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Christmas Gift Guide
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Trimmed Tree (Card + Envelope)
Send season’s greetings to family and friends with our festive holiday cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, […]
65 SEK -
Stickers & Labels
Rifle Paper Co. – Deck The Halls (Stickers & Labels)
Add a finishing touch to your holiday presents with our festive stickers and labels, which come in a set of three sheets for a total of 45 stickers. – Uncoated adhesive paper – Printed in full color and foil stamped – Metallic gold foil – 3 sheets of 45 stickers
195 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Grimson Christmas (Card + Envelope)
Send season’s greetings to family and friends with our festive holiday cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, […]
65 SEK -
Stickers & Labels
Rifle Paper Co. – Nutcracker (Stickers & Labels)
Add a finishing touch to your holiday presents with our festive stickers and labels, which come in a set of three sheets for a total of 45 stickers. – Uncoated adhesive paper – Printed in full color and foil stamped – Metallic gold foil – 3 sheets of 45 stickers
195 SEK -
Birthday Cards - Greeting Cards
Rifle Paper Co. – Deck the Halls (Card + Envelope)
Send season’s greetings to family and friends with our festive holiday cards. A blank interior lets your handwritten note take center stage. This illustrated card is blank inside and comes with its own high quality envelope. All Rifle Paper Co products are printed on high quality FSC-certified paper stocks. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, […]
65 SEK -
Stickers & Labels
Rifle Paper Co. – Santa´s Workshop (Stickers & Labels)
Add a finishing touch to your holiday presents with our festive stickers and labels, which come in a set of three sheets for a total of 45 stickers. – Uncoated adhesive paper – Printed in full color and foil stamped – Metallic gold foil – 3 sheets of 45 stickers
195 SEK -
WADLING : My Head is a Crowded Room
Freddie Wadling var punkaren som blev till en av Sveriges mest folkkära artister. Vad få vet om är att han även var en konstnär som tecknade, skissade och målade i princip varje dag fram till sin bortgång. Skapandet var en del i en kaotisk men kreativ vardag, och den väldiga produktionen visar en säregen bildvärld […]
545 SEK -
Svenska fritidshus : de lediga dagarnas arkitektur
Fritidshuset är en plats för de dagar vi inte arbetar, men själva husets arkitektur har inte sällan i sig själv en ledig känsla. Det finns en lätthet här, en sorts sandalarkitektur, som vill lägga sig nära människor och förstärka den där känslan av en dag utan krav. Det moderna fritidshuset har en sjuttioårig historia som […]
325 SEK -
Music - Philosophy - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Creative Act
Many famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day and then ages out. Rick Rubin is known for something else: creating a space where artists of all different genres and traditions can home in on who they really are and what they really offer. He has made a practice of […]
325 SEK -
Biography - Design - Essays
Estrid Ericson − en biografi
Estrid Ericson är en centralfigur inom svensk design och genom hennes livsverk Svenskt Tenn är arvet i högsta grad levande. Men vem var Estrid själv? I den här boken berättas om hennes hela liv, i text och bild. En oerhört vacker och fascinerande historia om en stil- och målmedveten kvinna som lyckades skapa något beständigt […]
295 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture
Get Your Shit Together
Get Your Shit Together is the first book that exclusively features recent artwork in color by beloved British artist David Shrigley. This volume celebrates Shrigley’s absurd, deadpan sensibility through both his signature drawing style and accompanying text. Organized by chapters with titles such as Stupid, Nonsense, Dirt, Fear, Paranoia, Love, and Self Delusion, this collection […]
425 SEK -
Music - Photography
David Bowie – Mixing Memory & Desire
The career of celebrated photographer Kevin Cummins began on 29th June 1973 when, as a nineteen-year-old photography student, he photographed David Bowie. That image is now in the renowned photography collection of the V&A Museum and marked the beginning of Kevin Cummins’ four-decade-long visual chronicle of David Bowie’s remarkable career. David Bowie: Mixing Memory & Desire includes […]
479 SEK -
The World of Virginia Woolf: A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle
A 1000-PIECE PUZZLE inspired by the life and works of the Woolf family. The perfect challenge for book lovers – or anyone who loves a good jigsaw. ALL YOUR FAVOURITE CHARACTERS can be found hidden in this detailed puzzle, as well as some real-life historical figures who played a part in their lives. INCLUDES A […]
295 SEK -
The World of Shakespeare: 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Piece together the world of Shakespeare in this art jigsaw puzzle depicting the London of his day. Spot a huge cast of contemporary extras as A Midsummer Night’s Dream is rehearsed at the Globe and fellow actors wander the streets, along with local characters who may well have provided the Bard with inspiration. From lovers […]
295 SEK -
The World of Sherlock Holmes: A Jigsaw Puzzle
Don your deerstalker and immerse yourself in Sherlock Holmes’ London in this art jigsaw puzzle complete with bodies, boat chases, and, of course, 221B Baker Street. The game is afoot. Spot a huge cast of famous characters, crime-solving clues and historical figures as you assemble the puzzle. Hunt for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most memorable […]
295 SEK -
The World of Agatha Christie: 1000-piece Jigsaw
Follow the trail of murder and mystery set by the Queen of Crime! Travel down the Nile, on the Orient Express and into the drawing rooms of English country homes, hot on the heels of Poirot, Miss Marple and other famous characters, as you piece together
295 SEK -
The World of Jane Austen: A Jigsaw Puzzle with 60 Characters and Great Houses to Find
Piece together the world of Jane Austen in this exciting new 1000 piece jigsaw, inspired by the life and works of the prolific author. Featuring a wide cast of Jane Austen”s contemporaries and characters, take a tour of Austen”s world from the rolling hills of Derbyshire, via Hampshire and Lyme Regis, to the golden stone […]
295 SEK -
The World of Charles Dickens: A Jigsaw Puzzle with 70 Characters to Find
Venture into Dickens’s legendary London in the next in our best-selling jigsaw series. Will you brave the back alleys to find Fagin’s den, or risk Scrooge’s scowl at the counting house? From Uriah Heep’s villainous comedy to Miss Havisham’s eternal heartache, Dickens fans will – like Oliver – find themselves asking for more as they […]
295 SEK -
Food & Drink
Arroz, fried rice, sushi, tadig, onigiri, jollof, biriyani, sticky rice, nasi goreng, mejadra, risotto, jambalaya och paella. Ris är inte bara ett tillbehör utan kan utgöra en hel rätt och beroende på vilken sorts ris du använder ger det olika typer av upplevelser. Riset kan vara sticky, krämigt, luftigt, krispigt, nötigt, parfymerat eller klibbigt och […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink
Sedir: Processen
Sedir: Processen är en kokbok som vill vara en vän och ett verktyg i köket. Författaren tar oss med från råvara till uppläggning, och läsaren får följa med i varje steg. Rätterna är ambitiösa men råvarorna vanliga och metoderna enkla. Här finns en tydlig vilja att skapa nytt, recepten består alltid av en okonventionell ingrediens […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Sandhäxan magiska mackor
För de allra flesta av oss är mackan den första rätten vi lärde oss att laga. Du kommer hem efter fritids, är hungrig, du rostar 8-20 formfranskor, låter smöret smälta på den frasiga gyllenbruna ytan, dundrar på ett par girigt hyvlade skivor hushållsost. Du tar den första tuggan och känner där och då att det […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink
Cookies & crumbs
Alla kan göra en perfekt cookie med rätt kunskap! Det här är en guide till en värld av mjuka, gooey, ibland tjocka med bitar, och ibland sega cookies. Boken innehåller ett 30-tal recept indelade efter kakornas konsistens som chunky & gooey, soft & gooey och chewy & soft. De flesta med en liten twist som […]
255 SEK -
Food & Drink
Vi är alla byggda av potatis. Det är utgångspunkten för den här boken – Stefan Ekengrens kärleksförklaring till potatis, råvaran som har legat honom närmast hjärtat hela kocklivet. Men hur mycket finns det egentligen att lära sig om potatis? Mycket! Bland annat får du koll på olika tekniker och skillnaden mellan stomp, mos och puré. […]
