Ordkonst, 2023:2 Brev
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Shipping Class 3 = 89 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #1 Shipping Class 1 = 100 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 200 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #2 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 200 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 250 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #3 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 250 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK OUTSIDE EUROPE SHIPPING Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
Shipping Class 2 = 250 SEK
Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK
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