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Non Fiction
Music - Non Fiction
Den andra musiken : en introduktion till att lyssna på klassisk musik
Klassisk musik är en tusenårig skattkammare var börjar man? Musikjournalisten Nicholas Ringskog Ferrada-Noli har skrivit en guidebok för den ovane
215 SEK -
Non Fiction
The Meaning of Art
Since its first appearance in 1931 Herbert Read's introduction to the understanding of art has established itself as a classic of its kind. It provide
135 SEK -
Non Fiction
They Can't Kill Us All: The Story of Black Lives Matter
In over a year of on-the-ground reportage, Washington Post writer Wesley Lowery traveled across the US to uncover life inside the most heavily polic
159 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Non Fiction
Saving Capitalism: For The Many, Not The Few
Do you recall a time when the income of a single schoolteacher or baker or salesman or mechanic was enough to buy a home, have two cars, and raise a f
149 SEK -
Biography - Non Fiction
Dadland: A Journey into Uncharted Territory
Keggie Carew grew up under the spell of an unorthodox, enigmatic father. An undercover guerrilla agent during the Second World War, in peacetime he li
159 SEK -
Art - Non Fiction
Ways of Seeing
Based on the BBC television series, John Berger's Ways of Seeing is a unique look at the way we view art, published as part of the Penguin on Desig
159 SEK -
Music - Non Fiction
Please Kill Me : Den ocensurerade historien om punken
Please Kill Me är den definitiva dokumentationen av den uppkäftigaste, mest respektlösa, vanvördigaste, mest nihilistiska av poprörelser. Detta
199 SEK -
Non Fiction
En annan historia
Femtioen skribenter har i En annan historia valt varsin person att porträttera. Här fÃ¥r du lära känna mattesnillen, lÃ¥tskrivare, politiker, rÃ
265 SEK -
Comedy - Film & Entertainment - Non Fiction
Sick in the Head: Conversations About Life and Comedy
Before becoming one of the most successful filmmakers in Hollywood, Judd Apatow was the original comedy nerd. At fifteen, he took a job washing dishes
185 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Non Fiction
Simma med hajar : en resa mot finansvärldens innersta
"Angelägen läsning för alla med minsta intresse för hur det ska gå för vårt samhälle." Ur Andreas Cervenkas förord "Simma med hajar är n
79 SEK -
Non Fiction
The Descent of Man
'A breeze of a read, makes you see our male-manufactured world a little differently... Grayson Perry has written the very book I wanted to write' - M
225 SEK -
Non Fiction - Photography
Katt People
Katt People är en fotobok som utforskar den speciella relationen mellan katt och människa. Ett förhållande som är intensivt och innerligt, men o
199 SEK -
Non Fiction
Mer allvarligt talat
De senaste tre åren har Lena Andersson deltagit i Sveriges Radios programserie 'Allvarligt talat', senast tillsammans med Horace Engdahl, och svarat
175 SEK -
Non Fiction - Sports
Zlatan: HÃ¥rda fakta
Nytt praktverk om Zlatan! För första gången samlas nu alla fakta om Zlatan Ibrahimovic i hyllningsboken Zlatan: Hårda fakta. En fotbollens mot
285 SEK -
Music - Non Fiction
The Song Machine: How to Make a Hit
How do you make a song a global smash hit that is guaranteed to make $millions? Who are the hit-manufacturers that can create a tune that is so cat
159 SEK -
Non Fiction
The Shepherd's Life: A Tale of the Lake District
Some people's lives are entirely their own creations. James Rebanks' isn't. The first son of a shepherd, who was the first son of a shepherd himself,
159 SEK -
Non Fiction
Det svenska hatet
Vad är det egentligen som har hänt med Sverige? Hur kunde två hatfyllda rörelser - den militanta islamismen och de islamfientliga organisationerna
85 SEK -
Non Fiction
Alla beslut du någonsin tagit, alla gånger du sagt nej istället för ja. Hur hamnade du just här? Kaosologi handlar om hur små saker kan få sto
235 SEK -
Non Fiction
A Short History Of Nearly Everything
Bill Bryson describes himself as a reluctant traveller, but even when he stays safely at home he can't contain his curiosity about the world around hi
159 SEK -
Biography - Non Fiction
The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life
From his years serving in British Intelligence during the Cold War, to a career as a writer that took him from war-torn Cambodia to Beirut on the cusp
235 SEK