Form Us With Love: PROBLEMS
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Form Us With Love has spent its years in design, working with clients, developing venture projects, and observing people, places, and things from a wider perspective. During that period there’s something that stands out as a paradox in terms of how the studio operates. Frequently a project begins with someone raising a problem or condition that appears problematic. Wherein the problem is always seen as a negative, something to be almost afraid of or hindering our lives in some capacity.
In life, when we ask a friend; “What’s the problem?” It’s normally followed by a discussion that examines the problem from many angles. Often discovering that the problem may not be anything to worry about or even something to be grasped, tackled, and overcome. The journey towards the solution can be not only cathartic but something that shines a light on things which aren’t problems at all but chances to get better at something, or improve the quality of your life. Form Us With Love as a collective of design-ers is the kind of studio that embodies this thinking in all stages of its work. It’s the close friend that likes to frequently ask, “What’s up?”
Listening, asking more questions, and analyzing the responses has become an integral part of its iterative journey towards products and concepts that design real change. When you understanding that new possibilities lie at the root of a problem you’re not afraid of them anymore.
Collected in this book are a series of different problems, each with unique potential that became unlocked during the design process.
Form Us With Love, is the international design studio founded in 2005 in Stockholm. Since its conception, the studio has burned with a passion for design and its democratic potential. Its belief is that we all have a right to meaningful design.
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