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Art & Theory Publishing
Art - Photography
Louise Enhörning: Agape
Louise Enhörning’s latest body of work is a meditation on love of different kinds. The title Agape references the Greek term for a form of non-romantic love, affection and charity. The photographs, with their luminous colours and unearthly atmosphere, deal simultaneously with depth and surface, the real and the superficial. In a seemingly random sequence […]
379 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
I Separat har Dana Sederowsky skapat en karaktär som aktivt väljer bort samhället. En karaktär som vägrar behöva någon annan än sig själv. I en blandning av korta, lösryckta meningar, listor, protokoll, långa stycken och tomma sidutrymmen beskrivs här ett liv i total social isolering. Andra människor betraktas på avstånd. Deras beteende dissekeras, analyseras och […]
199 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
In Solo, Dana Sederowsky has created a character who actively rejects society. A character who refuses to need anyone else. In short, disjointed sentences, and through lists, protocols, long paragraphs and empty pages, the narrator describes a life in complete isolation. Other people are examined from afar. Their behavior is dissected, analysed and despised. Feverish […]
199 SEK