Banksy You Are An Acceptable Level of Threat and if You Were Not You Would Know About it
Banksy is the closest thing we have to Che Guevara. Except, as far as we know, hes never flunked medical school, shot anyone or attempted to foment revolution in the Congo. You will find, gathered lovingly together, in this book – the single best collection of photography of Banksys street work that has ever been assembled for print. If that isnt enough there are some words too. Much to the chagrin of art schools everywhere, it is likely that Banksy will be the best remembered artist of post-millennial-depression Britain. His capacity to grab attention and deliver a message, often with a punch line or hidden layer of meaning would have landed him a great job in an advertising agency. Madison Avenues loss is our gain. If youve never heard of Banksy, this book is all youll ever need to read to be able to engage in pub table debates about the man and the legend.
When Banksy started out painting the political landscape was bleak. Fortunately now, its ten times worse. So as Banksys cheerfully aggressive political work grows ever more relevant we take a stab at presenting his art in the context of the era he was responding to, looking at the issues his work was about. While many other books ask dry questions such as Just who is Banksy and what makes him tick? We dont bother. Were more interested in his prolific work on the streets, which for the most part has been lost to future generations through greed or the dreaded buff. Consequently, this book seeks to concentrate on his iconic imagery spanning the past decade, from Los Angeles to Lewisham (and everywhere inbetween), including many images never before seen. However, make no mistake; this is not a dull history book or dimwitted collection of mediocre fan snaps. This book is designed to ignite, provoke and inspire you – and is a work of art in itself. Banksy goes to Bolivia to start a guerrilla uprising and gets shot to death? Could happen future wonder why Banksy went to Bethlehem, it will all be clear. Banksy goes to Bolivia to start a guerrilla uprising and gets shot to death? Could happen. And finally, discover who Banksy really is.
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