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Biography - Film & Entertainment - Memoir
Sofia Coppola – Archive
Archive is the first book by Sofia Coppola, covering the entirety of her singular and influential career in film
995 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
Flow Book for Paper Lovers – Mental Health Edition
A book with (almost) no text, just paper: that pretty much sums up our renowned Book for Paper Lovers. Each year, we bring out a new book, simply because we happen to be so fond of paper, stationery, stickers, labels, envelopes, posters, fold-outs, streamers and fold-ups. In this issue: We created a new edition of […]
349 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion
A complete illustrated guide of style tribes and fashion subculture from 1900s-2020s. Stylepedia uncovers global styles, exploring their origins, distinct features, and the cultural and historical contexts that shaped them. From historical trends to the latest buzz on social media, it is your essential guide, providing the knowledge and inspiration needed to understand different styles at […]
425 SEK -
A Dictionary Of Color Combinations
Sanzo Wada (1883-1967) was an artist, teacher, costume and kimono designer during a turbulent time in avant-garde Japanese art and cinema. Wada was ahead of his time in developing traditional and Western
249 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Tips & trix : Smarta idéer för alla tillfällen
Louise Scott driver Instagramkontot och hemsidan Tips & trix där hon förenklar livet för sina hundratusentals följare. Nu kommer hennes allra bästa råd i bokform. Här finns tips på nästan allt du kan tänka dig (och en del du kanske aldrig har tänkt på tidigare), vare sig det gäller städning, förvaring, reparationer, köket, bilen, fritiden […]
295 SEK -
Fashion - Men's Fashion
The Savile Row Suit
The Savile Row Suit is a beautifully curated celebration of the heritage and craftsmanship of bespoke British tailoring. The Savile Row Suit is a beautifully curated celebration of the heritage and craftsmanship of bespoke British tailoring. Written by the esteemed Patrick Grant, famed fashion designer, tailor, and co-host of The Great British Sewing Bee, this book provides […]
549 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Hemtrevligt : 7 byggstenar för att skapa ett personligt hem
Hur får man till ett hem som känns hemtrevligt och personligt? Elin Lervik och Katarina Matsson har identifierat sju byggstenar som tillsammans och var för sig lägger grunden till ett mysigt, kreativt och levande hem. En inredningsfilosofi som tittar förbi trender, fördomar och förbud. De utforskar varför det hemtrevliga är så viktigt för vårt välbefinnande, […]
365 SEK -
Miguel Milá: A Life in Design
Miguel Milá (b. 1931) is considered one of Spain’s first and most influential industrial designers. Starting out as an interior designer amid the country’s early modernist movement, Milá began making the objects he needed but couldn’t yet find on the market. He took raw and renewable materials and crafted prototypes by hand, occasionally evolving designs […]
549 SEK -
Design - Product Design
Designed for Life
A global survey of 100 of the most creative and innovative product designers working today. Designed For Lifeshowcases 100 of the most exciting designers around the world and, through their work, shines a lens on what is happening at the forefront of contemporary product design. The boundaries between design, art, craft, fashion, and architecture have […]
675 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Hammare & spik
Erik Eje Almqvist visar hur du bygger möbler med endast hammare, spik och standardbrädor från valfritt byggvaruhus. Den här boken är en hyllning till Enzo Maris idéer och innehåller ritningar på enkla, vackra möbler som vem som helst kan snickra ihop med bara hammare, spik och brädor i standardformat. Du får också lära dig tekniker […]
275 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Råsnickeri : Alla kan snickra
Råsnickeri är en metod för att snickra med återbrukat material utan förkunskaper. Det enda du behöver är en skruvdragare och en såg. Det är en tillåtande teknik där vi låter slumpen och materialet guida vår formgivning och bygger främst för att det ska hålla och vara bekvämt. Boken börjar med en kort genomgång av hur […]
285 SEK -
Arranging Things: A Rhetoric of Object Placement
This design world classic will be widely available after decades of high demand. Our updated format, featuring a new foreword by the author, is the first re-edition to follow the book’s 2003 publication and the original, sold-out print run. Koren’s visual journey through the heart of design philosophy is paired with original paintings by artist […]
579 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Sunset)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe, but hand washing suggested. *Please […]
349 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Sip Cup (Sunset)
The Sip Cup is a small hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup for the quick espresso, creamy cortado or small evening tea. It can also be used as a pot for tiny plants or as a container for small items or foods. Please note: Photos are only indicative. As each item is hand-glazed they may differ slightly. Holds 140 ml […]
