Simulacrum is a magazine for arts and culture that serves as an accessible and high-quality publication platform for students and experts from the field. Four issues are published each year, each time with a specific theme. The subjects are always approached from different disciplines within the arts and cultural sciences, and placed in both historical and contemporary perspective.
For each issue, Simulacrum is looking for scientific articles, (creative non) fiction and poetry, interviews, columns and artist portfolios. Even as a young and inexperienced writer, do not hesitate to contribute. For many authors who preceded you, Simulacrum has been an important start in their (writing) career. As a rule, everyone is guided in several rounds of editing with writing tips in order to arrive at a high-quality article, both in terms of form and content. Do you have ideas or a draft for an article? Mail it to
When selecting articles for Simulacrum, we consider our choices for authors, artists and subjects. We strive to provide a platform for a multiplicity of perspectives and voices, paying specific attention to art histories outside Europe and artists who are often underexposed in dominant narratives.
In this issue:
A phantom is an ethereal, otherworldly figure, existing on the fringes of our reality, always in the back of our minds. It is a shadow that lives in the corner of our eye and at the margins of language, ever-displaced. A palimpsest presence hinging on our imaginations, flickering in and out of existence, yet always haunting, (un)settling, and speaking to whomever dares to speak back and whomever tries to capture its name. Phantom, phantasm, spectre,ghost, all disjointing time and space, entangling here and there (and) now and then, past and future. Phantoms tend to linger and seep into the present, shaping our current lives and cultural landscapes. What is haunted, what are we haunted by, and can we haunt them back?
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