275 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Jävla karlar
Julen 1983 skakas en tvåplansvilla i skogarna utanför Norrköping av ett våldsamt bråk och en hemlighet trillar ut ur en mamma. En sjuårig pojke som heter Andrev får veta att hans pappa inte är hans pappa. Den riktiga bor i ett land långt bort och har hår ner till axlarna. Som en indian , säger […]
255 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Ett vibrerande Los Angeles, hösten 1981. Sjuttonåriga Bret är mest intresserad av sex, film och böcker. Han är student på det prestigefulla Buckley School och vill gärna ligga bra till vad gäller status i den sociala hierarkin. Han är tredje hjulet till klassens hetaste par, men håller sig helst i bakgrunden, uppslukad av sina författardrömmar. […]
299 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Ina, Anastasia och Evelyn. Så heter de tre Mikkolasystrarna, vars mytomspunna livsöden gång på gång korsar Jonas Hassen Khemiris familjehistoria. Familjerna har liknande bakgrund och
299 SEK -
Ironi för änglar
Noveller, dikter, alt lit-essäer, cancerogen bloggprosa – Ironi för änglar är lika mycket retrospektiv svanesång som ett manifest för en ny litteratur. Ett prenatalt självmordsbrev,
225 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Vad är det som händer nere vid vattnet? Emelie har flytt staden för skogen och ser plötsligt en grupp människor. Sju är de, alla med sin egen särskilda förmåga. Någon var här först och är liksom grunden för allt. En annan är så handlingskraftig att hon suttit i fängelse för dråp. En tredje, nykomlingen, är […]
265 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Hanna kommer till Madrid för att arbeta på Pradomuseet och allt i staden är inbjudande och förföriskt. En kväll träffar hon en grupp färgstarka unga svenskar som bestämt sig för att maximera sin tid i metropolen, som ägnar varje het sommarnatt åt att krama musten ur livet. Hanna dras till deras förtrollade krets, ivrig att […]
159 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Darling Clementine)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe. *Please note: Photos are only indicative. As each […]
349 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories
Studio Arhoj – Ghost Light
Perfect for cold winter nights, the Ghost Light haunts your home while also brightening up dark corners. The little Ghost is hand cast and glazed in transparent porcelain and comes in its own printed cardboard box. Please note: This item is not suited for children as the Ghost gets very hot. Studio Arhoj is a danish […]
395 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories
Studio Arhoj – Ghost Light Junior
The Ghost Light Junior is a distant cousin to our Ghost Light haunting your home while also brightening up dark corners. The little Ghost is hand cast and glazed in translucent porcelain and comes in its own printed cardboard box. Studio Arhoj is a danish interior & design studio in Copenhagen. Please note: This item is not […]
395 SEK -
Design - Home Accessories - Mugs
Studio Arhoj – Slurp Cup (Lily Of The Valley)
The Slurp Cup is a hand-cast and glazed porcelain cup. This larger version of the Sip Cup holds more slurps allowing for more coffee and tea to be happily consumed. Holds 220 ml – almost double the size of the Sip Cup for almost double the coffee. 7 x 10 cm – Microwave and dishwasher safe, but hand washing suggested. *Please […]
349 SEK -
Photography - Pop Culture - Travel
Accidentally Wes Anderson
Wes Anderson’s beloved films announce themselves through a singular aesthetic – one that seems too vivid, unique, and meticulously constructed to possibly be real. Not so – in Accidentally Wes Anderson, Wally Koval collects the world’s most Anderson-like sites in all their faded grandeur and pop-pastel colours, telling the story behind each stranger than-fiction-location. Based […]
395 SEK -
Art - Design - Film & Entertainment - Pop Culture
The Wes Anderson Collection: The French Dispatch
The official companion to The French Dispatch and the latest volume in the bestselling Wes Anderson Collection series. The French Dispatch – the tenth feature film from writer-director Wes Anderson – weaves together stories of an eccentric band of expat journalists working at the titular American newspaper in 20th-century Ennui-sur-Blase, France. Broken out into a […]
379 SEK -
Film & Entertainment - Puzzles
Accidentally Wes Anderson Jigsaw Puzzle
An irresistible 1000-piece puzzle keepsake for fans of the New York Times bestselling Accidentally Wes Anderson book and anyone who can’t get enough of Wes Anderson’s unique aesthetic. What could be more quintessentially Accidentally Wes Anderson than a Wes Anderson inspired gallery wall? Puzzlers, film buffs and Wes Anderson fans will all delight in piecing […]
325 SEK -
Accidentally Wes Anderson Postcards
This 26-postcard set celebrates the atypical, the unexpected, the vibrantly-patterned, and distinctively colored. Based off of the crowdsourced viral phenomenon, and created in homage to the director’s distinctive and beloved style, these postcards offer the best of unique, collectible stationery and the means of bringing the world – and your loved ones – just a […]
195 SEK -
Art - Film & Entertainment - Illustration
The Wes Anderson Collection
Wes Anderson is one of the most influential voices from the past two decades of American cinema. A true auteur, Anderson is known for the visual artistry, inimitable tone, and idiosyncratic…..
449 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
The Wes Anderson Collection: Isle of Dogs
The Wes Anderson Collection: Isle of Dogs takes readers behind the scenes of the beloved auteur’s newest animated film. Set in Japan and centered on a young boy’s search for his missing dog, Isle of Dogs features the voices of Anderson regulars Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Jeff Goldblum, F. Murray Abraham, Tilda Swinton, Kunichi Nomura, […]
379 SEK -
Dilla Time: The Life and Afterlife of J Dilla, the Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm
“This book is a must for everyone interested in illuminating the idea of unexplainable genius.” ―QUESTLOVE Equal parts biography, musicology, and cultural history, Dilla Time chronicles the life and legacy of J Dilla, a musical genius who transformed the sound of popular music for the twenty-first century. He wasn’t known to mainstream audiences, even though […]
169 SEK -
Biography - Memoir - Music
Sonic Life: A Memoir
A music-obsessed retrospective, beginning with his childhood epiphany of rock ‘n’ roll in the early 1960s into an infatuation with the subversive world of 1970s punk and no wave blasting forth from New York City – where he eventually runs off to join a band in 1978. By 1981 Moore would form the legendary and […]
225 SEK -
The Creation Records Story
‘The greatest book ever written on British independent music’ Guardian ‘One of the best British music books of the last ten years’ Mojo Founded by Alan McGee in 1983, Creation Records achieved notoriety as the home of Primal Scream, the Jesus and Mary Chain and other anti-Establishment acts. During the Britpop boom of the mid-90s, the astonishing […]
279 SEK -
World Within a Song: Music That Changed My Life and Life That Changed My Music
What makes us fall in love with a song? What makes us want to write our own songs? Do songs help? Do songs help us live better lives? And do the lives we live help us write better songs? Following publication of Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back) and How To Write One Song, […]
249 SEK -
Kraftwerk: Future Music from Germany
The story of the phenomenon that is Kraftwerk, and how they revolutionised our cultural landscape. ‘We are not artists nor musicians. We are workers.’ Ignoring nearly all rock traditions, expermenting in near-total secrecy in their Düsseldorf studio, Kraftwerk fused sound and technology, graphic design and performance, modernist Bauhaus aesthetics and Rhineland industrialisation – even human […]
179 SEK -
Art - Biography - Music
A Year with Swollen Appendices
The diary and essays of Brian Eno republished twenty-five years on with a new introduction by the artist in a beautiful hardcover edition. At the end of 1994, musician, producer and artist Brian Eno resolved to keep a diary. His plans to go to the cinema, theatre and galleries fell through quickly. What he did […]
295 SEK -
Creative Arts - Design - Graphic Design
I Karl Grandins värld samexisterar mytologiska, religiösa och profana symboler med science fiction, tecknade serier och välkända logotyper. I tillståndet mellan dröm och verklighet tecknas här en karriär, ett konstnärskap och ett liv, från billiga jeans på Södermalm till efterrättsöl på en bar i Tokyo.
