To Don’t List: Project Planning for Creative People
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The ToDon’tList is the analog version of the ToDon’tList iPhone App (which has been downloaded now a 1000x times). The ToDon’tList―method is about making choices. In your life, in your work, in your projects. Do less in more time, and do it better!
The ToDon’tList finds it’s origin in the following story:
“Once, a psychologist was invited to the Pentagon to give a workshop to generals on management of time and resources. At the start of the workshop, he asked the group to each write down in 25 words what their strategy had been so far for managing their time and resources.
All generals already hit a wall there, but one: the only female general present. This woman, who had made her way to the top through all the ranks and had also fought in the Iraq war, came up with the following strategy: “First I make a list of priorities: one, two, three, and so on. Then I cross out everything from three downwards.”
This is exactly what the ToDon’tList is: A practical ToDo List on your desk. Write down all your ToDo’s, then tear off the bottom part, and only 3 items will be there.
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