295 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Vulkan)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe, but hand washing suggested. *Please […]
349 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories
Studio Arhoj – Ghost Light Junior
The Ghost Light Junior is a distant cousin to our Ghost Light haunting your home while also brightening up dark corners. The little Ghost is hand cast and glazed in translucent porcelain and comes in its own printed cardboard box. Studio Arhoj is a danish interior & design studio in Copenhagen. Please note: This item is not […]
395 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Fruit Jelly Flux)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe, but hand washing suggested. *Please […]
349 SEK -
Music - Philosophy - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Creative Act
Many famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day and then ages out. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of […]
325 SEK -
No Finish Line (Nike)
“It’s been said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. At Nike, we wholeheartedly agree. For over 50 years, we’ve endeavored to create a better future for athletes. This compels us forward, always. When we say, ‘There is no finish line,’ it’s not a lazy reference to an unending grind […]
375 SEK -
Graphic Design
Letters from M/M (Paris)
A fabulous typographic exploration of the letter forms and typography of one of Europe’s leading design studios. M/M (Paris) was founded in 1992 by Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak, and has since become one of the most experimental and influential design practices and art partnerships in the world. Letters from M/M (Paris) is a complete […]
625 SEK -
Design - Fashion - Lifestyle - Pop Culture
Something’s Off. Nike. ICONS
In 2016, sportswear manufacturer Nike and fashion designer Virgil Abloh joined forces to create a sneaker collection celebrating 10 of the Oregon-based company’s most iconic shoes. With their project The Ten
849 SEK -
Creative Arts - Design - Graphic Design
I Karl Grandins värld samexisterar mytologiska, religiösa och profana symboler med science fiction, tecknade serier och välkända logotyper. I tillståndet mellan dröm och verklighet tecknas här en karriär, ett konstnärskap och ett liv, från billiga jeans på Södermalm till efterrättsöl på en bar i Tokyo.
475 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Design
Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike
From ‘Just Do It’ to the Swoosh logo, everything Nike creates is precision-engineered to connect with its customers’ deepest emotions. Now, Nike’s former CMO outlines a method that uses creativity to forge deep, lasting bonds with customers. He calls it Emotion by Design. Emotion by Design reveals how leaders can harness the creative potential of […]
165 SEK -
Food & Drink
Grekisk mat
De senaste åren har någonting hänt i Grekland: En ny generation kockar lagar enkla och underbara rätter med större medvetenhet, men utan att tappa bort den grekiska identiteten. Det är just den sortens recept den här boken innehåller. Från klassiker som grekisk sallad, moussaka och stifádo till rätter som inte är speciellt kända utanför Grekland. […]
285 SEK -
Food & Drink
Allt gott : Fyra säsonger av måltider att minnas (Cena Atelier)
Vad ska jag laga? Den frågan ställer man sig allt som oftast när man ska bjuda hem sina vänner på middag. Det får gärna vara något extra gott som känns såväl nytt som spännande, men utan att vara för komplicerat att tillaga eller kräva timmar av förberedelser. Och just precis detta – lättillgänglig matinspiration för […]
295 SEK -
Food & Drink
Cookies & crumbs
Alla kan göra en perfekt cookie med rätt kunskap! Det här är en guide till en värld av mjuka, gooey, ibland tjocka med bitar, och ibland sega cookies. Boken innehåller ett 30-tal recept indelade efter kakornas konsistens som chunky & gooey, soft & gooey och chewy & soft. De flesta med en liten twist som […]
255 SEK -
Food & Drink
Enkel god mat (Natur & Kulturs receptsamling)
Att laga enkel mat innebär att man inte använder sig av en massa avancerade tekniker eller specialutrustning. Att laga god enkel mat betyder att man inte tar några genvägar och bara använder de bästa råvarorna man kan hitta och har råd med. Mat ska vara god men behöver inte vara krånglig. Boken innehåller ett 60-tal […]
255 SEK -
Food & Drink
Sedir: Processen
Sedir: Processen är en kokbok som vill vara en vän och ett verktyg i köket. Författaren tar oss med från råvara till uppläggning, och läsaren får följa med i varje steg. Rätterna är ambitiösa men råvarorna vanliga och metoderna enkla. Här finns en tydlig vilja att skapa nytt, recepten består alltid av en okonventionell ingrediens […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Frukt och bär A-Ö
Vid det här laget vet de allra flesta att Paul Svensson är Sveriges grönaste kock. Men det är inte bara grönsakerna han hyllar i sin matlagning, lika stort är hans intresse för att använda alla frukter och bär som växer och odlas här i Norden. Efter succéboken Grönsaker A–Ö kommer nu Frukt och bär A–Ö. […]
