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Paul Auster
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
A tender masterpiece of love, memory and loss from one of the world’s great writers. The life of Sy Baumgartner – noted author, and soon-to-be retired philosophy professor – has been defined by his deep, abiding love for his wife, Anna. Now Anna is gone, and Baumgartner is embarking on his seventies whilst trying to […]
169 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Seymour Baumgartner – änkeman, författare, professor vid Princeton – upplever en morgon den ena förargliga motgången efter den andra. Han glömmer att stänga av spisen och bränner handen på äggkastrullen, han halkar i källartrappan och skadar knät. Till sist blir han sittande på en köksstol i det tomma huset och bara stirrar. Blicken faller på […]
285 SEK -
Burning Boy: The Life and Work of Stephen Crane
American writer Stephen Crane died in 1900 at the age of 28. In his short, intense life, this burning boy wrote a masterpiece, The Red Badge of Courage, as well as other novels, short stories, and dispatches from the front of two wars. His adventurous life took him to the Wild West, Mexico, then to […]
249 SEK -
Graphic Novels
The New York Trilogy
A thrilling graphic adaptation of the cross-genre masterpiece from the late, great Paul Auster – a further exploration of the possibilities of fiction. From its iconic opening, The New York Trilogy famously blurred the lines between postmodern literature and noir fiction. Now, for the first time, all three books have been adapted for this landmark […]
295 SEK -
4 3 2 1
On March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four Fergusons made of the same genetic material, four boys […]
225 SEK -
4 3 2 1
On March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four Fergusons made of the same genetic material, four boys […]
129 SEK -
Archie Ferguson föds den 3 mars 1947 och berättelsen om honom förgrenar sig i fyra olika riktningar. Fyra pojkar, som egentligen är en och samma, växer upp i femtio- och sextiotalets USA och lever fyra parallella men olika liv. Vad är det som avgör vilken riktning livet tar? 4321 är en storslagen och uppslukande roman […]
275 SEK -
Biography - Non Fiction
A Life In Words
A fascinating discussion with one of America’s greatest living writers about language, literature, and life. Paul Auster’s A Life In Words a wide-ranging dialogue between Auster and the Danish professor I. B. Siegumfeldt is a remarkably candid and often surprising celebration of one writer’s art, craft, and life. It includes many revelations that have never been shared […]
235 SEK -
Collected Novels Volume Four
The latest collectable edition of Paul Auster’s fiction. This volume of Paul Auster’s collected novels includes Travels in the Scriptorium, Man in the Dark, Invisible and Sunset Park.
549 SEK -
New York-trilogin
Tre berättelser, tre historier som blandar deckargenrens rekvisita med den moderna romanens identitetsproblematik. Tillsammans utgör de Paul Austers klassiker New York-trilogin, en redan mytomspunnen milstolpe i den amerikanska samtidslitteraturen. I första delen, Stad av glas, blir deckarförfattaren Quinn uppringd av någon som söker detektiven Paul Auster. Plötsligt finner han sig indragen i ett mysterium mer […]
99 SEK