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Crafts & Hobbies
Crafts & Hobbies - Graphic Design
Uppercase, Issue 63
Uppercase publishes books and magazines for the creative and curious: products that spark the imagination and inspire creativity. Our eponymous magazi
259 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Design
MacGuffin, Issue 14 - The Wall
MacGuffin is a new and unusual design & crafts magazine. It features fabulous stories about the life of ordinary, often anonymously designed thin
349 SEK -
Art - Crafts & Hobbies - Home & Living
John Derian: The Picture Book Collection
This stunning collector's edition includes the original John Derian Picture Book and the equally gorgeous John Derian Picture Book II. Packaged in
1,995 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Rutan fungerar särskilt bra som en form av struktur och verktyg för att förstå det som behöver förstås, för att sätta samman färgkomposition
295 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Laga med sashiko
Den japanska sömnadstekniken sashiko bygger på enkla stygn och används till att laga kläder och textilier i både enkla och avancerade mönster.
285 SEK -
Art - Crafts & Hobbies - Fashion
Mönster: En bok om att repetera färg och form
Det här är en kärleksförklaring till mönster. Samtidigt som det är en handbok, en historik och, kanske framförallt, en inblick i en formgivares
379 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Med avstamp i den kalla årstiden och den nordiska vintern har stickdesignern Maja Karlsson här skapat tjugofem beskrivningar till värmande ylleplag
365 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Design - Fashion
Selvedge, Issue 119 - Savoir Faire
Selvedge Magazine founded by Polly Leonard is published bi-monthly and is a beautiful journal dedicated to all things textile related. Each issue has
349 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Maska för maska
Maska för maska skapas en handstickad garderob. Med utgångspunkt i en kapselgarderob, dvs. din personliga basgarderob, har Elin designat 14 plagg oc
295 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
The slow, mindful craft of hand knitting is good for the planet and good for the mind. Meditative and fulfilling, it gives crafters a sense of accompl
325 SEK -
Activity Book - Crafts & Hobbies
Even More Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage
The perfect resource for collaging work - in the official and bestselling 'Extraordinary Things' series - whether you're new to the art or looking for
259 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
We Are Makers, Issue 10
An independent publication showcasing a wide array of wonderful, dedicated, and talented makers from across the globe. We want to share their stories,
295 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Design
HÅNDværk bookazine, No.11
HÅNDVÆRK bookazine shows aesthetic products created by human hand. Through features and interviews with the practising, dedicated craftsmen,
399 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Crafts & Hobbies - Design
Tools, Issue 4 - To Cut
Tools magazine is an annual publication which seeks to promote and decipher the techniques and know-how of manufacturing in art, design, architecture
295 SEK