379 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Islands
Following the success of Kinfolk Travel, the new book is the start of an exciting series of titles that foster thoughtful perspectives on the places we visit. Filled with ideas and inspiration for where to escape, explore and unwind, Kinfolk Islands is full of vibrant photography, practical guidance and thoughtful reflections on why the idea of an […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Leaving the Comfort Zone: The Adventure of a Lifetime
When you are leaving the comfort zone for an outdoor adventure the most incredible things can happen. This book showcases what it’s like to experience the full spectrum of life. From encountering different cultures to embracing the freedom of nature, making friendships, and traversing through new landscapes, this adventure ultimately takes you on a journey […]
549 SEK -
Kinfolk Travel: Slower Ways to See the World
Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in “slow living,” their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned […]
495 SEK -
Design - Food & Drink - Interior Design - Lifestyle - Travel
The Monocle Book of the Nordics and Beyond
The Monocle team heads north in this celebration of all things Nordic. This heavily illustrated book from Monocle is a celebration of the Nordic region, featuring some surprises, quirks―and maybe a sauna or two― along the way. Monocle’s journalists, editors, and photographers have returned time and again to all corners of northern Europe for insights, […]
649 SEK -
Lifestyle - Travel
The Monocle Book of Italy
Following the success of The Monocle Book of Japan, Monocle’s latest book is a celebration of all things Italian. Few countries pack a punch like Italy – energetic, enigmatic and effortlessly cool, it’s a country of chic beach clubs, tradition-steeped hilltop towns and cities full of soul. Its cuisine is celebrated the world over, its […]
649 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Wanderlust Nordics: Exploring Trails in Scandinavia
Experience the best hiking routes in the Nordic countries through practical tips, informative maps and stunning visuals. From the Ice Sheet in Greenland, to the arctic tundra and rocky coastline in Sweden, to a plethora of enchanting lakes and forests in Finland – the Nordics offer a breathtaking variety of landscapes and endless options to […]
549 SEK -
Tote Bags
Andy Warhol Brillo Tote Bag
Carry this bag in style! The Andy Warhol Foundation Brillo Tote Bag from Galison features Warhol’s iconic Brillo Soap Pad Box, an exhibit installed in New York in 1964 to focus attention on the significance of mundane, commercial commodities representing contemporary society. This amazing bag also includes 3 different limited-edition pins: Banana, Andy Self Portrait, […]
279 SEK -
Tote Bags
David Shrigley Tote Bag – Went Shopping
Official and Exclusive David Shrigley Tote Bag. Manufactured and printed in the UK – 100% Cotton. If you require a tote bag clear about its intentions and objectives, then artist David Shrigley has you covered. We all pretend that we really need that thing we want to buy and that there is a personal purpose […]
325 SEK -
Tote Bags
Emily McDowell & Friends: Groceries & Shit Tote Bag (Olive)
This oversized, sturdy, washable tote bag is the perfect carryall for groceries, books, or six bottles of wine. (Yep, we’ve tested this.) Oh, and isn’t this deep olive color so pretty and shit? – Includes one (1) tote bag 18-inches wide x 15-inches high x 6-inches deep – Shoulder straps have a 13″ drop – Made […]
249 SEK -
Tote Bags
Franz Kafka tote bag (Metamorphosis + Castle)
Double-sided canvas tote bag with cover art of The Metamorphosis and The Castle.From cover designer Peter Mendelsund. Product Details 100% cotton canvas Inner pocket Flat tote 15″ w x 17″ h 11″ strap (hanging) Made in the USA
295 SEK -
Tote Bags
Papercut Tote Bag
Made from 100% ecological cotton, the thick canvas Papercut book bag comes in off-white color and with long handles.
149 SEK -
Tote Bags
Warhol Banana Canvas Tote Bag
Carry a reusable bag in style! The Andy Warhol Banana Canvas Tote Bag features Warhol’s iconic illustration of a banana on one side and his classic black and white stripes on the back. Size: 15 x 17 x 11, 381 x 432 x 28 mm strap Side One: Warhol Banana Print Side Two: Black and […]
325 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – NELA Notebook Medium, Green
This medium-sized wirebound spiral notebook is perfect for writing, drawing, and note-taking. The notebooks come with dotted sheets. -Size: 150 x 190 mm -Colour: Green -Interior: 160 pages / uncoated paper Uncoated softcover Dotted sheets -Made in Europe NOTEM reflects a straightforward and functional approach to design. Rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition of space […]
225 SEK -
David Shrigley Sketchbook – Be An Artist
In a congratulatory message on the inside cover, Shrigley calls this ‘a fine sketchbook’, and he’s right to: 144 pages of heavyweight 135gsm GF Smith Calisto Diamond White paper make up the book, with a lay-flat binding and thread-sown spine. A contrasting yellow spine adds a pop of colour to the book, with a further […]
