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Mother´s Day
Gift Guide
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Baby Jane)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe. *Please note: Photos are only indicative. As each […]
349 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories
Studio Arhoj – Ghost Light
Perfect for cold winter nights, the Ghost Light haunts your home while also brightening up dark corners. The little Ghost is hand cast and glazed in transparent porcelain and comes in its own printed cardboard box. Please note: This item is not suited for children as the Ghost gets very hot. Studio Arhoj is a danish […]
395 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories
Studio Arhoj – Ghost Light Junior
The Ghost Light Junior is a distant cousin to our Ghost Light haunting your home while also brightening up dark corners. The little Ghost is hand cast and glazed in translucent porcelain and comes in its own printed cardboard box. Studio Arhoj is a danish interior & design studio in Copenhagen. Please note: This item is not […]
395 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Sip Cup (Niagara Falls)
The Sip Cup is a small hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup for the quick espresso, creamy cortado or small evening tea. It can also be used as a pot for tiny plants or as a container for small items or foods. Please note: Photos are only indicative. As each item is hand-glazed they may differ slightly. Holds 140 ml […]
295 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Corn Flower)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe. *Please note: Photos are only indicative. As each […]
349 SEK -
Fashion - Lifestyle
The Gentlewoman, Issue 30 – AW24
The Gentlewoman is a fabulous biannual magazine for modern women of purpose. Featuring ambitious journalism and photography of the highest quality….
225 SEK -
Art - Fashion
Twin, Issue 31 (Cover A)
Twin is a biannual art, fashion and feminism book. Founded on the eve of a new decade, Twin is the brainchild of ex-Lula magazine creative director Becky Smith, and a handpicked…..
315 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Design
Ark Journal, Volume XII (Cover A)
At Ark Journal we explore the spaces around us, the objects we put in them and the people who make them. Bridging architecture, design and art, we show them as interplay rather than in silos, and with a sense of enduring Scandinavian values and aesthetics. We celebrate good ideas, honest and inventive design and materials […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink - Lifestyle - Travel
Konfekt, Issue 17 – Winter 2024
Konfekt is a magazine for Sharp Dressing, Drinking, Dining, Travel and Design from the creators of Monocle. Edited between Zürich and London, and printed in Germany, it is a rich, sumptuous quarterly publication covering fashion, travel, design, drinking, dining and culture in both English and German. With good humour, an exacting eye and a brave […]
189 SEK -
Art - Home & Living - Interior Design
Apartamento, Issue 34
An everyday life interiors magazine. Apartamento is widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors magazine. International, well designed, simply written, and tastefully curated since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. The publication is published biannually from its headquarters in Barcelona. It also […]
245 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Själens telegraf
”Som de efteråt skulle lära mig på ungdomsvårdsanstalten fanns det antagligen många anledningar till att jag sensommaren 1992 bestämde mig för att bränna ner min mammas hus.” Somerset, England, 1992. Trettonåriga Iris lever ensam med sin mamma i ett hus som de kanske äger. Samhället präglas av lågkonjunktur, arbetslöshet och oro på gatorna. I Iris […]
99 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Ina, Anastasia och Evelyn. Så heter de tre Mikkolasystrarna, vars mytomspunna livsöden gång på gång korsar Jonas Hassen Khemiris familjehistoria. Familjerna har liknande bakgrund och
179 SEK -
Ditlevsen : En biografi
Renässansen för Tove Ditlevsens författarskap är ett faktum inte bara i Norden utan över hela världen. Ditlevsen skrev autofiktion innan begreppet fanns och använde kompromisslöst sig själv och sina närmaste i sin litteratur. Hon skrev om psykisk sjukdom, missbruk och moderskap, om kön, begär och sex i en tid då det fortfarande var tabu. Hennes […]
275 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Om uträkning av omfång 3
Tara Selter, som fortfarande är fast i den artonde november, och har varit det i 368 dagar, beger sig hemifrån för att få tiden att börja gå och årstiderna att växla. Uttröttad reser hon hem till sina föräldrar och
285 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Cassi har inte alltid druckit pulverkaffe ur PET-flaska till frukost eller bedövat kvällarna med lådvin. Nyss var hon den vackra perfektionisten som glänste som chef, på gymmet, bland vännerna, med kärleken. Nu blir hon till och med uppsagd från det källarrum hon hyr, och köper i stället ett ödsligt beläget torp. Men när hon flyttar […]
279 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
August Blue
‘If she was my double and I was hers, was it true that she was knowing, I was unknowing, she was sane, I was crazy, she was wise, I was foolish? That summer, the air was electric between us as we transmitted our feelings to each other across three countries.’ Elsa M. Anderson is a […]
179 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Hemtrevligt : 7 byggstenar för att skapa ett personligt hem
Hur får man till ett hem som känns hemtrevligt och personligt? Elin Lervik och Katarina Matsson har identifierat sju byggstenar som tillsammans och var för sig lägger grunden till ett mysigt, kreativt och levande hem. En inredningsfilosofi som tittar förbi trender, fördomar och förbud. De utforskar varför det hemtrevliga är så viktigt för vårt välbefinnande, […]
