A dream of dark and troubling things . . .
David Lynch’s 1977 debut feature, Eraserhead, is both a lasting cult sensation and a work of extraordinary craft and beauty. With its mesmerizing black-and-white photography by Frederick Elmes and Herbert Cardwell, evocative sound design, and unforgettably enigmatic performance by Jack Nance, this visionary nocturnal odyssey continues to haunt American cinema like no other film.
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A bracing blend of Apocalypse Now, Lord of the Flies and Embrace of the Serpent, Monos is a psychedelic ride into the dark heart of mankind. Exiled on a mountainside, the Monos are a teenage guerrilla group. Far away from clear orders, they must watch over a cow and a single hostage. But things go […]
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The Day Of The Jackal (Blu-Ray)
In 1971, Frederick Forsythe shot to bestseller status with his debut novel, The Day of the Jackal taut, utterly plausible, almost documentarian in its realism and attention to detail. Two years later, director Fred Zinnemann (High Noon) turned a gripping novel into a nail-biting cinematic experience. August 1962: the latest attempt on the life of […]
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Orchestra Rehearsal (Blu-Ray)
Made in 1978 for Italian television, Orchestra Rehearsal is possibly Fellini s most satirical and overtly political film. An allegorical pseudo-documentary, the film depicts an Italian television crew s visit to a dilapidated auditorium (a converted 13th-century church) to meet an orchestra assembling to rehearse under the instruction of a tyrannical conductor. The TV crew […]
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Svenska kultklassiker 2
Äntligen är den här! Uppföljaren till storsäljaren Svenska kultklassiker. Studio S presenterar återigen sex kultfilmer som går långt utanför ramen för svensk film. I volym 2 har vi samlat en vilda västern (ja, du läste rätt, en svensk vilda västern!), ett stenhårt knarkraffel med Ernst-Hugo och Sven-Bertil, två sexiga exportframgångar och en spritt språngande galen […]
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The Passenger (Blu-Ray)
In one of the most acclaimed films of all time, Michelangelo Antonioni (Blow-up, Zabriskie Point) directed international star Jack Nicholson (The Last Detail, The Border, Wolf) and Maria Schneider (Last Tango in Paris) in an elliptical and fascinating thriller about alienation and lost identities. Now finally making its Blu-ray debut in the UK, this essential […]
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Harry Potter och den flammande bägaren (Illustrerad utgåva)
En natt vaknar Harry Potter av att ärret i pannan brinner som eld – ett säkert tecken på att Lord Voldemort befinner sig i närheten. Harry får snart annat att tänka på när världsmästerskapen i quidditch går av stapeln. Och när sommarlovet är slut väntar en överraskning: Tillsammans med två andra trollkarlsskolor, Durmstrang och Beauxbatons, […]
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Horror - Thriller
IT (Blu-Ray)
The horror thriller “IT,” directed by Andrés Muschietti (“Mama”), is based on the hugely popular Stephen King novel of the same name, which has been terrifying readers for decades. When children begin to disappear in the town of Derry, Maine, a group of young kids are faced with their biggest fears when they square off against […]
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Street Trash (DVD + Blu-Ray)
Det är inte hjärtan som smälter när New Yorks luffare faller för brännvinet “Tenafy Viper” – det är hela kroppar! En skrupelfri och girig ägare av en spritbutik i Brooklyn har hittat en dammig låda med gamla buteljer i sin källare och bestämmer sig för att kränga rävgiftet till traktens alkisar – trots att bäst […]
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