
“A beautiful romantic story full of hope” – ★★★★★ HeyUGuys
“Captivating” – ★★★★★ BBC Culture “Wonderful”
– ★★★★ The Times
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