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Food & Drink - Health
Hälsorevolutionen kokboken
Vill du också fylla dina måltider med näring, rikligt med grönsaker, goda proteiner, mättande fetter, smakrika kryddor och härliga såser? Maria
225 SEK -
Art - Essays - Health
Sick, Issue 6
Sick is completely written and created by chronically ill + disabled people, publishing features, essays, interviews, art, poetry and more. In this
195 SEK -
Environment - Food & Drink - Health
Det goda livet : maten som gör skillnad för din hälsa
Med sin nya kokbok vill Tareq Taylor och Sara Ask inspirera och vägleda alla som vill förbättra sin hälsa genom maten. Tillsammans har de gjort en
325 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Travel
Mindful Places to Stay
Fresh summer air, leaves rustling at the backdrop of beautiful sunset, subtle wind caressing your skin as you quietly meditate – if this feels anyth
479 SEK -
Art - Health - Mind & Body - Photography - Poetry - Psychology
Body Talk, Issue 2 - The Vulnerable Issue
Body Talk is a platform that aims to break stigmas on mental health and redefine body image through shared experiences, helpful resources, creativity
349 SEK -
Health - Home & Garden
Healing Plants
50 Healing Plants is a collection of 50 cards featuring plants and herbs from around the world that are known for their healing powers and properties
295 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health - Inspiration - Lifestyle
Peaches is a compendium of super-simple principles for living a cleaner, greener life. Written to her younger self in the form of introspective es
595 SEK -
Health - Music
Bodies: Life and Death in Music
Money, freedom, adoring fans: professional musicians seem to have it all. But beneath the surface lies a frightening truth: for years the music indust
165 SEK -
Health - Self-Help & Personal Development
Designing Your New Work Life
We will spend up to 120,000 hours at work in our lifetimes. But how do we best use those hours? And how do we adapt to today's working world? 'L
149 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle - Mind & Body - Philosophy
The Yoga Box
Yoga is a restorative, mindful and gentle practice that can strengthen your body while helping you centre yourself in the moment. Use yoga to relax
249 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Pipers Farm The Sustainable Meat Cookbook
`Without preaching, this argues for eating meat in a better way, sustainably, ethically, intelligently and with an understanding of farming' - Diana H
395 SEK -
Health - Science & Medicine
Superbugs (WIRED guides)
The number of people dying due to drug-resistant diseases is rising every year. What medical weapons and technologies are being developed to stop this
149 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion - Health - Lifestyle - Mind - Mind & Body - Self-Help & Personal Development - Sports - Wellness
Human Shift – The Fifth Chakra
Human Shift – Transformation through movement Sir Isaac Newton stated: “An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless a force acts upon
195 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Salad Freak: Recipes to Feed a Healthy Obsession
A new collection of renowned artist Nikki McClure’s stunning papercuts, with a contemporary, community-minded messageOffering more than 100 inspired
325 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
The Wellness Principles: Cooking for a Healthy Life
From a world-renowned and beloved doctor, an accessible guide with 100 delicious tried-and-tested recipes for healthy living - to eat well, live well,
349 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Salads are More Than Leaves
Salads for all seasons, moods, occasions and cravings. For too long salads have languished on the side-lines of dining tables, reduced to mere acco
265 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Mind & Bowl: A Guide to Mindful Eating & Cooking
Mind & Bowl is a simple, inspiring guide to mindful eating and cooking, inviting you to see eating and cooking as a tool for self-care, creativit
215 SEK -
Health - Nature - Non Fiction - Sports
Trailrunning Sthlm : 50 löpvänliga stigar från Mörkö i söder till Märsta i norr
Löpträning innebär ofta att slita på i samma runda, vecka efter vecka. Jaga tider och räkna kilometer. Traillöpning - att springa på skogsstiga
255 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Happy Cookies: nyttigt & gott
I Happy Cookies: nyttigt & gott får du massor av spännande kakrecept och tips på hälsosamma snacks. Alla recept bygger på rena råvaror och
195 SEK -
Climate - Food & Drink - Health - Wellness
Food Pharmacy: Näringsjägaren
Food Pharmacy släpper en bok för näringsjägare – en berättelse om hur du curlar planeten och din hälsa genom att ta näringsjägarexamen. I
