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Books - Home & Living
Home & Living
När boken Städa! kom ut år 2000 var den något så ovanligt som en lustfylld bok om rengöring. Den blev snabbt en succé. Mycket har hänt sedan d
215 SEK -
Home & Living - Pop Culture - Visual Culture
Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style
Cultivated: The Elements of Floral Style elevates floral design to fine art in this richly informative work on the principles of floral style. A charm
249 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
The Leaf Supply Guide to Creating Your Indoor Jungle
This book is a luxurious guide to creating the very densest of jungles in your living room. With this stunningly photographed greenery-guide, anyon
295 SEK -
Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
Bohemian Style at Home
Bohemian style is characterized by free-flowing fabrics, bright colours and a multitude of clashing patterns. Heavily inspired by the 1960s and 1970s
225 SEK -
Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
Japanese Style at Home
Japanese interiors focus primarily on one simple philosophy: Zen. All the rooms in a traditionally furnished Japanese home strive to achieve a balance
195 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Live Small/Live Modern: The Best of Beams at Home
Live Small/Live Modern curates the most envy-inducing spaces pulled from Beams at Home, the interior and lifestyle series that has sold over 70,000 co
395 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Houses: Atelier AM
"Alexandra and Michael Misczynski, the wife-and-husband team behind the Los Angeles-based AD100 design firm Atelier AM, are standard-bearers for the..
525 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
The New Plant Parent
For indoor gardeners everywhere, Darryl Cheng offers a new way to grow healthy house plants. He teaches the art of understanding a plant’s needs and
249 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Home & Living
Grejen med saker
"Vi lever i en bulimisk kultur. Å ena sidan ett genomkommersiellt samhälle som ser till att vi ständigt känner oss missnöjda och där svaren och
279 SEK -
Gardening - Home & Garden - Home & Living - Interior Design
Leaf Supply: A Guide to Keeping Happy House Plants
Fresh flowers are great—everyone loves receiving them. But inevitably they’re already on the way out the door (and into the trash) by the time the
295 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
This Is Home - The Art of Simple Living
This is Home is about simple living – how to focus on our values to create authentic homes full of meaning and joy. Natalie Walton steps inside fif
425 SEK -
Design - Home & Living - Interior Design - Lifestyle
The New Creative Home: London Style
As one of the world’s leading creative hubs, an inspirational combination of quirky British style and lively cosmopolitanism, London is home to desi
235 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Your Home, Your Style
In this age of Instagram and Pinterest, there is no shortage of decorating inspiration. Then why is it so hard to make the leap from pictures bookmark
375 SEK -
Architecture - Escape - Home & Living
Living on Water
Living on Water showcases the finest examples of residential architecture that have one thing in common - their special relationship to that most esse
325 SEK -
Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
Home stories : personlig inredning och inspirerande idéer
Ett personligt hem med skön atmosfär och välkomnande känsla. Lite lagom bohemiskt men samtidigt med en stilren nordisk underton. Så vill många a
115 SEK -
Home & Living
Love Where You Live: At Home in the Country
Design expert Joan Osofsky of Hammertown Barn, a popular lifestyle store, shares her in-depth knowledge on stylish modern country living with a collec
195 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Home & Living - Lifestyle
Fine Little Day - Idéer, återbruk och meningsfullt nonsens
Fine Little Day - Idéer, återbruk och meningsfullt nonsens innehåller ett hopplock av Elisabeths hemsläpade och ömt vårdade samlingar grytlappar
245 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Home: The Best of The New York Times Home Section
Appealing and innovative houses that show creativity, ingenuity, and design savvy for all homeowners today. With striking photographs and compelling
399 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Joseph Dirand: Interior
The first monograph on one of today’s most celebrated architects, renowned for designing interiors that combine minimalism with Hollywood glamour an
795 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
Plant Style : How to greenify your space
Ferns are back in the bathroom, cacti are sitting on plant stands and hoyas are cascading from hangers. Indoor plants are the ultimate indoor accessor
195 SEK