Shoebox Magazine, Issue 3
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With the core belief that every one of us has an opinion, thought or idea that is of value, Shoebox aims to provide a platform in which discussions can take place, stories can be told and ideas can be conveyed, using art and culture as a starting point.
How can art connect people? How does art relate to our daily lives? What issues drive us to create, discuss, take part and explore? Or more critically, what place does art have in our 21st century world that is full of suffering and mistreatment?
And how does one enable these discussions in a way that fosters growth, connection, mutual understanding and new perspectives, while not adhering to the stiffness of hoity-toity artspeak and academia?
These questions and aims lie at the heart of Shoebox and as such demand constant revision and remaking in order to stay relevant and grow.
Submissions to this third edition of Shoebox Magazine as well as previous and coming editions, have been and will be done through open calls, direct invitations and interviews.
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