365 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
Nyckeln till hemmet: Inredning, vänner & maten vi delat
I den här boken får läsarna följa med på Elsa Billgrens och Sofia Woods personliga jakt efter nycklarna till ett njutbart och vackert liv hemma. Det är laddat med inspiration, tips och reflektioner. Det är en bok där hemmets uttryck tillåts vara betydelsefullt, där detaljer kan bli centrala, där att inreda är ett sätt att […]
295 SEK -
I huvudet på en trädgårdsdesigner
Hur ser din drömträdgård ut – och hur får du till den känsla eller stil du vill ha? Bli inspirerad att tänka som en trädgårdsdesigner – från idéer, drömmar och analys till hur du sätter ett koncept och får till en fin helhet. Lär dig hur trädgården formges och hur olika rum skapas, och hur […]
315 SEK -
Svenska fritidshus : de lediga dagarnas arkitektur
Fritidshuset är en plats för de dagar vi inte arbetar, men själva husets arkitektur har inte sällan i sig själv en ledig känsla. Det finns en lätthet här, en sorts sandalarkitektur, som vill lägga sig nära människor och förstärka den där känslan av en dag utan krav. Det moderna fritidshuset har en sjuttioårig historia som […]
325 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Handbok i möblering
Efter den internationella succén med bästsäljaren Handbok i inredning och styling är inredaren Frida Ramstedt tillbaka med en ny bok som lär dig grundläggande möbelkunskap som är viktig att känna till – oavsett inredningsstil. Idag vet vi mer om vilka stolar vi tycker är snygga, än vilka vi tycker är sköna. Ibland behöver man till […]
315 SEK -
Biography - Design - Essays
Estrid Ericson − en biografi
Estrid Ericson är en centralfigur inom svensk design och genom hennes livsverk Svenskt Tenn är arvet i högsta grad levande. Men vem var Estrid själv? I den här boken berättas om hennes hela liv, i text och bild. En oerhört vacker och fascinerande historia om en stil- och målmedveten kvinna som lyckades skapa något beständigt […]
295 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Mer än mamma – Fyra noveller om moderskap
Till alla som har en mamma, är mamma, längtar efter en mamma, vill bli mamma – eller tvärtom – inte vill alls. Asken Mer än mamma rymmer fyra berättelser om att tvingas säga nej till den man vill ge allt, om att vara bonusmamma, om självuppoffrande och grusade drömmar, men också om kärleksfulla stunder att […]
225 SEK -
Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk
Hey girlfriend I got a proposition, goes something like this: Dare ya to do what you want. Kathleen Hanna’s rallying cry to feminists echoed far and wide through the punk scene of the 1980s, ’90s, and beyond. Her band, Bikini Kill, embodies this iconic time, and today their gutsy, radical lyrics of anthems like ‘Rebel […]
259 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Gästen är en andlöst spännande roman med stark underström, vibrerande nära gestaltad och samtidigt så ovanligt öppen att hela boken framstår som en spegel.
99 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
I sommartid
På grönskande gräsmattor, bland blommor och fåglar, rör sig människorna runt, runt varandra likt trollsländor – med en djup önskan att nå fram till den andre. Asken I sommartid rymmer fyra varma berättelser skrivna av fyra älskade författare: Virginia Woolf, Anton Tjechov, Katherine Mansfield och Guy de Maupassant. Här finns kärlek, fest och humor – […]
225 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Music
Fire Rush
In a scorching story of music, passion and self-discovery, love will set Yamaye free… SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN’S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2023 SHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES DEBUT FICTION PRIZE 2023 AN OBSERVER BEST DEBUT NOVEL OF THE YEAR It’s time to dance, to love, to be free… ‘Mesmerising’ BERNARDINE EVARISTO, author of Girl, Woman, Other ‘Fabulous’ MAGGIE O’FARRELL, […]
159 SEK -
Presentask med Fyra kvinnliga pionjärer
Den här asken rymmer texter av fyra banbrytande kvinnor – fyra föregångsgestalter som trotsade konventionerna och bröt ny mark, och som lämnade efter sig ett arv som – hundrafemtio år senare – fortfarande lever. De var modernister, självutnämnda genier, och de experimenterade med form och med rytm. De skrev om brännande ämnen och upprörde såväl […]
225 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Mjölk och människor
Mjölk och människorär en rolig och kärleksfull serieskildring av alla de vanliga och udda människor som rör sig i en mataffär. Här möts original som Juicemannen, Pionkvinnan, Leona och den darriga damen med fluga. Och alla möter de Matilda, som sitter i kassan. En matbutik blir genom sina kunder och sin personal mycket mer än […]
225 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Skjut mig
Nina Hemmingsson kommenterar i sina bilder och texter samhällets förväntningar och normer. Både vad gäller kärlek och sexualitet, kön och jämställdhet, åldrande och död. Skjut mig innehåller ett urval av de bilder som bland annat publicerats i Aftonbladet och på hennes instagramsida. Dessa till synes enkla teckningar behandlar ofta stora frågor i livet; som falsk […]
265 SEK -
Graphic Novels
Liv Strömquists astrologi
Visste du att Melania Trump är en typisk oxe – bäst av alla tecken på att härda ut? Att Boris Johnson är tvilling – zodiakens fladdriga pratkvarn? Vet du skillnaden mellan en rigid stenbock och en flippad stenbock? Och vet du vilket tecken som är så hänförande och bedårande att vi inte märker att de […]
275 SEK -
Arga bibliotekstantens bästa skyltsvep
Vad händer om du ser en skylt som visar att ”kassa personal” sökes eller att en butik erbjuder ”Herr Strumpa”? Rycker det i mungiporna är det här en bok för dig. Här finns Arga Bibliotekstantens roligaste skyltsvep samlade, i samma populära maner från Argas populära konto på Instagram där personer från hela Sverige har hjälpt […]
165 SEK -
Graphic Novels
Alltid fucka upp