475 SEK -
Graphic Design
Letters from M/M (Paris)
A fabulous typographic exploration of the letter forms and typography of one of Europe’s leading design studios. M/M (Paris) was founded in 1992 by Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak, and has since become one of the most experimental and influential design practices and art partnerships in the world. Letters from M/M (Paris) is a complete […]
625 SEK -
Graphic Design
A to Z of The Designers Republic
PLEASE NOTE: This item is not available for purchase outside the EU due to the weight The Designers Republic™ is the design group that changed design. But there’s never been a book that tells its story – until now. Led by founder and born rebel, Ian Anderson, The Designers Republic™ has shaped graphic communication over […]
749 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Design - Graphic Design - Interior Design
Japanese Design Since 1945: A Complete Sourcebook
For the Japanese, the concept of design is not limited to functionality or materiality—it is deeply connected with ancient culture and rituals. In this sense, a chair is much more than what you sit on, a cup more than what you drink from: these objects are to be reflected upon, to be touched and cherished. […]
679 SEK -
Design - Product Design
Game Changers: The Video Game Revolution
An A to Z of video games – 300 entries showcasing the most influential and celebrated games, consoles, publishers, and more A visual history of all things video games, this book will provide the reader with an overview of the gaming industry, from the very first game created around the mid-twentieth century, right through to […]
495 SEK -
Graphic Design
The Graphic Design Bible
Discover the history and theory of graphic design from the past 150 years, and how that comes to bear on contemporary design. Designer, writer and lecturer Theo Inglis takes readers through the core building blocks of graphic design such as composition, colour, medium and typography, and explores how each has been utilized and revolutionized by […]
349 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Fuck Off Balloon
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Fucking Ace
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – I Eat People
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Don’t Look Down
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – Shit Ball
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
David Shrigley Boxed Mug – I Want To Look Like This
A novelty mug by the humorous designer/artist David Shrigley. Manufactured in the UK from high-quality stoneware. Details: Size: 95mm Height x 80mm Diameter Material: Stoneware Care: Dishwasher and microwave safe Comes gift boxed
195 SEK -
Gifts - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Box of Emotions
Dip into the Box of Emotions to find the perfect expression of how you feel. Each of the 80 cards contains a mini-essay on a different emotion on one side and a mesmerizing colour pattern on the other. Learn more about yourself and what makes your fellow beings tick, from anger and worry to empathy […]
249 SEK -
The Empathy Game
Do you want to go beyond small talk with colleagues, friends, family, or strangers? This is your game to truly connect with people. Imagine a red car, I’ll do the same. Now describe it to me. No red car would ever be the same. No thought, or story ever is. We listen. We might smile. […]
295 SEK -
Therapy Toolkit
The Therapy Toolbox features sixty cards devised by an experienced and qualified therapist to help the user explore their issues in a compassionate and safe space. Split into four categories – Experiences, Emotions, Relationships and Childhood – each card features questions and reflections that emulate the process of therapy, guiding the user through their journey […]
249 SEK -
Game - Psychology - Religion & Philosophy
Body Language Decoder: 50 Cards to Reveal What They’re Really Thinking
Learning to decode nonverbal communication is a powerful tool to help us understand other people’s thoughts and feelings, and it can help us make ourselves better understood too. There is a wealth of meaning in the body language of those around us and most of us aren’t even aware it exists. Body Language Decoder can […]
249 SEK -
Card Game
Dream Decoder: 60 Cards to Unlock Your Unconscious
Ever dream that you were flying? Or being chased? Do you wake up and wonder ‘what did thatmean’? Dream Decoder presents 60 of the most common dreams, explaining what your unconscious mind is telling you, and what events or situations in your waking life might inspire certain dreams. This improved self-awareness can be used as […]
249 SEK -
Art - Biography
Marina Abramovic: A visual biography
The definitive guide to the life and work of Marina Abramovic, the world’s most famous performance artist.
1,095 SEK -
Design - Lifestyle - Photography
The Art of Kinfolk
With over 650,000 copies of their books in print and nearly 50 issues of their magazine distributed worldwide, Kinfolk has come to define the taste of a generation: From interiors to fashion, portraiture, food and travel, the consistently boundary-pushing photography produced by the brand has coalesced into one of the most influential and immersive lifestyle […]
825 SEK -
Art - Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion - Photography - Pop Culture
i-D: Wink and Smile!: The First Forty Years
i-D began as a fanzine dedicated to the street style of punk-era London in 1980 and quickly earned its position at the vanguard of fashion and style, abiding by the premise of “originate—don’t imitate.” This anniversary volume is the ultimate tribute to the irreverent and forward-thinking magazine that revolutionized not only the world of fashion […]
795 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Design - Fashion
Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech
For Abloh, the museum catalogue is another opportunity to ”question everything.” This special-edition monograph, produced in close collaboration with the artist himself, explores his creative output in a three-books-in-one format. The catalogue section offers an overview of Abloh’s inter-disciplinary practice by Michael Darling and features essays and interviews with key voices in art, fashion, design, […]
995 SEK -
Design - Fashion - Lifestyle
1000 Deadstock Sneakers
An accessible and comprehensive encyclopedia of 1,000 deadstock sneakers––the originals produced for exclusive, limited-edition releases––by trendsetting sneakerhead and infamous reseller, Larry Deadstock “Deadstock” refers to
695 SEK -
Design - Graphic Novels
Marvel By Design
As one of the most recognizable brands in the world, Marvel has spent the last 80-plus years inspiring generations of creatives through its approach to visual storytelling. Marvel’s comic books, in particular, established a distinct graphic language that has found its way into mainstream culture, including 1960s Pop Art, and present-day digital culture, gaming, advertising, […]
549 SEK -
How to Make Work Not Suck: Honest Advice for People with Jobs
Google doesn’t have the answer Dream big, plan small When in doubt, Helvetica Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups Stay curious How to deal with assholes No one knows what they’re doing, neither should you In this straight-talking guide to the real world of work, discover genuinely useful advice that will help you […]
195 SEK -
Gifts - Humour - Mind & Body
Yoga for Stiff Birds
Marion Deuchars has practiced yoga for many years, and well knows the benefits it brings. Now she shares that passion with her illustrated character Bob the Bird, whose expressive poses will charm you into a reviving session of yoga breathing, stretching, posing, and mindfulness. Yoga for Stiff Birds rejects the clichés of studio photography in favour […]
195 SEK -
100 Tricks to Appear Smart In Meetings
A guide to conquering the corporate meeting. It helps you learn the essential subtle tricks that pay big dividends by making you look really clever in meetings: constant nodding, pretend concentration, useless rhetorical questions, how to nail the big presentation by pacing and getting someone else to control your slides.
165 SEK -
Humour - Psychology - Self-Help & Personal Development
Am I Overthinking This?
This is a book of questions with answers, over-answers, and many charts: Did I screw up? How do I achieve work-life balance? Am I eating too much cheese? Do I have too many plants? Like a conversation with your non-judgmental best friend, Michelle Rial delivers a playful take on the little dilemmas that loom large […]
179 SEK -
Gift - Humour
Men to Avoid in Art and Life
This hilarious book perfectly captures those relatable moments when a man explains to a woman a subject about which he knows considerably less than she does. Situations include men sharing keen insight on the female anatomy, an eloquent defense of catcalling, or offering sage advice about horseback riding to the woman who owns the horse. […]
179 SEK -
Self-Help & Personal Development - Society
Offline Matters: The Less-Digital Guide to Creative Work
Offline Matters is a handbook for anybody experiencing digital overload in their lives and creative work.
195 SEK -
Art - Fashion - Film & Entertainment
The Short Story of Women Artists
The Short Story of Women Artists tells the full history – from the breakthroughs that women have made in pushing for parity with male artists, to the important contributions made to otherwise male-dominated artistic movements, and the forgotten and obscured artists who are now being rediscovered and reassessed. Accessible, concise and richly illustrated, the book […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Modern Art
The Short Story of Modern Art explains the how, why and when of modern art – who introduced certain things, what they were, where they were produced, and why they matter. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key works – from the realist painting of Courbet to a contemporary installation by Yayoi Kusama – and […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Architecture
The Short Story of Architecture is a new and innovative guide to the subject of architecture that explores 50 key buildings, from the Great Pyramids to high-tech, sustainable skyscrapers. Accessible and concise, the book links the 50 key works to the most important architectural materials, elements and styles, giving readers all the tools they need […]
225 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
The Short Story of Film
The Short Story of Film is a new and innovative introduction to the art of film-making. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key movies, from superhero blockbusters to indie darlings. The design of the book allows the reader to navigate their way around key genres, movements, and techniques with ease. Accessible, concise, and fun to […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Photography
The Short Story of Photography is a new and innovative introduction to the subject of photography. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key photographs from the first experiments in the early 19th century to digital photography. The design of the book allows the student or photography enthusiast to easily navigate their way around key genres, […]
225 SEK -
The Short Story of Art
The Short Story of Art is a new and innovative introduction to the subject of art. Simply constructed, the book explores 50 key works, from the wall paintings of Lascaux to contemporary installations, and then links these to sections on art movements, themes and techniques. The design of the book allows the student or art […]
225 SEK -
Art - Design - Gifts - Home Accessories
Ridiculous Stress Swan by David Shrigley
Introducing the Ridiculous Stress Swan-Thing. It’s time to solve stress with swans! Packaged in the cutest box with a little hole so he can say hi, this desk companion is a must-have. Foam Rubber Gift Packaged in collectible box Size: 10cm x 6cm x 10cm (3.9” x 2.3” x 3.9”) Packaging Size: 11cm x 11cm x […]
325 SEK -
Art - Design - Gifts - Home Accessories
Box of Crap Packing Tape x David Shrigley
Wrap your cr*p with the Box of Cr*p packing tape, designed in collaboration with David Shrigley exclusively for Third Drawer Down. David Shrigley is known for his drawings, publications and sculptural works featuring the kind of throwaway beauty that spotlights aliens, idiots, monster children and bad parents. Since first collaborating with Third Drawer Down Studio […]
179 SEK -
Design - Gifts - Home Accessories
Heroin and Cocaine Salt & Pepper shaker by David Shrigley
A cult classic from David Shrigley featured in countless publications, blogs and on the guardian, the Heroin and Cocaine Salt & Pepper shakers are a collector’s item that’s also highly functional. Their return comes with major hype on the way. David Shrigley is a Scottish artist who has come to prominence through his drawings, publications, […]
895 SEK -
Art - Design - Gifts
Pocket Mirror – You Look Pretty by David Shrigley
Here we have a brand new David Shrigley Pocket Mirror. Packaged in a gorgeous bag and bellyband package. Dimensions: 7.5mm x 7.5mm.
