One of the fastest changing cities in the US has more than postcard beaches and pastel-coloured Art Deco façades. Its history is of booms and busts, reclaimed swamps, hurricanes, and crime waves. Throw in a diverse mix of communities and there’s a rich panorama to explore. Some local legends have shared their side of the city. A performative artist, an iconic Latin musician, a cocktail pioneer, and a bold, young curator. It’s all about original minds and the creative vibe.
LOST iN works closely with local bloggers, journalists and photographers from the featured cities. The interviews, in-depth stories and photographic showcase present the city from a locals perspective. Throughout the 70 pages, the alternative guides allow you to discover interesting locations such as a hidden vineyard in Paris, or contemporary art in a WWII bunker in Berlin.
LOST iN is about the value and worth of the experience. It is about the smell, taste, feel, sound and sight that such experiences conjure up. This guide will serve to hone sensitivities and improve the level of engagement with this emerging city.
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