179 SEK -
The Stockholm Notebook (Levender)
The Stockholm Notebook by The City Works features a detailed drawing of the Swedish capital. The cover is hand-pressed in our studio in Vienna. We use a traditional technique, that sandwiches the design into the paper. This leaves a lasting impression on the cover. And hopefully on you too! The spine of the book is […]
225 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Marguerite Spiral Notebook
Hit the books with our new softcover spiral notebooks, featuring full-color covers with gold foil accents, printed on a heavy-weight textured paper. The notebook has 150 ruled pages, a sturdy double-spiral binding, and pockets for extra storage. DETAILS 8.25″ L × 6.25″ W Textured paper cover with white text paper interior Printed in full color […]
249 SEK -
Diaries & Planners - Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Milo To Do Notepad
Add value to your daily day-to-day by generating an extra dose of overview to capture all your “must remembers”. You can’t keep it all in your head, so use this to make your long to-do list. Size: 100 x 200 mm Colour: White & Blue Interior: 60 sheets / uncoated paper NOTEM reflects a straightforward and functional approach to design. […]
75 SEK -
Notem – Milo Weekly Work Journal (Green & Rose)
This Weekly Planner Book will become your new favorite. It captures all your weekly to-do’s and provides the overview that you need. There is also room for notes and your must do’s of the week. Size: 170 x 235 mm Colour: Dark Green Interior: 48 pages / uncoated paper Exterior: Uncoated Softcover Made in Europe
195 SEK -
Ikigai translates as ‘a reason to live’ or ‘a reason to jump out of bed in the morning’. It’s the place where your needs, desires, ambitions, and satisfaction meet: a point of perfect balance, and perfect fulfilment. On the Japanese island of Okinawa, people live longer than anywhere else in the world. There, finding your […]
225 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Wilderness
Discover the joy of the great outdoors and the pleasures of slow travel with Kinfolk Wilderness. Whatever your pace or purpose, the stories within will provide you with a fresh perspective on what it means to be “outdoorsy,” whether that means trekking from hut to hut in New Zealand, saddling up at a Patagonian ranch or […]
549 SEK -
Health - Mind & Body - Non Fiction
Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling
165 SEK -
Mind & Body
Zen: The Art of Simple Living
Drawing on centuries of wisdom, renowned Zen Buddhist priest Shunmyo Masuno applies the essence of Zen to modern life in clear, practical, easily adopted lessons–one a day for 100 days. Discover the secrets to a calmer, more joyful life: * Understand uchimizu: conveying your true intentions without asserting them * Welcome a Zen mindset into […]
225 SEK -
The Beauty of Everyday Things
The daily lives of ordinary people are replete with objects, common things used in commonplace settings. These objects are our constant companions in life. As such, writes Soetsu Yanagi, they should be made with care and built to last, treated with respect and even affection. They should be natural and simple, sturdy and safe – […]
159 SEK -
Mind - Philosophy - Psychology - Self-Help & Personal Development
When Things Don’t Go Your Way
The million-copy bestselling monk returns with this essential book of Zen wisdom for modern living From the internationally bestselling author of The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down *** What if moments of great difficulty are, in fact, opportunities for growth and self-discovery? What if they can serve as stepping stones to greater […]
215 SEK -
Sommarboken (jubileumsutgåva)
Tove Janssons Sommarboken fyller 50 år! Jubileumsåret till ära utkommer romanen i en vacker, hårdpärmad nyutgåva. Sommarboken är Tove Janssons mest älskade vuxenbok, fylld av humor och visdom. Sophia tillbringar sommaren tillsammans med sin pappa och farmor på en ö i finska viken. I centrum av berättelsen finns vänskapen mellan den gamla kvinnan och den […]
275 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Vad är det som händer nere vid vattnet? Emelie har flytt staden för skogen och ser plötsligt en grupp människor. Sju är de, alla med sin egen särskilda förmåga. Någon var här först och är liksom grunden för allt. En annan är så handlingskraftig att hon suttit i fängelse för dråp. En tredje, nykomlingen, är […]
265 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Ett vibrerande Los Angeles, hösten 1981. Sjuttonåriga Bret är mest intresserad av sex, film och böcker. Han är student på det prestigefulla Buckley School och vill gärna ligga bra till vad gäller status i den sociala hierarkin. Han är tredje hjulet till klassens hetaste par, men håller sig helst i bakgrunden, uppslukad av sina författardrömmar. […]
99 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Den vidunderliga ordningen
Andrev Walden tilldelades Augustpriset 2023 för sin romandebut Jävla karlar men hans säregna språk är äldre än så.
