The Endless Summer
The definitive surf movie, Bruce Brown s iconic documentary follows two young American surfers, Robert August and Mike Hynson, as they search the globe for the perfect wave . Stunningly photographed, their unique quest takes them from California to Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti and Hawaii with little more than surfboards and wax as luggage.
Capturing the passion, the thrill and the unfettered joy of living the dream , the film was an immediate cult hit on release and continues to inspire all those searching for their own Endless Summer .
Special features:
– Introduction by Bruce Brown
– The Endless Summer Revisited
– Directing The Endless Summer New interviews With Bruce Brown and Dana Brown
– Producing The Endless Summer – New interview With Bob Bagley
– Surfing The Endless Summer – New Interview With Mike Hynson
– Bruce Brown Timeline
– Artwork From Around The World
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