129 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion - Health - Lifestyle - Mind - Mind & Body - Self-Help & Personal Development - Sports - Wellness
Human Shift – The Fourth Chakra (Jessamyn Stanley by Jaylan Rhea)
Human Shift – Transformation through movement Sir Isaac Newton stated: “An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless a force acts up
195 SEK -
Health - Politics - Society
Anonyma Prestationister - en historia om stress
En dag, på väg till ett jobbuppdrag, tvingas Adam Svanell till akuten med en skarp smärta i bröstet. Han verkar ha fått en ny kropp, en som är a
89 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Children´s - Health
Stopp! Min kropp! : en kul och viktig handbok om kroppen, känslor och hemligheter
En angelägen, lättläst och inspirerande bok om integritet och samtycke för barn. Hanna Thermaenius, barnpsykolog på Rädda Barnen, vet hur man pr
179 SEK -
Design - Food & Drink - Health - Lifestyle - Mind & Body - Sports - Travel - Wellness
Great Escapes Yoga
Looking for a vacation that leaves you relaxed and uplifted? Find soul-soothing inspiration in this updated collection of yoga retreats. Angelika Tasc
549 SEK -
Kimchi och Kombucha: Den nya vetenskapen om hur tarmbakterierna stärker din hjärna
Har vi lagt en massa tid, energi och pengar på mediciner, självhjälpsböcker, psykologer och andra terapier i onödan – när en enkel fekaltransp
179 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health - Mind & Body - Wellness
The Wisdom of Tea: Life Lessons from the Japanese Tea Ceremony
For more than 25 years Noriko Morishita has studied and practised the intricate rules of the famous Japanese Tea Ceremony, trying to master its comple
195 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health - Science - Society
Spoon-Fed: Why almost everything we’ve been told about food is wrong
He reveals the scandalous lack of good science behind many medical and government food recommendations, and how the food industry holds sway over thes
179 SEK -
Health - Society
Anteckningar från en orolig planet
Hur behåller vi förståndet i en galen värld? Hur finner vi glädje när så mycket i vår vardag uppmanar till ångest? Tänk om sättet vi lever
85 SEK -
Health - Wellness
Förundran är att se storheten och det ofattbara i det som omger dig. Att hänföras av en gnistrande stjärnhimmel, uppslukas av ett vackert musikst
235 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Culture & Lifestyle - Health - Science & Medicine - Wellness
Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know
The highly anticipated new book from Malcolm Gladwell, No.1 international bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw a
119 SEK -
Design - Health - Lifestyle
Be Well: New Spa and Bath Culture and the Art of Being Well
A showcase of the current culture and architecture, protagonists and ideas, and treatments and aims of twenty-first-century wellbeing. One of life's g
425 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Psychology
Skärmhjärnan : Hur en hjärna i osynk med sin tid kan göra oss stressade, deprimerade och ångestfyllda
Den psykiska ohälsan håller på att ta över som det stora hälsohotet i vår tid. Ett högt tempo, konstant stress och en digital livsstil med stä
129 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
The new green protein: 20 gröna proteinkällor och 60 enkla, läckra recept
Vill du äta mer grönt men är orolig för att inte få i dig allt du behöver? The new green protein är en handbok för dig som vill äta växtbase
179 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Food Pharmacy - kokboken
Nu kommer kokboken som förenklar vardagen för alla som vill börja jaga näring och äta mat som gör tarmfloran gott och håller inflammationer b
179 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Food retreat : 100 hälsosamma & energirika recept
Det här är en bok som handlar om motsatsen till slentrianmässiga måltider. Här är maten bränslet till ett aktivt och energiskt liv, istället f
255 SEK -
Health - Mind - Wellness
The Magic of Sleep: A Bedside Companion
We have spent decades optimising our waking hours, but what about the precious hours after we doze off (or try to)? The Magic of Sleep tells you every
149 SEK -
Health - Non Fiction
Alla kan dö
Hur orkar man leva när man vet att man när som helst kan dö? Journalisten Anna Lindman och tecknaren Nina Hemmingsson förenas i sin rädsla och be
225 SEK -
Climate - Environment - Health
Plastbanta : 101 sätt att få bort plasten ur ditt liv och rädda världen
Ligger du vaken på natten och tänker på alla plastpartiklar i världshaven? Ingen panik! Kriget mot plasten har börjat och du kan vara med och kä
129 SEK -
Climate - Environment - Food & Drink - Health
On Eating Meat
'Compelling, illuminating and often confronting, On Eating Meat is a brilliant blend of a gastronome's passion with forensic research into the sources
195 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle
