This fast-paced thriller from the producer of Bullitt and The French Connection stars Roy Scheider (Jaws, Last Embrace) as tough New York City cop Buddy Manucci. Manucci leads ‘The Seven-Ups’, an elite squad of undercover detectives known for their ruthlessly efficient tactics and their record of putting away criminals for a minimum of seven years. But when the group’s integrity is called into question after being linked with a mob-related kidnapping, it is up to Manucci to hunt the real culprits and restore the reputation of his squad.
– High Definition transfer
– Philip D’Antoni Introduction (2016)
– The Seven-Ups Connection (2016): new interview with director Philip D’Antoni
– A Tony Lo Bianco Type (2016): new interview with actor Tony Lo Bianco
– Real to Reel (2016): new interview with technical adviser Randy Jurgensen
– Cut to the Chase (2016): new documentary on the film’s iconic car chase
– The Anatomy of a Chase (1973): vintage behind-the-scenes documentary
– Audio commentary with writer and film expert Richard Harland Smith
– Super 8 version (1973): original cut-down home cinema presentation
– Randy Jurgensen’s Scrapbook
– Lobby cards and stills gallery
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