Moa är i sitt livs värsta kris. Hon har blivit utkastad av sin kille, är sjukskriven och bor med massa papperslösa gubbar ovanpå ett gammalt fryshus i partihallarna, Göteborg. Dessutom har hon panikångest framkallat av att ha rökt spice. Moa söker räddning. Hon vill hitta Händelsen, den som ska förändra hennes liv. Hon pendlar mellan […]
195 SEK -
Hur gör man när man krillgissar? Kan man äta en oxrullator? Vad jobbar en ressigör med? Hur gammal måste man vara för att få köra en U-traktor? I Dyslexikon förklaras alla ord som du inte ens visste fanns. Ord som vid en första anblick kanske ser bekanta ut fast bara är lite felstavade kan i […]
250 SEK -
Therapy Toolkit
The Therapy Toolbox features sixty cards devised by an experienced and qualified therapist to help the user explore their issues in a compassionate and safe space. Split into four categories – Experiences, Emotions, Relationships and Childhood – each card features questions and reflections that emulate the process of therapy, guiding the user through their journey […]
249 SEK -
Art - Mind - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Marina Abramovic Method: Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life
A unique, boxed set of 30 instruction cards by Marina Abramovic to teach you the great artist’s Method for reaching a higher consciousness and confronting life’s challenges. Using exercises Marina Abramovic has developed for herself to prepare for her legendary performance works, the Method will help you focus, reconnect with the present, and locate […]
295 SEK -
The Empathy Game
Do you want to go beyond small talk with colleagues, friends, family, or strangers? This is your game to truly connect with people. Imagine a red car, I’ll do the same. Now describe it to me. No red car would ever be the same. No thought, or story ever is. We listen. We might smile. […]
295 SEK -
Gifts - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Box of Emotions
Dip into the Box of Emotions to find the perfect expression of how you feel. Each of the 80 cards contains a mini-essay on a different emotion on one side and a mesmerizing colour pattern on the other. Learn more about yourself and what makes your fellow beings tick, from anger and worry to empathy […]
249 SEK -
Self-Help & Personal Development
The Writer Within
Journaling as meditation: Not just for writers, but for anyone wanting to quiet their mind and connect more deeply to themselves and the world Unlock your inner creativity: The prompts in these cards are all about the process, not the product, and will get your ideas flowing Bring ease, structure and clarity to your life: Journal your way […]
249 SEK -
Inspiration - Self-Help & Personal Development
Women Don’t Owe You Pretty: 50 cards to protect your energy and find self-love
Be brave and bold – there’s nobody quite like you – it’s time to recognize your confidence and express your true self brazenly.In a fast-paced world, sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the things that make us extraordinary and brilliant and shake our confidence. However, we all need to take time to sit with […]
275 SEK -
Diaries & Planners - Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Milo To Do Notepad
Add value to your daily day-to-day by generating an extra dose of overview to capture all your “must remembers”. You can’t keep it all in your head, so use this to make your long to-do list. Size: 100 x 200 mm Colour: White & Blue Interior: 60 sheets / uncoated paper NOTEM reflects a straightforward and functional approach to design. […]
75 SEK -
Notem – BEA Notebook Medium, New Sienna
This notebook is a new Notem classic! This medium-sized softcover notebook is a handy work tool. Perfect for work or for your everyday notes and scribbles. Whether at the office or on the go – this is the the must-have notebook for business notes, small thoughts and big plans. The cover is soft and made […]
275 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Vita Notebook (Ochre Lines, Medium Size)
Write, scribble, jot, draw, doodle… Use this medium size notebook to keep your notes and scribbles in one place. Take it with you everywhere you go; keep track of the important stuff and the little things. The notebook has dotted sheets inside – perfect for drawing, note taking or even for a new Bullet Journal… Size: 167 x 235 mm […]
119 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Vita Notebook (Lavender, Pocket Size)
This pocket-sized notebook is always close by, always handy, to capture happy moments, make grocery lists, or write down those perfect quotes that you will absolutely remember. Size: 127 x 185 mm Colour: Lavender Interior: 64 pages / Dotted sheets with margin Exterior: Uncoated Softcover Made in Europe
95 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Vita Notebook (Bright Red, Pocket Size)
This pocket-sized notebook is always close by, always handy, to capture happy moments, make grocery lists, or write down those perfect quotes that you will absolutely remember. Size: 127 x 185 mm Colour: Bright Red Interior: 64 pages / Ruled sheets with margin Exterior: Uncoated Softcover NOTEM reflects a straightforward and functional approach to design. Rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition […]
95 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Uma Notebook (Flat Lay, Large, Rose)
Write, draw and preserve new thoughts and ideas. This product is perfect for creative souls. The open notebook presents a blank left page, with a lined right-hand side, leaving space for sketches, mindmaps, notes and doodles. The notebook is sown along the back so that, when open, the notebook presents a perfectly flat surface, with […]
249 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
A home : The World of Carl and Karin Larsson
A unique insight into one of Sweden’s most famous homes. With Carl and Karin Larsson’s life and artistry in focus, lifestyle expert Elsa Billgren shows off the home and inspires you to create the same feeling in your own home.
