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Donald Trump
The Apprentice (Blu-Ray)
The origins of Donald Trump are brought to life in a provocative, electrifying portrait of the man and his mentor, Roy Cohn – a notorious lawyer who
299 SEK -
The Apprentice
The origins of Donald Trump are brought to life in a provocative, electrifying portrait of the man and his mentor, Roy Cohn – a notorious lawyer who
219 SEK -
Biography - Non Fiction
Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father's Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success
Lucky Loser is an explosive investigation into the history of Trump’s wealth, drawing on over twenty years’ worth of Trump’s confidential tax in
295 SEK -
Non Fiction - Politics - Sports
Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump
Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump is a fascinating on-the-ground and behind-the-scenes survey of Donald Trump's ethics deficit on and off th
195 SEK -
Non Fiction - Politics - Society
Fruktan: Donald Trump i Vita huset
Fruktan: Donald Trump i Vita huset är det mest ingående porträtt av en sittande president som någonsin publicerats under presidentens första äm
235 SEK -
Non Fiction
Nej är inte nog
I sin nya, hyperaktuella bok tar sig Naomi Klein an fenomenet Donald Trump. Trumps valseger var en politisk chock. Men varför vann han? Hur kom vi
85 SEK -
Non Fiction - Politics
Fire and Fury: Donald Trump och Vita huset inifrån
Donald Trumps första tid i Vita huset var häpnadsväckande och fylld till brädden av skandaler. Med draghjälp av presidentens »allierade« i Vita
235 SEK