175 SEK -
Calendars - Diaries & Planners
Jan Stenmark Almanacka 2025
Nytt år och nya dagar! Låt Jan Stenmark guida dig genom 2025. En väggalmanacka för hela familjen med fyra kolumner.
149 SEK -
Calendars - Diaries & Planners - Illustration - Stationary
Frankie Calendar 2025
Frankie’s 2025 calendar is here to bring a bunch of joy to your walls. inside you’ll find..
395 SEK -
Calendars - Diaries & Planners
Nina Hemmingsson Almanacka 2025
Nytt år och nya dagar! Låt Nina Hemmingsson guida dig genom 2025. En väggalmanacka för hela familjen med fyra kolumner.
149 SEK -
Art - Calendars
The Redstone Diary 2025: Moments of Happiness
This year’s edition of Redstone’s beloved cult diary celebrates happiness and the exploration of joy in everyday life. Life, the philosophers say, should be spent in pursuit of happiness. We are bombarded with advice on what fulfillment looks like: on how to be, what not to do, improvement plans, mantras of wellbeing, being kind to […]
295 SEK -
Calendars - Diaries & Planners - Illustration - Stationary
Frankie Daily Journal 2025
Step into the garden with Frankie’s 2025 diary! this year, our diary features illustrations by ..
349 SEK -
Tote Bags
Andy Warhol Brillo Tote Bag
Carry this bag in style! The Andy Warhol Foundation Brillo Tote Bag from Galison features Warhol’s iconic Brillo Soap Pad Box, an exhibit installed in New York in 1964 to focus attention on the significance of mundane, commercial commodities representing contemporary society. This amazing bag also includes 3 different limited-edition pins: Banana, Andy Self Portrait, […]
279 SEK -
Tote Bags
Papercut Book Bag
Made from 100% ecological cotton, the thick canvas Papercut book bag comes in off-white color and with long handles.
149 SEK -
Tote Bags
David Shrigley Tote Bag – Opening Hours
Official and Exclusive David Shrigley Tote Bag. Manufactured and printed in the UK – 100% Cotton. A shopping tote of confusion. David Shrigley has gone all the way Meta with this cool new bag by creating a shopping tote that you take to the shops, sporting a design that advertises that everything is closed. Permanently. […]
325 SEK -
Tote Bags
Sex & Drugs & Pinot Noir/ Winos With Attitude – Noble Rot Bag
Sex & Drugs & Pinot Noir/ Winos With Attitude -Noble Rot Limited Edition Bag Black natural heavy weight organic cotton carrier bag. Double sided black cotton bag with white print. Side A Sex & Drugs & Pinot Noir, Side B Winos With Attitude Size 38cm (W) x 42cm (H) + 10cm (D), with long handles. They’re […]
325 SEK -
Tote Bags
David Shrigley Tote Bag – Fucking Ace
Official and Exclusive David Shrigley Tote Bag. Manufactured and printed in the UK – 100% Cotton. If renowned artist David Shrigley was going to approach the designing of, say, a tote bag, it’s safe to say there’s going to be anarchy, irreverence and swear words involved. And here we are. A (damn fine quality to […]
325 SEK -
Tote Bags
Emily McDowell & Friends: Groceries & Shit Tote Bag (Navy)
This oversized, sturdy, navy canvas tote is the perfect carryall for groceries, books, or six bottles of wine. (Yep, we’ve tested this.) BTW, isn’t the striped shoulder strap super stylish and sh*t? – Includes one (1) tote bag 18-inches wide x 15-inches high x 6-inches deep – Shoulder straps have a 13″ drop – Made from […]
249 SEK -
Who Are You?
How do we define our personalities? Can they change over time? And what even is a personality anyway? Based in the fascinating science of personality, this interactive game of multiple choice provides playful insight into
275 SEK -
Inspiration - Self-Help & Personal Development
Women Don’t Owe You Pretty: 50 cards to protect your energy and find self-love
Be brave and bold – there’s nobody quite like you – it’s time to recognize your confidence and express your true self brazenly.In a fast-paced world, sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the things that make us extraordinary and brilliant and shake our confidence. However, we all need to take time to sit with […]
275 SEK -
Art - Mind - Self-Help & Personal Development
The Marina Abramovic Method: Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life
A unique, boxed set of 30 instruction cards by Marina Abramovic to teach you the great artist’s Method for reaching a higher consciousness and confronting life’s challenges. Using exercises Marina Abramovic has developed for herself to prepare for her legendary performance works, the Method will help you focus, reconnect with the present, and locate […]
295 SEK -
Self-Help & Personal Development
The Writer Within
Journaling as meditation: Not just for writers, but for anyone wanting to quiet their mind and connect more deeply to themselves and the world Unlock your inner creativity: The prompts in these cards are all about the process, not the product, and will get your ideas flowing Bring ease, structure and clarity to your life: Journal your way […]
249 SEK -
Card Game
Favors: A card game to give and take nice gestures
Favors is a humorous I-owe-you card game for couples, friends or family members to help square life out. This set of cards enables you to rebalance the scale whenever you’ve neglected chores, lost your love’s gloves, shrunk their favourite woollen sweater, missed their birthday or forgotten date-night. Simply offer them a random Favor and redeem […]
249 SEK -
Mind - Psychology - Self-Help & Personal Development
Emotional First Aid Kit
Just like the first aid kit in your glove box or bathroom cabinet, the Emotional First Aid Kit is full of practical tools for looking after yourself and the people you love. Each card focuses on a different topic of mental and emotional wellbeing; with an illustration to help visualize how your brain works, and […]
275 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
En kvinna ligger nedbäddad i feber när en handfull människor ur det förflutna står framför henne: en blivande kändis som skrev ett brev, en vän som försvann bortom kartan, en kärlek utan framtid.
99 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Häng City
“För några år sen öppnade en snabbmatsrestaurang vid systembolaget. De valde det oambitiösa namnet Mat City, vilket ledde till att vi därefter började kalla saker efter dess utmärkande egenskap följt av city . En gång sa Davve till exempel att vi borde åka till diskot på Örnäset eftersom det kommer vara Röv City. Vindstilla kvällar […]
95 SEK -
Non Fiction - Society
Girig-Sverige : Så blev folkhemmet ett paradis för de superrika
Bostadspriser som rusar mest i västvärlden. Hundratusentals svenskar som kastar sig in på börsen. En före detta socialdemokratisk statsminister som blir god för 60 miljoner kronor efter politiken. Ett tidigare kommunalråd som tjänar åtta miljarder på fem år. Tvåhundra nya miljardärer inom loppet av 24 månader. Sverige var länge känt som ett av världens mest […]
149 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Hundra år av ensamhet
Hundra år av ensamhet är historien om sju generationer i familjen Buendía, deras drömmar, strävanden och olyckor i den lilla colombianska byn Macondo. Den by och den släkt som i begynnelsen grundas av José Arcadio Buendía går båda sitt oundvikliga slut till mötes i en oförliknelig roman som blivit en klassiker. Hundra år av ensamhet […]
169 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Vid vilken tidpunkt spårar allt ur? Några veckor senare ska hon försöka kartlägga händelseförloppet, försöka förstå i vilket ögonblick kompassen förlorar norrläget. En kvinna anländer till Florens där allt tycks henne främmande och överväldigande. Tegeltaken, kyrktornen, alla älskande par. Mannen hon har träffat. Hon tänker att hon själv kommer från en mycket karg trakt, har […]
99 SEK -
Fiction - Thriller & Crime
Skriften i vattnet
Det är midsommarafton och bordet på bryggan är dukat med finporslinet. Affärsmannen Olof Helanders gäster från Kina och Frankrike är på plats. Nu ska här festas på svenskast möjliga vis. Då glider en öppen båt in mot bryggan. Två maskerade män reser sig. En halv minut senare är midsommaridyllen förbytt mot ett blodbad.