249 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Jävla karlar
Julen 1983 skakas en tvåplansvilla i skogarna utanför Norrköping av ett våldsamt bråk och en hemlighet trillar ut ur en mamma. En sjuårig pojke som heter Andrev får veta att hans pappa inte är hans pappa. Den riktiga bor i ett land långt bort och har hår ner till axlarna. Som en indian , säger […]
99 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Seymour Baumgartner – änkeman, författare, professor vid Princeton – upplever en morgon den ena förargliga motgången efter den andra. Han glömmer att stänga av spisen och bränner handen på äggkastrullen, han halkar i källartrappan och skadar knät. Till sist blir han sittande på en köksstol i det tomma huset och bara stirrar. Blicken faller på […]
285 SEK -
The Short Story of Modern Art
The Short Story of Modern Art explains the how, why and when of modern art – who introduced certain things, what they were, where they were produced, and why they matter. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key works – from the realist painting of Courbet to a contemporary installation by Yayoi Kusama – and […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Art
The Short Story of Art is a new and innovative introduction to the subject of art. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key works, from the wall paintings of Lascaux to contemporary installations, and then links these to sections on art movements, themes and techniques. The design of the book allows the student or art […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Science
The Short Story of Science is a new introduction to the complete subject of science. Covering 60 key experiments, from Archimedes’ investigations of buoyancy to the discovery of dark matter, and then linking these to the history of science, as well as to the key theories and methods, the book simplifies and explains all the […]
225 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
The Short Story of Film
The Short Story of Film is a new and innovative introduction to the art of film-making. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key movies, from superhero blockbusters to indie darlings. The design of the book allows the reader to navigate their way around key genres, movements, and techniques with ease. Accessible, concise, and fun to […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Architecture
The Short Story of Architecture is a new and innovative guide to the subject of architecture that explores 50 key buildings, from the Great Pyramids to high-tech, sustainable skyscrapers. Accessible and concise, the book links the 50 key works to the most important architectural materials, elements and styles, giving readers all the tools they need […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Photography
The Short Story of Photography is a new and innovative introduction to the subject of photography. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key photographs from the first experiments in the early 19th century to digital photography. The design of the book allows the student or photography enthusiast to easily navigate their way around key genres, […]
225 SEK -
Hidden Japan
The ultimate guide to exploring the roads less travelled, in Tokyo and beyond. Chiara Terzuolo takes us on a journey through Tokyo and its surrounding cities, uncovering the hidden treasures that lie beneath the well-trodden hustle and bustle of one of the world’s most-travelled destinations. From tucked-away bars to quirky vending machines, themed walks to […]
279 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Copenhagen
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Copenhagen reveals these good-to-know addresses and facts and many more. Austin Sailsbury went looking for the most wonderful places to be in the Danish capital
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona reveals these good-to-know addresses. It is an affectionate guide to the city, written by journalist Mark Cloostermans. He shares 500 facts and addresses in…
275 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: Portugal
From the team at Monocle, the first in a new series of practical travel guides. Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful Monocle Book of Italy and The Monocle Book of the Nordics, Monocle’s latest title turns its focus to Portugal in an exciting new series of country-specific books. A handbook in feel and […]
449 SEK -
HIKE Stockholm (Swedish edition)
Lace up your trainers and discover new areas in the vicinity of Stockholm by feet. Let our HIKE guidebook be your companion and inspiration for the best hiking gems around Stockholm- Sweden. The natural surroundings of Stockholm are to a high degree, shaped by its ever present bodies of water: The Baltic, Lake Mälaren and […]
265 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Paris
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Paris reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more. It is an affectionate guide to the city, written by a born-and-bred Parisian, journalist Marie Farman. She selected 500…
275 SEK -
Design - Gifts - Home Accessories
Heroin and Cocaine Salt & Pepper shaker by David Shrigley
A cult classic from David Shrigley featured in countless publications, blogs and on the guardian, the Heroin and Cocaine Salt & Pepper shakers are a collector’s item that’s also highly functional. Their return comes with major hype on the way. David Shrigley is a Scottish artist who has come to prominence through his drawings, publications, […]
895 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture
Get Your Shit Together
Get Your Shit Together is the first book that exclusively features recent artwork in color by beloved British artist David Shrigley. This volume celebrates Shrigley’s absurd, deadpan sensibility through both his signature drawing style and accompanying text. Organized by chapters with titles such as Stupid, Nonsense, Dirt, Fear, Paranoia, Love, and Self Delusion, this collection […]
425 SEK -
Art - Humour
I Am The Jug You Are The Glass
This is David Shrigley’s first book self-published through Shrig Shop. The book is a black and white hardback collection of over 300 drawings made by David in the last five years. It is has been published in a limited edition of 5000 books, never to be printed again.
