Edible: 70 Sustainable Plants That Are Changing How We Eat
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An illustrated celebration of sustainable and often little-known edible plants from around the world that are revolutionizing how we grow, eat, and appreciate food.
Plants that can thrive under the most challenging of conditions are becoming more important in ensuring food security in our changing climate. This book takes the reader on a visual journey, exploring edible plants from around the world, from the more familiar to the lesser known. Richly illustrated, each plant profile gives fascinating insights into relevant growing conditions and nutritional information, as well as helpful tips for growing, cooking, and eating.
Many of the world’s edible plants have been cultivated by humankind over thousands of years, and yet more than half of our diet is made up of just three: wheat, maize, and rice. There are many thousands more we can make use of to create a more sustainable food future. Offering the reader an extraordinary peek into the tasty world of plants, Edible explores fascinating plants from every continent, including grains and vegetables alongside quirky local staples, from the little-known spice grains of paradise to dandelions and Irish moss.
With a directory of places to find and purchase featured plants and accompanying resources at the end of the book, this visually appealing compendium offers both a deeper appreciation and understanding of the huge diversity of edible plants and a rich source of inspiration for readers to discover, try, and grow new food for themselves.
150 color illustrations
Kevin Hobbs is a United Kingdom–based professional grower and plantsman with over thirty years’ experience in the horticulture industry. He is the author of The Story of Trees and Herbaceous Perennials (Hillier Gardener’s Guide).
Artur Cisar-Erlach is an ecologist and food expert based in Vienna, whose work spans the fields of food and ecotourism. He is the author of The Flavor of Wood.
Katie Kulla is an illustrator, writer, and farmer based in Oregon.
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