An Anarchy of Chillies
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Shipping Class 3 = 200 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #2 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 250 SEK EUROPE SHIPPING #3 Shipping Class 1 = 150 SEK
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Shipping Class 3 = 350 SEK
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Each chilli demands and deserves to be known in its own right. With hundreds of varieties, and a dizzying array of flavours, shapes, sizes and colours, chillies are a key ingredient in everything from our favourite curries to drinks and desserts. But even the most experienced chilli fanatic needs a guide to which variety to choose and how hot to go on the infamous Scoville scale.
This essential kitchen companion profiles 100 versatile chilli varieties, chosen to showcase their impressive range of shape, colour, flavour and heat, ranging from milder everyday favourites such as the jalapeño, ancho and bell pepper to exotic new superhots including the Dorset Naga and Carolina Reaper.
Organized by heat level on the infamous Scoville scale, An Anarchy of Chilliestells the story of each variety and offers advice on how to identify, grow and prepare them. The striking illustrations, in a vivid graphic style inspired by the CMYK process, make this not only a go-to reference but also a beautiful art piece.
Written and illustrated by Caz Hildebrand, author of the successful Herbariumand The Grammar of Spice, this is a wonderful gift book for any cook, gardener or chilli lover.
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