99 SEK -
Art - Design - Non Fiction
Design as Art
One of the last surviving members of the futurist generation, Bruno Munari’s Design as Art is an illustrated journey into the artistic possibilities of modern design translated by Patrick Creagh published as part of the ‘Penguin on Design’ series in Penguin Modern Classics. ‘The designer of today re-establishes the long-lost contact between art and the […]
149 SEK -
Art - Non Fiction - Photography
Understanding a Photograph
John Berger’s writings on photography are some of the most original of the twentieth century. This selection contains many groundbreaking essays and previously uncollected pieces written for…..
149 SEK -
Art - Photography
On Photography
How do we see the world around us? The Penguin on Design series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever……
149 SEK -
Bring No Clothes: Bloomsbury and the Philosophy of Fashion
Why do we wear what we wear? To answer this question, we must go back and unlock the wardrobes of the early twentieth century, when fashion as we know it was born. In Bring No Clothes, acclaimed fashion writer Charlie Porter brings us face to face with six members of the Bloomsbury Group-the collective of creatives […]
295 SEK -
Design - Fashion - Philosophy
What Artists Wear
Most of us live our lives in our clothes without realizing their power. But in the hands of artists, garments reveal themselves. They are pure tools of expression, storytelling, resistance and creativity: canvases on which to show who we really are. In What Artists Wear, style luminary Charlie Porter takes us on an invigorating, eye-opening […]
195 SEK -
Art - Non Fiction
Ways of Seeing
Based on the BBC television series, John Berger’s Ways of Seeing is a unique look at the way we view art, published as part of the Penguin on Design series in Penguin Modern Classics. ‘Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak.’ ‘But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. […]
159 SEK -
Men's Fashion
The Rebel’s Wardrobe: The Untold Story of Menswear’s Renegade Past
An entertaining exploration of trend-immune fashion classics and the surprising origins of your everyday clothing items. How did the plain white T-shirt become an everyday hero? Which movie star helped turn the leather jacket into a global icon? And were chinos really created for military purposes? The origin stories of these casual men’s fashion staples […]
595 SEK -
Art - Design - Fashion - Lifestyle
Palace Product Descriptions – The Selected Archive
Phaidon presents Palace Product Descriptions: The Selected Archive, the official printed archive of Palace Skateboard’s online product descriptions. Since their debut in 2013, Palace’s unconventional descriptors – which often have little or nothing to do
449 SEK -
Fashion - History
Black Ivy: A Revolt in Style
Black Ivy: A Revolt in Style charts a period in American history when black men across the country adopted the clothing of a privileged elite and made it their own. From the most avant-garde jazz musicians, visual artists and poets to the most unassuming architects, philosophers and writers, Black Ivy looks at how a generation […]
549 SEK -
Fashion - Lifestyle - Photography
The first monograph on the iconic independent New York street fashion label Supreme. In April 1994, Supreme opened its doors on Lafayette Street in downtown Manhattan and became the home of…..
625 SEK -
Lifestyle - Photography
Supreme (Vol.2)
Over the past 25 years, Supreme has transformed itself from a downtown New York skate shop into an iconic global brand. This book looks back on more than two decades of the creations, stories, and careless attitude that are uniquely Supreme. Featuring more than 800 stunning images, from photographers such as Larry Clark, Gosha Rubchinskiy, […]
495 SEK -
Fashion - Men's Fashion
The Men’s Fashion Book
A stunning, stylish, and authoritative A–Z celebration of the 500 greatest names in men’s fashion – an unprecedented guide. The Men’s Fashion Book is an unparalleled A–Z deep-dive into the designers, photographers, icons, and other creatives who have produced and inspired the most memorable looks in menswear – and are advancing today’s renaissance in men’s clothing […]
749 SEK -
The World of Dracula: 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Enter the gothic World of Dracula in this stunning jigsaw puzzle by Adam Simpson. Packed with characters from the story, the illustration covers all the key scenes in incredible detail so that every piece has something to capture the imagination. This richly rewarding puzzle is accompanied by an illustrated poster and explanatory text detailing who’s […]
295 SEK -
The World of Frankenstein: A Jigsaw Puzzle by Adam Simpson
STUNNING DETAIL – Adam Simpson’s strong line makes for a jigsaw experience that is both challenging and richly rewarding, with visual interest on every single piece PERENNIAL APPEAL – Frankenstein’s monster is a character who has transcended the novel to become part of the cultural consciousness. Even if you’ve never read the book you will […]
295 SEK -
The World of Hercule Poirot: A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Put your little grey cells to the test as you piece together Hercule Poirot’s most famous cases. You’ll need to use order and method to spot all of the clues, crimes and culprits hidden in this intricate jigsaw, which references all thirty-three of Agatha Christie’s beloved Poirot novels. 1000-PIECE PUZZLE measuring 48.5 x 68 cm […]
295 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture - Puzzles
Pop Art Puzzle: Make the Jigsaw and Spot the Artists
Piece together the pop art universe in this jigsaw puzzle depicting the madcap world of art from Botticelli’s Birth of Venus to Damien Hirst’s diamond-encrusted skull. Spot a huge collection of art-world darlings (including Andy Warhol, Salvador Dal , Frida Kahlo and Yayoi Kusama) and savor a fantastical multitude of artistic details as you build […]
295 SEK -
Inside the Chocolate Factory: A Movie Jigsaw Puzzle
Piece together the world of Willy Wonka’s famous chocolate factory in this candy-covered puzzle. As weird and wonderful as Wonka’s vision, the surreal illustration references the 1971 film as well as Roald Dahl’s original book, at the same time throwing open the doors of the factory to include real-life characters (some stranger than fiction) so […]
295 SEK -
The World of James Bond: A 1000-piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Piece together the world of James Bond in this exciting jigsaw inspired by the iconic films. The perfect challenge for dedicated James Bond fans, lovers of cinema – or anyone who enjoys a good puzzle.
295 SEK -
Art - Biography - Crafts & Hobbies
By My Hands
Florian Gadsby has devoted his life to pottery, refining his technique towards the point of perfection – and as his skill has grown, so has his social media following, which today numbers in the millions. Based at a studio in North London, he releases three new collections per year, characterized by simple forms and sharp […]
395 SEK -
Art - Crafts & Hobbies - Design
Clay: Contemporary Ceramic Artisans
Once upon a time pottery schools saw an increase in enrolments whenever the film Ghost aired on television. Today it is all year round. Not since the 1970s has there been this level of interest and appreciation for pottery and ceramics. The return to the handmade has been driven by our increasingly digital lives and […]
349 SEK -
Art - Crafts & Hobbies - Design
Urban Potters: Makers in the City
Clay is back: the age-old craft of ceramics is being embraced by a new generation of urban makers and collectors—and by interior designers. Here, Katie Treggiden explores the contemporary revival of pottery, focusing on six inspiring cities and their makers. Twenty-five young and passionate ceramicists in New York, London, Tokyo, Copenhagen, Sydney, and Sao Paulo […]
295 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies
Hammare & spik
Erik Eje Almqvist visar hur du bygger möbler med endast hammare, spik och standardbrädor från valfritt byggvaruhus. Den här boken är en hyllning till Enzo Maris idéer och innehåller ritningar på enkla, vackra möbler som vem som helst kan snickra ihop med bara hammare, spik och brädor i standardformat. Du får också lära dig tekniker […]
275 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Design
Mid-century Woodworking: 80 Projects to Make by Hand
Make your own beautiful mid-century wooden objects for the home. With over 80 projects, from the simple to the advanced, this is the perfect book to progress your woodworking skills and create something beautiful for your home. These sought-after classic designs from the 1950s and ’60s include a range of items for home and garden, […]
325 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Interior Design
Bygga bastu : Steg för steg & bastuinspiration
Har du också drömt om att bygga en egen bastu men inte riktigt vetat var du ska börja? Bygga bastu är en praktisk handbok som håller dig i handen genom hela processen, från första hammarslaget till första skopan vatten på stenarna. Pedagogiska steg för steg-kapitel behandlar alla moment i bygget och varvas med snickartips, metoder […]
285 SEK -
Food & Drink
Seinfeld: The Official Cookbook
From Jerry’s kitchen to Monk’s café, food is central to many of Seinfeld’s most memorable moments, and this official cookbook teaches fans to prepare favorite dishes from the show right in their own homes! Stash the takeout menus and cancel reservations at Mendy’s, it’s time to stay in for a taste of New York City […]
355 SEK -
Film & Entertainment - Food & Drink
Snoop Dogg Presents Goon with the Spoon
Following the breakout success of his first cookbook, From Crook to Cook, Snoop Dogg returns with this new collection of recipes in collaboration with his friend and iconic Bay Area rapper E-40. Drawing inspiration from both rappers’ musical catalog, Snoop’s VH1 show with Martha, and E-40’s Filipino food business, Lumpia, here are 65+ crowd-pleasing dishes that […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink
The Noma Guide to Fermentation
Fermentation is moving away from the school of faddish wackiness to a greater understanding of the benefits that the flavour profile can give food and the health benefits of eating fermented foods. Noma, the Copenhagen restaurant of René Redzep, has been one of the instigators in this culinary appreciation. Every dish at Noma includes some […]
425 SEK -
Food & Drink
Brutto ma buono – ugly but good. This is the food of Florence – rigorously simple, few ingredients, exceptionally good. Anchovy with cold butter and sourdough Penne with tomato and vodka Sausages with braised lentils and mustard Roasted squash with borlotti bean and salsa verde Country-style bread and tomato salad 3-ingredient meringue hazelnut cookies The food […]
449 SEK -
Food & Drink
Japan: The Vegetarian Cookbook
From the author of global bestseller Japan: The Cookbook, more than 250 delicious, healthy vegetarian recipes for home cooks. In this collection of new recipes, Nancy Singleton Hachisu, the most authoritative voice in Japanese home cooking today, showcases Japanese vegetarian dishes, bringing the exquisite flavors of the nation’s elegant cuisine to those who follow a […]
549 SEK -
Food & Drink
The Mexican Vegetarian Cookbook: 400 authentic everyday recipes for the home cook
An essential guide to vibrant, vegetarian Mexican home cooking, including naturally vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free dishes. Vegetarian food is deeply woven into Mexico’s diverse culinary history. In this blockbuster recipe collection from the bestselling author of Mexico: The Cookbook, home cooks will discover delicious traditional and modern dishes made with corn, beans, spices, and the […]
495 SEK -
Art - Biography - Pop Culture
The League of Lady Poisoners
A feast for the senses, this sumptuously illustrated book will introduce you to some of the most infamous women throughout world history, united by their shared taste for poison. Welcome to the League of Lady Poisoners. This riveting and well-researched volume by Lisa Perrin weaves together the stories of more than 25 accused women poisoners, […]
249 SEK -
Art - Illustration
The Sick Rose
The Sick Rose is a beautifully gruesome and strangely fascinating visual tour through disease in an age before colour photography. This stunning volume, combining detailed illustrations of afflicted patients from some of…..