295 SEK -
Interior Design
Beata Heuman: Every Room Should Sing
The highly anticipated debut monograph from one of today’s leading designers championing playful, original interiors infused with Scandinavian flair. Swedish-born, London-based interior designer Beata Heuman founded her eponymous studio in 2013 after working for Nicky Haslam for nine years. In a short amount of time her lively interiors and custom furnishings have made her one […]
649 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
The New Plant Collector
Darryl Cheng, bestselling author of New Plant Parent, is back with the first book for indoor gardeners who want to step up from basic plant care to creating rewarding plant collections. The world of indoor gardening is exploding with desirable new and unusual plants. Thanks to the resources of the internet and social media, finding amazing […]
249 SEK -
Architecture - Design - Interior Design
Soft Minimal
Building spaces of equilibrium: Norm Architects’ humane simplicity creates environments that feel as good as they look. Guided by ideas of wellbeing, the essence of Norm Architects’ style is balance: richness focused by restraint, simplicity imbued with warmth, complexity heightened by order. Be it architecture, interiors, or furniture, Norm’s unique brand of soft minimalism speaks […]
695 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design - Lifestyle
Still: The Slow Home
Still invites readers to take on the philosophy of the SLOW movement: Living Sustainable. Local. Organic. And Whole. Our homes are ideally placed to support and promote this philosophy, through everything from the materials we source in construction to how we fit-out and furnish them. The choices we make don’t have to be at the expense […]
395 SEK -
Interior Design
The World of Apartamento: ten years of everyday life interiors
Apartamento is widely recognized as today’s most influential interiors magazine. International, well-designed, and simply written since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. Apartamento breaks the traditional magazine boundaries that separate home design from homeowner, and offers readers a glimpse inside the lived-in, often cluttered homes […]
579 SEK -
The World of Agatha Christie: 1000-piece Jigsaw
Follow the trail of murder and mystery set by the Queen of Crime! Travel down the Nile, on the Orient Express and into the drawing rooms of English country homes, hot on the heels of Poirot, Miss Marple and other famous characters, as you piece together
295 SEK -
Dinner with Frida: A 1000-Piece Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle
If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be? A Mexican fiesta awaits in the garden at Casa Azul, but only if you can make it past some spider monkeys, hairless dogs, a fawn and an Amazonian parrot. Join Frida (and Frida and Frida), along with Diego Rivera, Leon Trotsky and a […]
325 SEK -
Dinner with Matisse: A 1000-Piece Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle
If you could have dinner with any artist, who would it be? Bonjour and welcome to Henri Matisse’s studio at the Hôtel Régina. An intimate dinner party or collage of chaos? Grab your scissors and join Pablo Picasso, André Derain and the Cone sisters, along with three very special brioche-eating cats, for a fauvist feast […]
325 SEK -
Dinner with Monet: A 1000-Piece Dinner Date Jigsaw Puzzle
Piece together the artists, artworks and surroundings that bring Claude Monet’s world to life in this exuberant 1000-piece puzzle.
325 SEK -
The World of Jane Austen: A Jigsaw Puzzle with 60 Characters and Great Houses to Find
Piece together the world of Jane Austen in this exciting new 1000 piece jigsaw, inspired by the life and works of the prolific author. Featuring a wide cast of Jane Austen”s contemporaries and characters, take a tour of Austen”s world from the rolling hills of Derbyshire, via Hampshire and Lyme Regis, to the golden stone […]
295 SEK -
Where’s Bowie?: David Bowie in Outer Space (500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle)
There’s a jiiiigsaaaaw, waiting in this box / It’d like for you to solve it / but it thinks it’ll blow your mind! Not unlike the lyrical genius of David Bowie, jigsaw puzzles are at times mystifying yet always satisfying. Not only is the Where’s Bowie? Jigsaw Puzzle a fun 500-piece detail-focused puzzle, it’s also […]
249 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture
Get Your Shit Together
Get Your Shit Together is the first book that exclusively features recent artwork in color by beloved British artist David Shrigley. This volume celebrates Shrigley’s absurd, deadpan sensibility through both his signature drawing style and accompanying text. Organized by chapters with titles such as Stupid, Nonsense, Dirt, Fear, Paranoia, Love, and Self Delusion, this collection […]
425 SEK -
David Shrigley – Fucking Ace Air Freshener
This car freshener is part of our Play collection, a collaboration between Third Drawer Down and unofficially labelled as ‘talcum powder scented’ to some, this irreverently spirited product is keen to arouse your nostrils and cleanse your car dashboards.
95 SEK -
Art - Humour
David Shrigley Keyring – Everything Is Good
A keyring in the shape of a thumbs up with the words Everything Is Good in silver. If you lose your keys your life will fall apart. Use this keyring to prevent such a loss. Details 7.5 x 4 cm Packaged on a backing card Red enamel and silver plating Made in China
195 SEK -
Art - Design - Gifts
Pocket Mirror – Want To Look Like This by David Shrigley
Here we have a brand new David Shrigley Pocket Mirror. Packaged in a gorgeous bag and bellyband package. Dimensions: 7.5mm x 7.5mm.
175 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Fucking Ace
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Magnetic Bookmark – Lick The Words
This bookmark measures 45mm x 105mm Clips over one or several pages and unlike a traditional bookmark will not fall out! Printed in the UK on high quality material This bookmark comes cello wrapped and makes a great gift!
