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Art - Essays - Health - Wellness
Womanly Magazine Issue No. 8: The Future Is Fat
Womanly provides accessible health information to women and non-binary people through art and creative experiences. In this issue: Our bold and
295 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion - Health - Lifestyle - Mind - Mind & Body - Self-Help & Personal Development - Sports - Wellness
Human Shift – The Sixth Chakra
Human Shift – Transformation through movement Sir Isaac Newton stated: “An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless a force acts upon
250 SEK -
The Modern Apothecary
An inspiring, informative guide to optimising wellbeing, through exploring the evolution of the apothecary trade, key botanicals and their application
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Mind - Self-Help & Personal Development - Wellness
Mindfulness Cards for the Family
This easy-to-use mindfulness deck offers families simple ways to reconnect and spend joyful time together. From the author of the bestselling Mi
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Nature - Non Fiction - Wellness
Vinterbad : En handbok
Kalla bad är hett! Den första kompletta guiden till vinterbad är här! Praktiska tips och härlig inspiration för både nybörjaren och den erf
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Climate - Food & Drink - Health - Wellness
Food Pharmacy: Näringsjägaren
Food Pharmacy släpper en bok för näringsjägare – en berättelse om hur du curlar planeten och din hälsa genom att ta näringsjägarexamen. I
129 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion - Health - Lifestyle - Mind - Mind & Body - Self-Help & Personal Development - Sports - Wellness
Human Shift – The Fourth Chakra (Jessamyn Stanley by Jaylan Rhea)
Human Shift – Transformation through movement Sir Isaac Newton stated: “An object that is at rest will stay at rest unless a force acts up
195 SEK -
Escape - Self-Help & Personal Development - Travel - Wellness
Destination Wellness: Global Secrets for Better Living Wherever You Are
True well-being isnt hard to find. You just have to know where to look. In this insightful, full-color tour of Jamaica, Norway, Hawai'i, Japan, India,
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Body & Spirit - Mind - Mind & Body - Self-Help & Personal Development - Wellness
Now and Zen: Notes from a Buddhist Monastery
'In Japan we have an expression, 'Float like Cloud, Flow like Water'. Its meaning is: to live free and unconstrained' In this short introduction to
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Design - Food & Drink - Health - Lifestyle - Mind & Body - Sports - Travel - Wellness
Great Escapes Yoga
Looking for a vacation that leaves you relaxed and uplifted? Find soul-soothing inspiration in this updated collection of yoga retreats. Angelika Tasc
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Food & Drink - Health - Mind & Body - Wellness
The Wisdom of Tea: Life Lessons from the Japanese Tea Ceremony
For more than 25 years Noriko Morishita has studied and practised the intricate rules of the famous Japanese Tea Ceremony, trying to master its comple
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Health - Wellness
Förundran är att se storheten och det ofattbara i det som omger dig. Att hänföras av en gnistrande stjärnhimmel, uppslukas av ett vackert musikst
235 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Culture & Lifestyle - Health - Science & Medicine - Wellness
Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know
The highly anticipated new book from Malcolm Gladwell, No.1 international bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw a
119 SEK -
Health - Mind - Wellness
The Magic of Sleep: A Bedside Companion
We have spent decades optimising our waking hours, but what about the precious hours after we doze off (or try to)? The Magic of Sleep tells you every
149 SEK -
Mind - Wellness
The Art of Making Memories
The third book from the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute and internationally bestselling author of The Little Book of Hygge, Meik Wiking. Ev
179 SEK -
Mind - Psychology - Wellness
The Little Book of Colour
What if I told you that all around you is something that can increase your motivation and positively influence how you feel? It's called colour.
175 SEK -
Health - Wellness
Brain Food
'I cannot recommend this book enough' Dr Rupy Aujla' Your diet affects your body but it also affects your brain. Brain Food uses cutting-edge re
159 SEK