325 SEK -
Art - Illustration
Crucial Interventions
Crucial Interventions is a startling look at the golden age of surgery through gruesome yet beautiful technical illustrations and paintings from the Wellcome Collection, written by the bestselling author of The Sick Rose . Chaptered from head to toe, this compelling volume interweaves graphic illustrations of surgical techniques and instruments from rare, nineteenth-century textbooks with engrossing and enlightening […]
325 SEK -
General Interest - History
Murder Maps: Crime Scenes Revisited; Phrenology to Fingerprint 1811–1911
The most captivating and intriguing 19th-century murders from around the world are re-examined in this disquieting volume, which takes readers on a perilous journey around the world’s most benighted regions. In each area, murders are charted with increasing specificity: beginning with city- or region-wide overviews, drilling down to street-level diagrams and zooming-in to detailed floor […]
349 SEK -
Illustration - Pop Culture
Anatomica: The Exquisite and Unsettling Art of Human Anatomy
Anatomica discusses how for centuries, humankind has sought to know itself through an understanding of the body, in sickness and in health, inside and out. This fascination left in its wake a rich body of artworks that demonstrate not only the facts of the human body, but also the ways in which our ideas about the […]
349 SEK -
Art - Illustration - Pop Culture
The Smile Stealers
This achingly fascinating book follows the evolution of dentistry throughout the world from the Bronze Age to the present day, featuring captivating, grim illustrations of the tools and techniques of dentistry through the ages. It charts the changing social attitudes toward the purpose and practice of dentistry from the crude and painful endeavors of early […]
325 SEK -
Lifestyle - Travel
The Monocle Book of Italy
Following the success of The Monocle Book of Japan, Monocle’s latest book is a celebration of all things Italian. Few countries pack a punch like Italy – energetic, enigmatic and effortlessly cool, it’s a country of chic beach clubs, tradition-steeped hilltop towns and cities full of soul. Its cuisine is celebrated the world over, its […]
649 SEK -
Swim & Sun: A Monocle Guide
The Monocle team dips its toe into the world of swimming, revealing 100 beautiful and inspiring places to take the plunge. Swimming is excellent exercise of course, but it’s so much more than that: it can be a transcendental experience, offering us space to reflect and to escape. It’s an antidote to screens and all-encompassing […]
449 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: Portugal
From the team at Monocle, the first in a new series of practical travel guides. Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful Monocle Book of Italy and The Monocle Book of the Nordics, Monocle’s latest title turns its focus to Portugal in an exciting new series of country-specific books. A handbook in feel and […]
449 SEK -
Design - Food & Drink - Interior Design - Lifestyle - Travel
The Monocle Book of the Nordics and Beyond
The Monocle team heads north in this celebration of all things Nordic. This heavily illustrated book from Monocle is a celebration of the Nordic region, featuring some surprises, quirks―and maybe a sauna or two― along the way. Monocle’s journalists, editors, and photographers have returned time and again to all corners of northern Europe for insights, […]
649 SEK -
The Monocle Handbook: Spain
Hot on the heels of Portugal: The Monocle Handbook, Monocle’s latest title turns its focus to sunny Spain in the next of its country-specific books. This practical guide will steer you from the streets of Seville to the mountains of Mallorca, introducing Monocle’s favourite places to stay, eat, shop and visit across the country. Discover the […]
449 SEK -
Lifestyle - Travel
The Monocle Book of Japan
A celebration of the endlessly fascinating and culturally rich country of Japan, this book from the Monocle team is packed with insights and fully illustrated with stunning photography. Monocle’s latest book is an ardent paean to Japan, covering everything from design, architecture, and culture to food, fashion, and current affairs. Since it launched in 2007, […]
679 SEK -
Kinfolk Travel: Slower Ways to See the World
Explore the art of mindful travel with Kinfolk, the pioneers in “slow living,” their philosophy of simplicity, authenticity, intentionality and community. With nearly 450,000 copies in print, the Kinfolk series has applied this philosophy to entertaining (The Kinfolk Table), interior design (The Kinfolk Home), and living with nature (The Kinfolk Garden). Now they have turned […]
425 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
The Kinfolk Home: Interiors for Slow Living
The Kinfolk Table was published in 2013, it transformed the way readers across the globe thought about small gatherings. In this much-anticipated follow-up, Kinfolk founder Nathan Williams showcases how embracing that same ethos—of slowing down, simplifying your life, and cultivating community—allows you to create a more considered, beautiful, and intimate living space. The Kinfolk Home […]
425 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Wilderness
Discover the joy of the great outdoors and the pleasures of slow travel with Kinfolk Wilderness. Whatever your pace or purpose, the stories within will provide you with a fresh perspective on what it means to be “outdoorsy,” whether that means trekking from hut to hut in New Zealand, saddling up at a Patagonian ranch or […]
475 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Kinfolk Islands
Following the success of Kinfolk Travel, the new book is the start of an exciting series of titles that foster thoughtful perspectives on the places we visit. Filled with ideas and inspiration for where to escape, explore and unwind, Kinfolk Islands is full of vibrant photography, practical guidance and thoughtful reflections on why the idea of an […]
475 SEK -
Design - Home & Garden - Lifestyle
The Kinfolk Garden: How to Live with Nature
Since the launch of its magazine in 2011, Kinfolk has grown into an internationally recognized brand known for its minimalist aesthetic and strong community of inspiring and influential creatives. Kinfolk‘s books, with a combined 335,000 copies in print, have applied this lens to cooking, home design, and work. Now, in The Kinfolk Garden, the team […]
425 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs
The Kinfolk Entrepreneur: Ideas for Meaningful Work
In The Kinfolk Entrepreneur, author Nathan Williams introduces readers to 40 creative business owners around the globe, offering an inspiring, in-depth look behind the scenes of their lives and their companies. Pairing insightful interviews with striking images of these men and women and their workspaces, The Kinfolk Entrepreneur makes business personal. The book profiles both budding and […]
425 SEK -
Design - Home & Living - Interior Design
Cabana Magazine, Issue 21 – The Birthday Issue
Focusing on interior design, lifestyle, buildings and all related luxuries, this is a truly stunning publication with amazing photography, high stock paper and the general feel of quality that only the best magazines’ possess.