40 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design - Mind
Calm Living
Designing Your Life meets The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up in this guide to creating a space that promotes calm, clarity, and positivity. Discover how simple changes can make any room—and its inhabitants—feel more inspired, clear, and energetic. Designer and Stanford instructor Olga Trusova’s practical and inspiring guide offers easy-to-follow tips for cultivating a calming environment at home or […]
195 SEK -
Activity Book - Mind - Psychology
The Art of Noticing
Distracted? Overwhelmed? Feel like your attention is constantly being pulled in different directions? Learn how to steal it back. Accessible and inspiring, this book features 131 surprising and innovative exercises to help you tune out white noise, get unstuck from your screen and manage daily distractions. Make small yet impactful changes and bring focus to […]
249 SEK -
Ikigai translates as ‘a reason to live’ or ‘a reason to jump out of bed in the morning’. It’s the place where your needs, desires, ambitions, and satisfaction meet: a point of perfect balance, and perfect fulfilment. On the Japanese island of Okinawa, people live longer than anywhere else in the world. There, finding your […]
225 SEK -
100 Tricks to Appear Smart In Meetings
A guide to conquering the corporate meeting. It helps you learn the essential subtle tricks that pay big dividends by making you look really clever in meetings: constant nodding, pretend concentration, useless rhetorical questions, how to nail the big presentation by pacing and getting someone else to control your slides.
165 SEK -
Gift - Humour
Men to Avoid in Art and Life
This hilarious book perfectly captures those relatable moments when a man explains to a woman a subject about which he knows considerably less than she does. Situations include men sharing keen insight on the female anatomy, an eloquent defense of catcalling, or offering sage advice about horseback riding to the woman who owns the horse. […]
179 SEK -
Mind & Body
Zen: The Art of Simple Living
Drawing on centuries of wisdom, renowned Zen Buddhist priest Shunmyo Masuno applies the essence of Zen to modern life in clear, practical, easily adopted lessons–one a day for 100 days. Discover the secrets to a calmer, more joyful life: * Understand uchimizu: conveying your true intentions without asserting them * Welcome a Zen mindset into […]
225 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Venice
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Venice reveals these good-to-know addresses along with hundreds of other secret places and facts. It is an affectionate guide to the city, written by Venice-based author Anna Sardi….
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Berlin
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Berlin reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more. It’s an affectionate guide to the city, written by Berlin-explorer Nathalie Dewalhens. She has selected places…
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Copenhagen
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Copenhagen reveals these good-to-know addresses and facts and many more. Austin Sailsbury went looking for the most wonderful places to be in the Danish capital
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Lisbon
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Lisbon reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more. Miguel Júdice selected 500 great places to be and interesting facts about his home town, Lisbon, like the restaurant…
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of London
Where are the 5 best places to find street food? Which are the 5 best restaurants to grab your lunch at in Soho? Which pubs have the most amazing interiors? Where are the best places to discover vintage vinyl? Which are the most innovative theatre companies? Where will you find the most unusual museums? The […]
275 SEK -
Cityguide - Travel
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona
The 500 Hidden Secrets of Barcelona reveals these good-to-know addresses. It is an affectionate guide to the city, written by journalist Mark Cloostermans. He shares 500 facts and addresses in…
275 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Wilderness
Discover the joy of the great outdoors and the pleasures of slow travel with Kinfolk Wilderness. Whatever your pace or purpose, the stories within will provide you with a fresh perspective on what it means to be “outdoorsy,” whether that means trekking from hut to hut in New Zealand, saddling up at a Patagonian ranch or […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Islands
Following the success of Kinfolk Travel, the new book is the start of an exciting series of titles that foster thoughtful perspectives on the places we visit. Filled with ideas and inspiration for where to escape, explore and unwind, Kinfolk Islands is full of vibrant photography, practical guidance and thoughtful reflections on why the idea of an […]
549 SEK -
Design - Home & Garden - Lifestyle
The Kinfolk Garden: How to Live with Nature
Since the launch of its magazine in 2011, Kinfolk has grown into an internationally recognized brand known for its minimalist aesthetic and strong community of inspiring and influential creatives. Kinfolk‘s books, with a combined 335,000 copies in print, have applied this lens to cooking, home design, and work. Now, in The Kinfolk Garden, the team […]
449 SEK -
Kinfolk Travel: Slower Ways to See the World
Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in “slow living,” their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned […]
495 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
The Kinfolk Home: Interiors for Slow Living
The Kinfolk Table was published in 2013, it transformed the way readers across the globe thought about small gatherings. In this much-anticipated follow-up, Kinfolk founder Nathan Williams showcases how embracing that same ethos—of slowing down, simplifying your life, and cultivating community—allows you to create a more considered, beautiful, and intimate living space. The Kinfolk Home […]
425 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs
The Kinfolk Entrepreneur: Ideas for Meaningful Work
In The Kinfolk Entrepreneur, author Nathan Williams introduces readers to 40 creative business owners around the globe, offering an inspiring, in-depth look behind the scenes of their lives and their companies. Pairing insightful interviews with striking images of these men and women and their workspaces, The Kinfolk Entrepreneur makes business personal. The book profiles both budding and […]
449 SEK -
Hilma af Klint (40 postcards)
Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) is one of Sweden’s most celebrated artists, but for a long time she was almost completely unknown. Today she is internationally recognised for her pioneering role in abstract art.
299 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: The Dove (40 postcards)
Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) is one of Sweden’s most celebrated artists, but for a long time she was almost completely unknown. Today she is internationally recognised for her pioneering role in abstract art.