Vegan Style: Your plant-based guide to fashion + beauty + home + travel
A chic, informative guide to conscious living and a lifestyle manual for living a luxurious, cruelty-free life. '...this little gem...will be my co
225 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body
Into the Forest
What can improve the length and quality of your sleep by over 15%? What can improve your chance of avoiding colds and diseases by over 50%?What can bo
149 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Mat som gör gott: ny vardag med Tareq Taylor
För att leva ett långt och friskt liv är maten – och framför allt vardagsmaten – en viktig nyckel. Och om man frågar Tareq Taylor så ska mat
179 SEK -
Health - Wellness
Brain Food
'I cannot recommend this book enough' Dr Rupy Aujla' Your diet affects your body but it also affects your brain. Brain Food uses cutting-edge re
159 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body
Den psykiska ohälsan håller på att ta över som det stora hälsohotet i vår tid. Ett högt tempo, konstant stress och en digital livsstil med stä
245 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body
The Little Book Of Buddhism
This jewel of a book offers the core teachings on Buddhism applicable in daily life from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This is a classic timeless co
99 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Whole: Down-to-earth plant-based wholefood recipes
From nourishing brekkies, salads and bowls to wholesome main dishes and divine desserts, Whole contains more than one hundred plant-based wholefood re
299 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Spirit
The Green Cure
What we all know on an intuitive level is a scientific truth: the simple act of going outside is good for us – really good for us. It has been sho
169 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle
Oneness With All Life
In this beautiful new edition of selected passages from A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle has picked the essential phrases - the gems of the book - that he f
139 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Psychology
Ikigai : Den japanska livskonsten till ett långt och lyckligt liv
Det som gör livet värt att leva, som får dig att gå upp på morgonen, det är ditt ikigai. Det begreppet och hur man uppnår det står i centrum i
99 SEK -
Health - Mind - Psychology
Duktiga flickors guide till att sätta gränser och skita i vad andra tycker
Är du trött på att vara den snälla kollegan som alltid räddar din hopplösa arbetskompis? Exploderar du om du får frågan en gång till när du
215 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle - Mind & Body
‘This book has the power to change everything’ -Susan Cain ‘A completely original treatment of a completely new and original idea’ -Arianna
195 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Nyfiken grönare : Smartare vego
Att äta mer vegetariskt har vi lärt oss är bra för både hälsan, plånboken och miljön. Men hur får vi det att bli verklighet i vardagen? Med N
249 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health - Sports
Eat, Race, Win - The Endurance's Athletes Cookbook
The food bible for experienced endurance athletes and newcomers to running, triathlon or cycling, with more than 150 recipes and scientifically suppor
525 SEK -
Health - Non Fiction
Calm: Calm the Mind. Change the World
Modern life is hectic and relentless: trains delayed, endless emails filling the inbox, kids squabbling before bedtime... There has never been a more
149 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Non Fiction
Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated
165 SEK -
Health - Non Fiction
Run for Your Life: Mindful Running for a Happy Life
We all know how a long walk, a slow jog or a brisk run can free our minds to wander, and give us a powerful uplifting feeling. Some call it the 'runne
139 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body
The Little Book of Calm: Tame Your Anxieties, Face Your Fears, and Live Free
The Little Book of Calm has the magic formula for anxiety. This definitive book, written by a trained psychotherapist, who regularly appears on CBB
99 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body
The Little Book of Happiness: Your Guide to a Better Life
Are you happy? If the answer is yes, enjoy it. If it’s a no, relax, and be patient. It will return. Happiness comes and goes. The Little Book
99 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle
The Wisdom of Unicorns
Unicorns exist. Fact. And these magical guardians with their powers of positivity, spiritual healing and general awesomeness will offer calm, comfort,
149 SEK -
Health - Lifestyle
Self-Care for the Real World
‘I want to give this book to everyone I know!’ Kate Moss ‘A manual for everyone about real health from the inside out.’ Reese Witherspoon
215 SEK