599 SEK -
Fashion - Lifestyle
Hypebeast, Issue 32 – The Fever Issue
Hypebeast, a lifestyle magazine that features the latest in men’s fashion, art, design and music. Hypebeast was launched in January of 2005 as a media platform…..
379 SEK -
Fashion - Lifestyle
The Gentlewoman, Issue 29 – SS24
The Gentlewoman is a fabulous biannual magazine for modern women of purpose. Featuring ambitious journalism and photography of the highest quality….
225 SEK -
Fashion - Lifestyle
Fantastic Man, Issue 38 – SS24
According to the bi-annual menswear fashion magazine Fantastic Man life begins at 30. Targeted at a more mature group of readers, Fantastic Man‘s aim is to…..
235 SEK -
Interior Design
The New Era Agenda, Vol.1
The New Era Agenda is a companion publication to the Scandinavian interiors title The New Era Magazine. Published as an annual special edition paperback, it fuses previously published homes and studio visits with brand new content and ideas. On 320 pages readers get invited to homes and studios of architects, makers, artists and designers shaping […]
249 SEK -
Food & Drink
Noble Rot, Issue 35 – Gary Sees Red!
Noble Rot magazine attempts to join the dots between wine, music and food. We want to tell stories and inspire people to enjoy what they drink, eat and listen to…..
195 SEK -
Art - Home & Living - Interior Design
Apartamento, Issue 33
An everyday life interiors magazine. Apartamento is widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors magazine. International, well designed, simply written, and tastefully curated since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. The publication is published biannually from its headquarters in Barcelona. It also […]
245 SEK -
Food & Drink
All the Stuff We Cooked (Apartamento)
All the Stuff We Cooked is Frederik Bille Brahe’s first cookbook. Edited by Jeni Porter, it features 44 recipes for simple but thoughtful dishes, some staples from his internationally renowned Copenhagen restaurants
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
Apartamento Cookbook #8: Tuber, or Not Tuber?
Tuber, or Not Tuber? THAT is our question. In this year’s annual Apartamento cookbook, we’re taking Shakespeare’s famous lines from Hamlet way underground and asking ourselves, What even is a tuber? Where past cookbooks nod directly to pantry staples, spices, or sweets, Apartamento Cookbook #8: Tuber, or Not Tuber? engages readers in the ‘to be, […]
349 SEK -
Interior Design
The World of Apartamento: ten years of everyday life interiors
Apartamento is widely recognized as today’s most influential interiors magazine. International, well-designed, and simply written since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. Apartamento breaks the traditional magazine boundaries that separate home design from homeowner, and offers readers a glimpse inside the lived-in, often cluttered homes […]
579 SEK -
Food & Drink
Poetry Is Growing in Our Garden: Anders Frederik Steen
One of the cult figures in natural winemaking, Anders Frederik Steen started as a sommelier in his native Copenhagen—first at Noma, then opening Relæ and Manfreds—before starting as a winemaker in
395 SEK -
Art - Home & Living - Interior Design
Apartamento, Issue 29
An everyday life interiors magazine. Apartamento is widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors magazine. International, well designed, simply written, and tastefully curated since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. The publication is published biannually from its headquarters in Barcelona. It also […]
245 SEK -
Architecture - Design
The House of Xavier Corberó
Xavier Corberó (1935–2017) is among the foremost Spanish artists of the last century. His sculptures in rough-hewn stone, marble, and bronze gave form to ideas running through a circle of contemporary surrealist artists, including Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, and Joan Miró, but with pieces distinctly his own. His works are widely and internationally […]
749 SEK -
Design - Interior Design
Berlin Living Rooms by Dominique Nabokov (Apartamento)
Berlin Living Rooms is the third and final instalment in a trilogy of works, following in the footsteps of Nabokov’s widely acclaimed publications Paris Living Rooms (2002) and New York Living Rooms (1998). The project began when the then editor-in-chief of the New Yorker magazine, Tina Brown, commissioned Nabokov to create a series of photographs. […]
649 SEK -
Architecture - Design - Interior Design
New York Living Rooms by Dominique Nabokov (Apartamento)
New York Living Rooms is the first instalment in Dominique Nabokov’s holy trinity of interior photography works, re-issued by Apartamento Publishing more than two decades after it was first published in 1998. Originally commissioned as a photo essay for the New Yorker in 1995, it offers a frank and intimate study of the interior living spaces of some […]
649 SEK -
Architecture - Design
La Fábrica, Ricardo Bofill
La Fábrica is one of Ricardo Bofill’s most iconoclastic creations. A former cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, serendipitously discovered while driving, the building became the centre of the Catalan architect’s life, serving both as his home and as the headquarters of his practice since 1973. Here, Ricardo created a world of his own, […]
649 SEK -
Architecture - Design
The Modern Architecture of Cadaqués: 1955–71
Inspired by the early style of Corbusier and ideas on Mediterranean architecture espoused by the likes of Bernard Rudofsky and Josep Lluís Sert, a younger generation of architects found the perfect conditions to explore the future of the Mediterranean house in Cadaqués—a small fishing village on the Spanish Costa Brava that was also home, or […]
649 SEK -
Miguel Milá: A Life in Design
Miguel Milá (b. 1931) is considered one of Spain’s first and most influential industrial designers. Starting out as an interior designer amid the country’s early modernist movement, Milá began making the objects he needed but couldn’t yet find on the market. He took raw and renewable materials and crafted prototypes by hand, occasionally evolving designs […]
549 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Skjut mig
Nina Hemmingsson kommenterar i sina bilder och texter samhällets förväntningar och normer. Både vad gäller kärlek och sexualitet, kön och jämställdhet, åldrande och död. Skjut mig innehåller ett urval av de bilder som bland annat publicerats i Aftonbladet och på hennes instagramsida. Dessa till synes enkla teckningar behandlar ofta stora frågor i livet; som falsk […]
265 SEK -
Graphic Novels
Liv Strömquists astrologi
Visste du att Melania Trump är en typisk oxe – bäst av alla tecken på att härda ut? Att Boris Johnson är tvilling – zodiakens fladdriga pratkvarn? Vet du skillnaden mellan en rigid stenbock och en flippad stenbock? Och vet du vilket tecken som är så hänförande och bedårande att vi inte märker att de […]
275 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
På glid
Moa och Åsa har hängt ihop sedan dagis, sammansvetsade av sina musik- och konstnärsdrömmar. Nu är de 26 och framtidsplanerna verkar ha gått i lås. Åsa, som går under artistnamnet ShitKid, har hyllats av kritikerna och Moa har just fått erbjudande om att ställa ut på sitt favoritgalleri. För att få tid att umgås och […]
265 SEK -
Graphic Novels
Alltid fucka upp
Moa är i sitt livs värsta kris. Hon har blivit utkastad av sin kille, är sjukskriven och bor med massa papperslösa gubbar ovanpå ett gammalt fryshus i partihallarna, Göteborg. Dessutom har hon panikångest framkallat av att ha rökt spice. Moa söker räddning. Hon vill hitta Händelsen, den som ska förändra hennes liv. Hon pendlar mellan […]
195 SEK -
Comics - Graphic Novels
Baby Blue
Baby Blue är en dystopi om ett lyckofascistiskt samhälle som bannlyser misslyckande, sorg och psykisk ohälsa. Fritt inspirerad av Karin Boyes Kallocain tecknar Bim Eriksson ett samhälle där ohälsotalen ökat lavinartat. För att inte samhällsekonomin ska kollapsa tar staten till drastiska åtgärder. En ny folkhälsomyndighet inrättas för att radera data över ohälsan. Man censurerar information […]
235 SEK -
Asexuella krukväxter och 81 andra böcker du inte visste att du inte vill läsa innan du dör
”Mina top 10 bögigaste fnitter”, ”Cyanid – en god sak med mersmak” och ”Konsten att fucka upp grannens buskar och träd – inkl. trädäck, berså, uppfart – ja, hela baletten!” Detta är tre av de böcker som presenteras i ”Asexuella krukväxter och 81 andra böcker du inte visste att du inte ville läsa innan du […]
265 SEK -
Notem – BEA Notebook Medium, Dark Sienna
This notebook is a new Notem classic! This medium-sized softcover notebook is a handy work tool. Perfect for work or for your everyday notes and scribbles. Whether at the office or on the go – this is the the must-have notebook for business notes, small thoughts and big plans. The cover is soft and made […]
255 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
UMA Notebook, Medium – Green & Rose
Write, draw and preserve new thoughts and ideas. This product is perfect for creative souls. The open notebook presents ruled sheets – leaving space for sketches, mindmaps, notes and doodles. The notebook is sewn along the back so when opened, it presents a perfectly flat surface, with a seamless transition between left and right. Size: […]
215 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Vita Notebook (Lavender, Pocket Size)
This pocket-sized notebook is always close by, always handy, to capture happy moments, make grocery lists, or write down those perfect quotes that you will absolutely remember. Size: 127 x 185 mm Colour: Lavender Interior: 64 pages / Dotted sheets with margin Exterior: Uncoated Softcover Made in Europe
95 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – Vita Notebook (Yellow, Pocket Size)
This pocket-sized notebook is always close by, always handy, to capture happy moments, make grocery lists, or write down those perfect quotes that you will absolutely remember. Size: 127 x 185 mm Colour: Yellow Interior: 64 pages / Dotted sheets with margin Exterior: Uncoated Softcover Made in Europe
95 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Notem – UMA Notebook, Medium – Dark Blue
Write, draw and preserve new thoughts and ideas. This product is perfect for creative souls. The open notebook presents ruled sheets – leaving space for sketches, mindmaps, notes and doodles. The notebook is sewn along the back so when opened, it presents a perfectly flat surface, with a seamless transition between left and right. Size: […]
215 SEK -
Notem – BEA Notebook Medium, Light Grey
This notebook is a new Notem classic! This medium-sized softcover notebook is a handy work tool. Perfect for work or for your everyday notes and scribbles. Whether at the office or on the go – this is the the must-have notebook for business notes, small thoughts and big plans. The cover is soft and made […]
255 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 9
A book with (almost) no text, just paper: that pretty much sums up our renowned Book for Paper Lovers. Each year, we bring out a new book, simply because we happen to be so fond of paper, stationery, stickers, labels, envelopes, posters, fold-outs, streamers and fold-ups. In this issue: The book that all paper lovers […]
395 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 10
A book with (almost) no text, just paper: that pretty much sums up our renowned Book for Paper Lovers. Each year, we bring out a new book, simply because we happen to be so fond of paper, stationery, stickers, labels, envelopes, posters, fold-outs, streamers and fold-ups. In this issue: With this tenth edition of Books […]
395 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations
The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 11
A book with (almost) no text, just paper: that pretty much sums up our renowned Book for Paper Lovers. Each year, we bring out a new book, simply because we happen to be so fond of paper, stationery, stickers, labels, envelopes, posters, fold-outs, streamers and fold-ups.