425 SEK -
Playing Cards
Playing Cards by David Shrigley
This pack of 54 playing cards is part of our Play collection, a collaboration between Third Drawer Down Studio and David Shrigley.?A true test in skill and chance, and individually illustrated by David Shrigley, these cards are a revolt against modern deck formats with only black suits in the entire pack. ?Every spade, heart, diamond […]
249 SEK -
Ridiculous Inflatable Swan-thing
Originally designed as a limited edition sculptural piece, cast in heavy polyurethane resin, the David Shrigley Swan has been blown up, literally. This inflatable swan may be missing the graceful curves true to a classic swan, but with its hand-drawn blank expression and erect white neck, it knows exactly what it is, it is a […]
679 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Fuck Fuck Sorry
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
Food & Drink
JapanEasy Bowls & Bento
Tim Anderson shows you how you can build your own delicious bowl from scratch as well as how you can construct your very own bento (Japan’s beloved and beautiful lunch boxes) from the comfort of your own home. Fun to make (and eat) JapanEasy: Bowls & Bento celebrates the versatility, simplicity and joy of Japanese […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Vegan JapanEasy
Believe it or not, Japanese cuisine in general is actually quite vegan-friendly, and many dishes can be made vegan with just a simple substitution or two. You can enjoy the same big, bold, salty-sweet-spicy-rich-umami recipes of modern Japanese soul food without so much as glancing down the meat and dairy aisles. And best of all, […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink - Travel
Le Sud
From James Beard Book Award finalist Rebekah Peppler: The definitive guide to the food, drink, and lifestyle of southeastern France, featuring 100 recipes that reflect the simple, seasonal, and multicultural French table from a modern perspective. For centuries, artists, vacationers, and food writers have fallen hard for the charms of the south of France. And […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi FLAVOUR
In this stunning new cookbook Yotam and co-writer Ixta Belfrage break down the three factors that create flavour and offer innovative vegetable dishes that deliver brand-new ingredient combinations to excite and inspire. Ottolenghi FLAVOUR combines simple recipes for weeknights, low-effort high-impact dishes, and standout meals for the relaxed cook. Packed with signature colourful photography, FLAVOUR […]
425 SEK -
Food & Drink
Brutto ma buono – ugly but good. This is the food of Florence – rigorously simple, few ingredients, exceptionally good. Anchovy with cold butter and sourdough Penne with tomato and vodka Sausages with braised lentils and mustard Roasted squash with borlotti bean and salsa verde Country-style bread and tomato salad 3-ingredient meringue hazelnut cookies The food […]
449 SEK -
Atelier September: A place for daytime cooking
This is a blueprint, you could say, for how to live a good life, eat well, and be happy.’ Atelier September: A place for daytime cooking is the first cookbook dedicated to the renowned Copenhagen restaurant, featuring recipes from owner Frederik Bille Brahe, who grants exclusive access to Atelier September’s most iconic dishes. Eighty-six recipes offer […]
675 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
På glid
Moa och Åsa har hängt ihop sedan dagis, sammansvetsade av sina musik- och konstnärsdrömmar. Nu är de 26 och framtidsplanerna verkar ha gått i lås. Åsa, som går under artistnamnet ShitKid, har hyllats av kritikerna och Moa har just fått erbjudande om att ställa ut på sitt favoritgalleri. För att få tid att umgås och […]
275 SEK -
Saker jag aldrig skulle drömma om att göra
Att finslipa kvällens toalettklotter i förväg, betala för att få en rullgardin avlägsnad, försöka ropa på Pippi Långstrump utan vokaler, spika nazistiskt eller terrorisera omgivningen med en salivmaskin är bara några exempel på saker Jan Stenmark aldrig skulle drömma om att göra. Den som ännu inte delar denna syn på vett och etikett rekommenderas varmt […]
295 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Mjölk och människor
Mjölk och människorär en rolig och kärleksfull serieskildring av alla de vanliga och udda människor som rör sig i en mataffär. Här möts original som Juicemannen, Pionkvinnan, Leona och den darriga damen med fluga. Och alla möter de Matilda, som sitter i kassan. En matbutik blir genom sina kunder och sin personal mycket mer än […]
225 SEK -
Graphic Novels - History
Sapiens – En grafisk roman: Människans ursprung
Hararis Sapiens slog ner som ett bombnedslag i världen och har sålt över 16,5 miljoner exemplar. Boken är översatt till 60 språk. Nu kommer en lättillgänglig och rolig grafisk roman baserad på bästsäljaren. I den tecknade versionen, som vänder sig till unga vuxna och vuxna som i vanliga fall inte intresserar sig för ämnet, får […]
195 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Historien om Galago är mer än en berättelse om en serietidning. 1979 grundade Rolf Classon, Olle Berg och Kerold Klang den punkiga och genreöverskridande tidning som upprört och roat Sverige i över 40 år. Tidsmagasinet kallades den då, och innehöll såväl poesi som fotoreportage och serier. Från väckelsemötena i barndomens pingströrelse över vilda kulturfester på […]
255 SEK -
Graphic Novels
Liv Strömquists astrologi
Visste du att Melania Trump är en typisk oxe – bäst av alla tecken på att härda ut? Att Boris Johnson är tvilling – zodiakens fladdriga pratkvarn? Vet du skillnaden mellan en rigid stenbock och en flippad stenbock? Och vet du vilket tecken som är så hänförande och bedårande att vi inte märker att de […]
275 SEK -
100 Ideas that Changed Architecture
This inspiring book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped architecture. Entertainingly written by an expert on architecture, it provides a concise history of the subject, and offers a…..
225 SEK -
100 Ideas That Changed Design
This inspiring book chronicles the most influential ideas that underpin design thinking. These all-important concepts have not only shaped the evolution of design throughout its history, but also continue to exert an enormous influence on contemporary design practice. Written by two renowned design experts, it provides a concise history of the subject, while offering a […]
225 SEK -
Art - Photography
100 Ideas That Changed Photography
This compelling book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped photography from the invention of the daguerreotype in the early 19th century up to the digital revolution and beyond…..
