Each edition of Like the Wind magazine is a collection of running stories. There are personal anecdotes, inspirational tales, reportage, beautiful illustrations and stunning photography over 116 pages printed on beautiful, matte paper. The magazine launched in February 2014 and we publish an edition every quarter.
In this issue:
In our 43rd issue, Like the Wind focuses on the uniting power of running. Although it can be a solitary pursuit, it lends itself well to the company of other people – as a vehicle for connection, friendship and community. Even a seemingly solo race effort is bolstered by a selfless crew and the cheers of strangers from the curbside.
Over 130 creatively illustrated pages, we share stories from runners around the world: a race that united East and West Germany; finding peace between the Joshua trees of the Mojave Desert; and women taking space in the dark backalleys of the UK.
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