299 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: Youth 1000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
An artist both of her time and well ahead of it, Hilma af Klint was a rare original. Years before such Modernist pioneers as Piet Mondrian and Vasily Kandinsky dipped their brushes into abstraction, af Klint was breaking ground with colorful, energetic compositions that veered away from the figurative. Her group of paintings called The […]
295 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: The Ten Largest (40 postcards)
Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) is one of Sweden’s most celebrated artists, but for a long time she was almost completely unknown. Today she is internationally recognised for her pioneering role in abstract art.
299 SEK -
Hilma af Klint – Visionary
Hilma af Klint s works have taken the international art world by storm, more than one hundred years after they were created. Around the turn of the 20th century, the new spiritual and
349 SEK -
Hilma af Klint : Konsten att se det osynliga
I den mest uttömmande boken om Hilma af Klint som hittills getts ut, skriver 20 specialister inom modern konst, konsthistoria, idéhistoria och religionshistoria utifrån sin unika utgångspunkt och ger sin syn på af Klints konstnärskap. Ämnena rör sig från tidig abstrakt konst och inflytandet av Darwin och Goethes färglära till betydelsen av ockulta religiösa rörelser […]
379 SEK -
Food & Drink
Frukt och bär A-Ö
Vid det här laget vet de allra flesta att Paul Svensson är Sveriges grönaste kock. Men det är inte bara grönsakerna han hyllar i sin matlagning, lika stort är hans intresse för att använda alla frukter och bär som växer och odlas här i Norden. Efter succéboken Grönsaker A–Ö kommer nu Frukt och bär A–Ö. […]
379 SEK -
Food & Drink
Sedir: Processen
Sedir: Processen är en kokbok som vill vara en vän och ett verktyg i köket. Författaren tar oss med från råvara till uppläggning, och läsaren får följa med i varje steg. Rätterna är ambitiösa men råvarorna vanliga och metoderna enkla. Här finns en tydlig vilja att skapa nytt, recepten består alltid av en okonventionell ingrediens […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Mat & kärlek
I den här boken söker sig Sofia Wood mot kärnan i sitt matlagande: sin mamma Ingalill, som hennes kärlek till mat kommit ifrån. Tillsammans utgår de från den handskrivna receptsamling som följt dem genom livet och som varit navet för familjens måltider och tankar om mat. Med maten som utgångspunkt berättar de om vänskap, tillstånd […]
315 SEK -
Food & Drink
Frukost hela dagen vol. 2
Det här är uppföljaren till succékokboken Frukost hela dagen. Lika populära som Pom & Flora-kaféerna i Stockholm blivit, lika uppskattad blev grundarna Anna och Rasmus Axelsson första kokbok – som satte fokus på den nya moderna frukostmaten. Frukost hela dagen vol 2 fortsätter att inspirera på det inslagna spåret, med både nya lättlagade recept och uppdaterade […]
285 SEK -
Food & Drink
Cravings : maten du vill laga om och om igen
Grönt, skönt och beroendeframkallande gott! Cravings är fullspäckad med rätter som får det att vattnas i munnen och som du kommer att vilja laga om och om igen. Här finns allt från snacks till mättande sallader och härliga grytor och soppor (och självklart finns också ett kapitel med desserter som gör måltiden komplett). Du får stifta […]
265 SEK -
Food & Drink
Vin från A till Ö
Du kanske känner precis som jag gjorde i början. Hur gör man? Det kan kännas stort och svårt men jag är levande bevis på att ett vinintresse inte behöver följas av en flerårig utbildning i nyanser och jäsningsprocesser. Vad som hälls ner i mitt vinglas är en av de roligaste sakerna att ta reda på […]
175 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Marguerite Spiral Notebook
Hit the books with our new softcover spiral notebooks, featuring full-color covers with gold foil accents, printed on a heavy-weight textured paper. The notebook has 150 ruled pages, a sturdy double-spiral binding, and pockets for extra storage. DETAILS 8.25″ L × 6.25″ W Textured paper cover with white text paper interior Printed in full color […]
249 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Colette Spiral Notebook
Hit the books with our new softcover spiral notebooks, featuring full-color covers with gold foil accents, printed on a heavy-weight textured paper. The notebook has 150 ruled pages, a sturdy double-spiral binding, and pockets for extra storage. DETAILS 8.25″ L × 6.25″ W Textured paper cover with white text paper interior Printed in full color […]
249 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Garden Party Pocket Notebook Set
Never lose track of ideas with this set of notebooks, which are the perfect size for tucking into bags, backpacks, and back pockets. Each features gold foil accents and 32 unlined pages. DETAILS – 5.5″ L × 4.25″ W – Uncoated paper cover with natural vellum paper interior – Printed in full color and foil […]
175 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Set of 3 Bramble Stitched Notebook Set
Good things come in threes, and our Stitched Notebook Set is no exception. Each bundle features three notebooks with full-color covers, stitched binding, gold foil accents, and 64 ruled pages.