225 SEK -
Graphic Design
100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design
This accessible book demonstrates how ideas influenced and defined graphic design. Lavishly illustrated, it is both a great source of inspiration and a provocative record of some of the best examples of graphic design from the last hundred years. The entries, arranged broadly in chronological order, range from technical (overprinting, rub-on designs, split fountain); to […]
225 SEK -
Art - Photography
100 Ideas That Changed Photography
This compelling book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped photography from the invention of the daguerreotype in the early 19th century up to the digital revolution and beyond…..
225 SEK -
100 Ideas that Changed Fashion
Charting the movements, developments and ideas that transformed the way women dress, this book gives a unique perspective on the history of twentieth-century fashion. From the invention of the bias cut and the stiletto heel to the designers who changed the way we think about clothes, the book is entertaining, intelligent and a visual feast.
225 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Your Future Looks Bright (Card + Envelope)
This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an organisation created to ensure sustainable forestry and holds the highest level of environmental standards in the paper industry. Rifle Paper Co […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – You Got This (Card + Envelope)
Send a thoughtful message on any occasion with our collection of vibrant greeting cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating world […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Certificate of Awesome (Card + Envelope)
Send a note of support to your nearest and dearest with our thoughtful greeting cards. A blank reverse lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Congrats Grad! (Card + Envelope)
Send a congratulatory message with our extra-long greeting cards, which are perfectly sized for gifting cash or a check. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a […]
75 SEK -
Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Congrats Pennants (Card + Envelope)
Our die-cut flat notes feature vibrant illustrations on the front and space for a thoughtful message on the back. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating world class, individual, personal correspondence.
65 SEK -
Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – World´s Best Teacher (Card + Envelope)
Share the love, show your appreciation, or send a just-because message with our greeting cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating […]
65 SEK -
Self-Help & Personal Development
The Writer Within
Journaling as meditation: Not just for writers, but for anyone wanting to quiet their mind and connect more deeply to themselves and the world Unlock your inner creativity: The prompts in these cards are all about the process, not the product, and will get your ideas flowing Bring ease, structure and clarity to your life: Journal your way […]
249 SEK -
The Pop Culture Timeline
Test your knowledge of when pop cultural events happened with this fun card game! Featuring 300 cards of iconic pop culture moments from the beginning of the century to now, players must arrange each event in chronological order to win. From movie releases to music videos, fashion trends to viral memes, The Pop Culture Timeline […]
349 SEK -
Art - Mind - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Marina Abramovic Method: Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life
A unique, boxed set of 30 instruction cards by Marina Abramovic to teach you the great artist’s Method for reaching a higher consciousness and confronting life’s challenges. Using exercises Marina Abramovic has developed for herself to prepare for her legendary performance works, the Method will help you focus, reconnect with the present, and locate […]
295 SEK -
Gifts - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Box of Emotions
Dip into the Box of Emotions to find the perfect expression of how you feel. Each of the 80 cards contains a mini-essay on a different emotion on one side and a mesmerizing colour pattern on the other. Learn more about yourself and what makes your fellow beings tick, from anger and worry to empathy […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Game
Music Oracles: Creative and Life Inspiration from 50 Musical Icons
Be guided and inspired by the gods of the music world with this creative set of oracle cards. Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what David Bowie, Grace Jones, Maria Callas and other great artists would have done. Simply select a card from the pack and […]
249 SEK -
Playing Cards
Stoner Playing Cards
Take your games night to the next dimension with this psychedelic deck of cards. Stoner Playing Cards are the perfect addition to any game night. With a different psychedelic illustration on each card, this deck will transport you to a trippy wonderland. Whether you’re playing poker, Go Fish, or just shuffling the deck, this full poker […]
249 SEK -
Biography - Music
Boy on Fire – The Young Nick Cave
An intensely beautiful, profound and poetic biography of the formative years of the dark prince of rock ‘n’ roll, Boy on Fire is Nick Cave’s creation story, a portrait of the artist first as a boy, then as a young man. A deeply insightful work which charts his family, friends, influences, milieu and, most of […]
149 SEK -
Dilla Time: The Life and Afterlife of J Dilla, the Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm
“This book is a must for everyone interested in illuminating the idea of unexplainable genius.” ―QUESTLOVE Equal parts biography, musicology, and cultural history, Dilla Time chronicles the life and legacy of J Dilla, a musical genius who transformed the sound of popular music for the twenty-first century. He wasn’t known to mainstream audiences, even though […]
169 SEK -
Disco Pogo, Issue 6 (Justice)
Disco Pogo is the new, bi-annual, electronic music magazine from the original founders of seminal 90s title Jockey Slut.
