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Books - Architecture
Architecture - Design - Photography
The Touch: Spaces Designed for the Senses
The Touch is a new collaboration between Nathan Williams of Kinfolk and Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen of Norm Architects that welcome readers into over 25 insp
695 SEK -
Architecture - Interior Design
Creative Homes: Interiors and Design in the Netherlands
Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing homes of Dutch creatives and be inspired by extraordinary interiors. Personal spaces increasingly reflect indiv
479 SEK -
Architecture - Notebooks
Hello Copenhagen - Sand
Illustrated sustainable notebook with contemporary architectural masterpieces of Copenhagen. - Removable letterpress jacket - Premium Nordic note
295 SEK -
Architecture - Notebooks
Hello Copenhagen - Green
Illustrated sustainable notebook with contemporary architectural masterpieces of Copenhagen. - Removable letterpress jacket - Premium Nordic note
295 SEK -
Architecture - Home & Living
Earth, Sky & Water
Instantly calming houses in remote Scandinavian locations that will make you want to escape into nature. In a world of starchitects competing to de
415 SEK -
Ferdinand Boberg Arkitekten, Konstnären, Människan
Boken skildrar Ferdinand Bobergs rika bidrag till arkitektur, design av möbler och konstföremål, etsning och akvarell. Den fördjupar bilden av den
295 SEK -
Architecture - Home & Garden - Home & Living - Interior Design
Outside In
A celebration of beautiful homes around the world that let the outside in. From the authors of Plantopedia, Indoor Jungle and Leaf Supply comes
425 SEK -
Architecture - History
Lär känna kvarteren, gatorna och framför allt byggnaderna i Stockholms mest fashionabla stadsdel. I "Östermalm" presenteras närmare 400 magnifika
495 SEK -
Architecture - Photography
Stockholmsdrömmar : Staden som aldrig byggdes
Ny bok om Stockholms arkitekturhistoria från författaren bakom succén En förvandlad stad. Ett Manhattan på Södermalm, en jättearena på Års
325 SEK -
The Architecture Concept Book
An inspirational and insightful resource for architecture students and professionals that offers a new way of thinking about architecture to meet
425 SEK -
Architecture - Design - Interior Design
Elizabeth Roberts Architects
The first book by the New York–based AD100 architect Elizabeth Roberts compiles photographs, sketches, and even vignettes of fiction, to showcase he
625 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Design
Alexander Girard: Let the Sun In
A comprehensive monograph exploring Alexander Girard’s vivid and dynamic design career. Alexander Girard was a leading figure in mid-century Amer
1,249 SEK -
Architecture - Biography
Gula fläcken. Arkitektens memoarer
Det är en kamp. Varje uppdrag en tävling. Femtio år av uppgivenhet och gudomlig lycka. Känslan av att hitta idén. Tanken som bär. Stafettpinnen
315 SEK -
Architecture - Design - Interior Design
The Nordic Home: Scandinavian Living, Interiors and Design
Explore the ingenious adaptations and original concepts emerging from Nordic culture, as designers continue to redefine simplicity in surprising ways.
579 SEK -
Architecture - Design - Interior Design
Interior Design is Not Decoration And Other Ideas
An inspiring book exploring all aspects of interior design in 100 engaging and beautifully illustrated entries. Interior design is not about pain
359 SEK -
Architect and Designer Birthday Book
A day-by-day celebration and exploration of the greatest architects and designers throughout history Presented in an almanac style, The Architect and
479 SEK -
Architecture - Interior Design
American Icons
Iconic architecture that shapes the American skylines. The development and expansion of cities in the United States over the last 150 years gave ri
695 SEK -
Architecture - Art
Living in a Dream
This collection is an inspiring celebration of boundless imagination and the transformative power of design.Artificial architecture has de
479 SEK -
Architecture - Interior Design - Photography
Stillness: An Exploration of Japanese Aesthetics in Architecture and Design
After over a decade of travel, study and creative collaboration with Japan, Norm Architects' shares their uniquely Scandinavian view of Japanese aesth
695 SEK -
Architecture - Design
Tasteful: New Interiors for Restaurants and Cafés
Featuring a variety styles from a host of diverse locations around the planet, Tasteful serves as both a travel guide for intrepid foodies and an insp
579 SEK