295 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – Set of 3 Peacock Stitched Notebook Set
Good things come in threes, and our Stitched Notebook Set is no exception. Each bundle features three notebooks with full-color covers, stitched binding, gold foil accents, and 64 ruled pages. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a […]
295 SEK -
Action & Adventure - Notebooks
Rifle Paper Co. – New York Spiral Notebook
Hit the books with our new softcover spiral notebooks, featuring full-color covers with gold foil accents, printed on a heavy-weight textured paper. The notebook has 150 ruled pages, a sturdy double-spiral binding, and pockets for extra storage. DETAILS 8.25″ L × 6.25″ W Textured paper cover with white text paper interior Printed in full color […]
249 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – #1 Mom (Card + Envelope)
This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an organisation created to ensure sustainable forestry and holds the highest level of environmental standards in the paper industry. Rifle Paper Co […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Floral Mother´s Day (Card + Envelope)
Let Mom know you’re thinking of her on Mother’s Day with our thoughtful greeting cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating […]
65 SEK -
Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Garden Party Mother´s Day (Card + Envelope)
Let Mom know you’re thinking of her on Mother’s Day with our thoughtful greeting cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small team in a boutique studio – creating […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Super Mom (Card + Envelope)
It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s our Super Mom card! This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an organisation created to ensure sustainable forestry and holds the highest level of […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Super Mom Blue (Card + Envelope)
Show Mom some love on her special day with our festive greeting card, which features festive gold foil and a gold envelope. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. Rifle Paper Co greeting cards, stationery and paper goods are designed by hand and manufactured in Winter Park, Florida, USA by a small […]
65 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – World’s Greatest Mom (Card + Envelope)
This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an organisation created to ensure sustainable forestry and holds the highest level of environmental standards in the paper industry. Rifle Paper Co […]
65 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustration
The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 7
The Book for Paper Lovers has, over the year, become our mascot; it speaks for Flow and says: ‘See? Paper is definitely here to stay’. This – the seventh – edition is once again a compilation of hundreds of pages full of beautiful paper goodies, which have been divided into three chapters: – Re-post: First, […]
395 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 12
In our new and extra thick edition of the Flow Book for Paper Lovers you will find more than 250 pages full of paper goodies.
425 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
Flow Book for Paper Lovers – Mental Health Edition
A book with (almost) no text, just paper: that pretty much sums up our renowned Book for Paper Lovers. Each year, we bring out a new book, simply because we happen to be so fond of paper, stationery, stickers, labels, envelopes, posters, fold-outs, streamers and fold-ups. In this issue: We created a new edition of […]
349 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Food & Drink - Illustration
Paper Book for Food Lovers
Are you a paper lover who also loves food? Then this might just be the book for you: over 150 pages of paper goodies for foodies. Our first Paper Book for Food Lovers is filled with lots of mouth-watering drawings and foodie paper goodies that will bring a sparkle to any celebration. It includes kitchen […]
249 SEK -
Playing Cards
90s Playing Cards
Throw it back to the raddest decade with these nostalgic 90s Playing Cards. Step back in time with this playful 90s card deck illustrated by Niki Fisher. From The Spice Girls to the Sony Discman, Pretty Woman to Princess Diana, this playful deck is a journey through the cultural touchstones of a totally righteous decade.
225 SEK -
The Pop Culture Timeline
Test your knowledge of when pop cultural events happened with this fun card game! Featuring 300 cards of iconic pop culture moments from the beginning of the century to now, players must arrange each event in chronological order to win. From movie releases to music videos, fashion trends to viral memes, The Pop Culture Timeline […]
349 SEK -
Card Game - Self-Help & Personal Development
Feminist Oracles
Be guided and motivated by the world’s most inspiring women with this creative set of oracle cards. Need advice on breaking the glass ceiling? Find out what Gloria Steinem would do. Juggling family and career? Ask Serena Williams. Need to change your attitude? Angela Davis is at hand. Pick a card and let 50 feminist […]
249 SEK -
Card Game
Art Oracles: Creative & Life Inspiration from the Great Artists
Be guided and inspired by the world’s greatest artists with this creative set of oracle cards. Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what Picasso, Pollock, Kahlo and other great artists would have done. Simply select an artist’s card from the pack, select the oracles’ advice on […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Game
Music Oracles: Creative and Life Inspiration from 50 Musical Icons
Be guided and inspired by the gods of the music world with this creative set of oracle cards. Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what David Bowie, Grace Jones, Maria Callas and other great artists would have done. Simply select a card from the pack and […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Humour
Heads & Tails: A Cat Memory Game Cards
Purr-fect your memory skills with this illustrated cat memory deck. Get ready to pounce into a world of feline fun with our new deck of memory cards featuring illustrations of adorable cats! Featuring 30 cat breeds across 60 beautifully illustrated cards, it’s your job to match the head and tail of each lovable feline. Perfect […]
285 SEK -
Atelier September: A place for daytime cooking
This is a blueprint, you could say, for how to live a good life, eat well, and be happy.’ Atelier September: A place for daytime cooking is the first cookbook dedicated to the renowned Copenhagen restaurant, featuring recipes from owner Frederik Bille Brahe, who grants exclusive access to Atelier September’s most iconic dishes. Eighty-six recipes offer […]