245 SEK -
Music - Photography
Yo! The Early Days of Hip Hop 1982–84
The birth of hip hop in New York: rare images of the bands, the MCs and DJs, the artists and the fans, from Afrika Bambaataa and Run-DMC to Keith Haring and the Rock Steady Crew. This book features more than 150 rarely seen images documenting the rise of hip hop in the early 1980s, taken […]
479 SEK -
Art - Film & Entertainment - Illustration
The Wes Anderson Collection
Wes Anderson is one of the most influential voices from the past two decades of American cinema. A true auteur, Anderson is known for the visual artistry, inimitable tone, and idiosyncratic…..
449 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
Paul Thomas Anderson
A heavily illustrated mid-career monograph exploring the 30-year creative journey of the 8-time Academy Award–nominated writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson has been described as a true auteur and among the foremost filmmaking talents of his generation. His films have received 25 Academy Award nominations, and he has worked closely with the finest actors of […]
349 SEK -
WADLING : My Head is a Crowded Room
Freddie Wadling var punkaren som blev till en av Sveriges mest folkkära artister. Vad få vet om är att han även var en konstnär som tecknade, skissade och målade i princip varje dag fram till sin bortgång. Skapandet var en del i en kaotisk men kreativ vardag, och den väldiga produktionen visar en säregen bildvärld […]
545 SEK -
Hilma af Klint : Konsten att se det osynliga
I den mest uttömmande boken om Hilma af Klint som hittills getts ut, skriver 20 specialister inom modern konst, konsthistoria, idéhistoria och religionshistoria utifrån sin unika utgångspunkt och ger sin syn på af Klints konstnärskap. Ämnena rör sig från tidig abstrakt konst och inflytandet av Darwin och Goethes färglära till betydelsen av ockulta religiösa rörelser […]
379 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: Youth 1000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
An artist both of her time and well ahead of it, Hilma af Klint was a rare original. Years before such Modernist pioneers as Piet Mondrian and Vasily Kandinsky dipped their brushes into abstraction, af Klint was breaking ground with colorful, energetic compositions that veered away from the figurative. Her group of paintings called The […]
295 SEK -
Art - Design - Non Fiction
Design as Art
One of the last surviving members of the futurist generation, Bruno Munari’s Design as Art is an illustrated journey into the artistic possibilities of modern design translated by Patrick Creagh published as part of the ‘Penguin on Design’ series in Penguin Modern Classics. ‘The designer of today re-establishes the long-lost contact between art and the […]
149 SEK -
KAWS: New Fiction
Based on the blockbuster 2022 solo show in London, KAWS: New Fiction documents the groundbreaking, multi-layered exhibition that presented the artist’s new and recent works in physical and augmented reality. A unique collaboration between the acclaimed artist KAWS, the Serpentine Galleries, digital art platform Acute Art, and the online video game phenomenon Fortnite, KAWS: New Fiction bridges the gap between […]
475 SEK -
Art - Biography
Marina Abramovic: A visual biography
The definitive guide to the life and work of Marina Abramovic, the world’s most famous performance artist.
1,095 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture - Sketchbooks - Stationary
My Neighbor Totoro Sketchbook
Let your creativity soar with Totoro! Celebrated for being one of the best hand-drawn films in the history of animation, My Neighbor Totoro is a true inspiration. This luxe hardcover sketchbook is a must-have for Totoro fans. • Cloth case with a foil stamping of Totoro on the cover • Lay-flat binding for ease of […]
295 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro: 30 Postcards
Enter the enchanting world of legendary director Hayao Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro. Featuring 30 different hand-drawn final frames from the film, this collection of postcards (to keep or send) celebrates the beautiful art and enduring magic of Totoro. A true delight for Studio Ghibli and animation fans everywhere!
195 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro: Catbus Plush Journal
Adorned with the fantastical Cat Bus character from the animated classic My Neighbor Totoro, this soft plush and embroidered journal is a must-have for Studio Ghibli fans and cat lovers of all ages. Includes lined pages and full-color endsheets.
225 SEK -
Spirited Away: No Face Plush Journal
This novelty plush embroidered journal features No Face, the mysterious spirit from the award-winning masterpiece Spirited Away from legendary animation studio Studio Ghibli in Japan. With lined interiors and full-color artwork on the front and back pages, this collectible, irresistible notebook is sure to cast a spell on Studio Ghibli fans and animation lovers of […]
225 SEK -
Spirited Away: 30 Postcards
A must-have for animation fans of all ages, this postcard collection celebrates the award-winning masterpiece Spirited Away from Studio Ghibli, the legendary animation studio in Japan. Featuring 30 final frames from the film-all hand-drawn and gorgeously detailed—these collectible, one-of-a-kind postcards take you on a remarkable journey through director Hayao Miyazaki’s fantastic supernatural spirit world.
195 SEK -
Art - Sketchbooks - Stationary
Spirited Away Sketchbook
Featuring a cloth case, lay-flat binding, a foil-stamped cover, and extra thick pages, the Spirited Away Sketchbook makes writing and drawing an enjoyable experience. Perfect for writers, artists, collectors, and animation fans alike looking for one-of-a-kind art supplies.
295 SEK