The Fisher King (Blu-Ray)
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Shipping Class 3 = 200 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #2 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK
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A fairy tale grounded in poignant reality, the magnificent, Manhattan-set The Fisher King, by Terry Gilliam, features Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams in two of their most brilliant roles. Bridges plays a former radio shock jock reconstructing his life after a scandal, and Williams is a homeless man on a quest for the Holy Grailwhich he believes to be hidden somewhere on the Upper West Side. Unknowingly linked by their pasts, the two men aid each other on a fanciful journey to redemption. This singular American odyssey features a witty script by Richard La Gravenese, evocative cinematography by Roger Pratt, and superb supporting performances by Amanda Plummer and an Oscar-winning Mercedes Ruehl, all harnessed by Gilliam into a humane, funny modern-day myth.
Special features:
– New, restored 2K digital transfer, approved by director Terry Gilliam, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack
– Audio commentary featuring Gilliam
– New interviews with Gilliam, producer Lynda Obst, screenwriter Richard La Gravenese, and actors Jeff Bridges, Amanda Plummer, and Mercedes Ruehl
– New interviews with artists Keith Greco and Vincent Jefferds on the creation of the film’s Red Knight
– Interview from 2006 with actor Robin Williams
– New video essay featuring Bridges’s on-set photographs
– Deleted scenes, with optional commentary by Gilliam
– Costume tests
– Trailers
– PLUS: An essay by critic Bilge Ebiri
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