Tidskriften Ordkonst ges ut fyra gånger per år och drivs liksom de andra verksamheterna inom utskottet av medlemmar i Akademiska Föreningen.
Varje nummer kretsar kring ett tema och innehåller bidrag från såväl etablerade som oetablerade författare och konstnärer. Vi tar tacksamt emot bidrag av olika slag; vi publicerar alla sorters skönlitterära texter, essäer, recensioner och bildmaterial. Även bidrag som går utanför temat är intressant.
I detta nummer:
Related products
The Happy Reader – Issue 19, Tilda Swinton
The Happy Reader is a new magazine published by Penguin Classics in collaboration with the creators of the award-winning Fantastic Man. For avid readers and the uninitiated alike, it is…..
79 SEK -
Music - Poetry
Lyrics as Poetry, Vol.4 – Awakening
Lyrics as Poetry is a new print-only journal spotlighting the work of songwriters, where lyrics can be appreciated on their own aesthetic merit — as art on the printed page, like poetry. Each volume includes original prose from writers and journalists along with artwork throughout. In this issue: “Awakening” — as in growing into yourself or […]
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Literature - Music
The Believer #139
The Believer is a bimonthly magazine where length is no object.
There are pieces on books that are not necessarily timely, and that are very often very long.
There are interviews that are also very long……175 SEK