It’s OK to be Angry About Capitalism
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‘Bernie Sanders has changed US politics forever’ Owen Jones.
It’s OK to be angry about capitalism. It’s OK to want something better. Bernie Sanders takes on the 1% and speaks blunt truths about a system that is fuelled by uncontrolled greed, and rigged against ordinary people. Where a handful of oligarchs have never had it so good, with more money than they could spend in a thousand lifetimes, and the vast majority struggle to survive. Where a decent standard of living for all seems like an impossible dream.
How can we accept an economic order that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the bottom half of our society? How can we accept a political system that allows the super-rich to buy elections and politicians? How can we accept an energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations causing the climate crisis? How can we let it happen any longer? We must demand fundamental economic and political change. This is where the path forward begins.
It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism presents a vision of what would be possible if the political revolution took place. If we would finally recognize that economic rights are human rights, and work to create a society that provides them. This isn’t some utopian fantasy; this is democracy as we should know it. Is it really too much to ask?
Reality keeps endorsing Bernie Sanders. Pass it on. — Naomi Klein
Bernie Sanders has changed US politics forever. — Owen Jones
Gives us a glimpse of what politics could be like. — Yanis Varoufakis
Only Bernie Sanders can break the power of capitalism. — Paul Mason
A decent, honest person. It’s pretty unusual in the political system. — Noam Chomsky
Sanders’ success today shows that much of America is tired of rising inequality and these so-called political changes and intends to revive both a progressive agenda and the American tradition of egalitarianism. — Thomas Piketty
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