675 SEK -
Food & Drink
All the Stuff We Cooked (Apartamento)
All the Stuff We Cooked is Frederik Bille Brahe’s first cookbook. Edited by Jeni Porter, it features 44 recipes for simple but thoughtful dishes, some staples from his internationally renowned Copenhagen restaurants
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
At Nonna’s Table
Recipes and stories from Nonna’s table. Step into the warm and welcoming kitchen of Nonna Livia with Paola Bacchia’s cookbook, At Nonna’s Table. Inspired by her mamma Livia’s cherished recipes, Paola presents 70 delicious dishes that celebrate the best of Italian home cooking. From soups and appetisers through to main courses, sides, desserts and pickles and […]
395 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ramen Forever
Ramen Forever showcases the world’s most perfect food: ramen. In Ramen Forever, Tim Anderson shows you the way to enjoy delicious homemade ramen on a regular basis, and gives you the tools to build your own ramen, just the way you like it! It is broken into five sections – Broth, Seasoning, Aromatic Oils and Fats, Noodles […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
How to make the best coffee
World-leading coffee expert and best-selling author of The World Atlas of Coffee shows you how to make barista-level coffee at home. We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn’t that be just as […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink - Health
Salad Freak: Recipes to Feed a Healthy Obsession
A new collection of renowned artist Nikki McClure’s stunning papercuts, with a contemporary, community-minded messageOffering more than 100 inspired recipes, recipe developer and food stylist Jess Damuck shares her passion for making truly delicious salads. Salad Freak encourages readers to discover and embrace their own salad obsessions. With the right recipes, you will want to […]
325 SEK -
Essays - Lifestyle - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Gentlewoman: Modern Manners
A selection of stellar contributors to the fabulous women’s magazine The Gentlewoman present a timely selection of thought-provoking, witty essays on manners, offering the modern woman viewpoints and advice on classic conundrums and totally contemporary matters. With contributions from a roster of The Gentlewoman’s impeccably engaging contributors and readers, including Ann Friedman, Eva Wiseman, Otegha […]
295 SEK -
Bring No Clothes: Bloomsbury and the Philosophy of Fashion
Why do we wear what we wear? To answer this question, we must go back and unlock the wardrobes of the early twentieth century, when fashion as we know it was born. In Bring No Clothes, acclaimed fashion writer Charlie Porter brings us face to face with six members of the Bloomsbury Group-the collective of creatives […]
295 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: France
France: The Monocle Handbook, the third instalment in our series of country guides, takes you on a tour of our most cherished Gallic spots. We have traversed the mainland to scout out the crème de la crème of the nation’s bounty. Come with us to Marseille and Montpellier, Biarritz and Brittany, with stopoffs in the […]
449 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: Portugal
From the team at Monocle, the first in a new series of practical travel guides. Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful Monocle Book of Italy and The Monocle Book of the Nordics, Monocle’s latest title turns its focus to Portugal in an exciting new series of country-specific books. A handbook in feel and […]
449 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: Spain
Hot on the heels of Portugal: The Monocle Handbook, Monocle’s latest title turns its focus to sunny Spain in the next of its country-specific books. This practical guide will steer you from the streets of Seville to the mountains of Mallorca, introducing Monocle’s favourite places to stay, eat, shop and visit across the country. Discover the […]
449 SEK -
Swim & Sun: A Monocle Guide
The Monocle team dips its toe into the world of swimming, revealing 100 beautiful and inspiring places to take the plunge. Swimming is excellent exercise of course, but it’s so much more than that: it can be a transcendental experience, offering us space to reflect and to escape. It’s an antidote to screens and all-encompassing […]
449 SEK -
Tote Bags
One Hundred Years of Solitude tote bag
“It’s enough for me to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.” From the One Hundred Years of Solitude 2000 UK cover. Product Details 100% cotton canvas Inner pocket Flat tote 15″ w x 17″ h 11″ strap (hanging) Made in the USA
295 SEK -
Tote Bags
Andy Warhol Brillo Tote Bag
Carry this bag in style! The Andy Warhol Foundation Brillo Tote Bag from Galison features Warhol’s iconic Brillo Soap Pad Box, an exhibit installed in New York in 1964 to focus attention on the significance of mundane, commercial commodities representing contemporary society. This amazing bag also includes 3 different limited-edition pins: Banana, Andy Self Portrait, […]
279 SEK -
Tote Bags
Emily McDowell & Friends: Groceries & Shit Tote Bag (Navy)
This oversized, sturdy, navy canvas tote is the perfect carryall for groceries, books, or six bottles of wine. (Yep, we’ve tested this.) BTW, isn’t the striped shoulder strap super stylish and sh*t? – Includes one (1) tote bag 18-inches wide x 15-inches high x 6-inches deep – Shoulder straps have a 13″ drop – Made from […]
249 SEK -
Tote Bags
Emily McDowell & Friends: Groceries & Shit Tote Bag (Olive)
This oversized, sturdy, washable tote bag is the perfect carryall for groceries, books, or six bottles of wine. (Yep, we’ve tested this.) Oh, and isn’t this deep olive color so pretty and shit? – Includes one (1) tote bag 18-inches wide x 15-inches high x 6-inches deep – Shoulder straps have a 13″ drop – Made […]
249 SEK -
Tote Bags
Warhol Flowers Canvas Tote Bag
Carry a reusable bag in style! The Andy Warhol Flowers Canvas Tote Bag features Warhol’s iconic illustration of Poppy Flowers on one side and a new quote, Some kind of beauty swarfs you and makes you feel like an ant next to it,” on the back. Size: 15 x 17 x 11″, 381 x 432 […]
325 SEK -
Tote Bags
Franz Kafka tote bag (Metamorphosis + Castle)
Double-sided canvas tote bag with cover art of The Metamorphosis and The Castle.From cover designer Peter Mendelsund. Product Details 100% cotton canvas Inner pocket Flat tote 15″ w x 17″ h 11″ strap (hanging) Made in the USA
295 SEK