395 SEK -
Crafts & Hobbies - Illustrations - SALE
Flow Paper Book for Party Lovers
There is a new edition of the Flow Book for paper lovers this time dedicated to celebrations: the Flow Paper Book for Part Lovers!
What’s your favorite way to295 SEK149 SEK -
Art - Graphic Design - Illustration
Wrap, Issue 13 – Paradise
Wrap showcases some of the brilliant and exciting work being made by current illustrators and designers around the globe, and has a unique concept of being a product to use, as well as a magazine…..
349 SEK -
Art - Graphic Design - Illustration
Swedish Illustrators and Graphic Designers 2024
Illustratörcentrum är Sveriges största förmedlare av illustratörer och grafiska formgivare. Katalogen presenterar omfångsrikt 257 av dessa på varsitt uppslag, och är utformad som ett verktyg för att hitta…..
179 SEK -
The Colour Bible
An essential source for graphic designers, artists, interior designers, fashion designers, illustrators and creatives of any kind who work with colour. “The Colour Bible is one to return to again and again.” – Elephant “This definitive guide…will no doubt inform many future colour choices.” – House & Garden Colour is intrinsic to the human experience; it guides us […]
375 SEK -
Art - Design - Graphic Design
Colour Clash
Colour is one of the essential elements of many branding designs. It can help give an identity personality and warmth, express emotion, communicate messages in an unconscious and subtle way and it can keep or navigate the viewer’s interest, drawing the eye and making elements stand out. This book explores colour palettes in graphic design […]
295 SEK -
A Dictionary Of Color Combinations
Sanzo Wada (1883-1967) was an artist, teacher, costume and kimono designer during a turbulent time in avant-garde Japanese art and cinema. Wada was ahead of his time in developing traditional and Western
349 SEK -
A Dictionary Of Color Combinations, Vol.2
Second in the series: classic Japanese color recipes for use in design, fashion, interiors, art, and more. From 1933 to 1934 Sanzo Wada published a collection of color combinations that was the first of its kind in Japan. In 2010 Seigensha reprinted this classic as A Dictionary of Color Combinations, which was applauded by Die […]
349 SEK -
Notebooks - Stationary
Bright Ideas Journal
This vibrant journal with colourful exposed binding will inspire the most brilliant ideas. With ten different colours of paper and plenty of room to record Rosy Outlooks, Evergreen Observations, Sunny Thoughts…..
225 SEK -
Art - Design
The Designer’s Dictionary of Colour
The Designers Dictionary of Color provides an in-depth look at thirty colours key to art and graphic design. Organised by spectrum, in colour-by-colour sections for easy navigation, this book documents each hue with charts showing colour range and palette variations. Chapters detail each colours creative history and cultural associations, with examples of colour use that […]
279 SEK -
Studio Ghibli: 100 Collectible Postcards
Celebrate the art of Studio Ghibli, the beloved Japanese animation film studio, with this extensive collection of 100 full-color postcards showcasing final frames from all their feature-length films—from Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) to When Marnie Was There (2014). Housed in a keepsake box with a lifting ribbon, these gorgeously detailed images […]
325 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro Pop-Up Notecards
Studio Ghibli comes to life as pop-up notecards! Showcasing classic scenes from the studio’s revered film My Neighbor Totoro, these cards add a pop of whimsy to any correspondence—a joyful note to send and receive for Totoro and animation fans of every age. -Box with hinged lid -10 pop-up cards (5 designs repeating twice) Studio […]
295 SEK -
Spirited Away: 30 Postcards
A must-have for animation fans of all ages, this postcard collection celebrates the award-winning masterpiece Spirited Away from Studio Ghibli, the legendary animation studio in Japan. Featuring 30 final frames from the film-all hand-drawn and gorgeously detailed—these collectible, one-of-a-kind postcards take you on a remarkable journey through director Hayao Miyazaki’s fantastic supernatural spirit world.
195 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro: 30 Postcards
Enter the enchanting world of legendary director Hayao Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro. Featuring 30 different hand-drawn final frames from the film, this collection of postcards (to keep or send) celebrates the beautiful art and enduring magic of Totoro. A true delight for Studio Ghibli and animation fans everywhere!
195 SEK -
Art - Gift - Pop Culture - Stationary
My Neighbor Totoro Erasers
Make mistakes disappear with My Neighbor Totoro erasers! Celebrated for being one of the best hand-drawn films in the history of animation, My Neighbor Totoro is a true inspiration. This set of five erasers feature full-color sleeves with images of Totoro and friends as they walk through the forest—all packaged in a cute box with […]
195 SEK -
Art - Pens & Pencils - Pop Culture - Stationary
Spirited Away Pencils
Let your creative spirits flow with this handy set of 10 graphite pencils featuring beloved characters from Hayao Miyazaki’s award-winning fantasy film Spirited Away. • GREAT FOR STUDIO GHIBLI FANS: This pencil set, part of a continuing official partnership with Japanese animation giant Studio Ghibli, captures the nostalgia and magic of the classic Ghibli film […]
225 SEK -
Princess Mononoke Journal
From beloved Studio Ghibli, this paperback journal showcases the brilliant artistry behind Princess Mononoke, an epic film about a young warrior, an enigmatic princess, and the conflict between humanity and nature. With full-color artwork on the front and back covers, five interior spreads of concept art, and spot illustrations throughout, this journal is a must-have […]
195 SEK -
Ponyo Journal
From legendary animation house Studio Ghibli, this paperback journal celebrates the magnificent artistry behind Ponyo, a film about a friendship between a boy and a magical goldfish-and their adventures to stay together.
195 SEK -
Howl’s Moving Castle Journal
From legendary animation house Studio Ghibli, this paperback journal celebrates the enchanting world of Howl’s Moving Castle, a film about a pivotal friendship between a quiet girl and a mysterious wizard, and their life-changing adventures in a sorcerous world. Complete with full-color artwork on the front and back covers, five interior spreads of concept art, […]
195 SEK -
Spirited Away Journal
This paperback journal features beautiful, rarely seen concept art from Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli’s award-winning film about a young girl’s journey through a supernatural realm. With full-color artwork on the front and back covers, spot illustrations throughout, and four full spreads of concept art, it’s perfect for capturing all your notes and bright ideas. • […]
195 SEK -
Kiki’s Delivery Service Flexi Journal
Kiki’s Delivery Service Journal is a gorgeous notebook complete with beautiful concept art from Studio Ghibli’s film Kiki’s Delivery Service. Let creative sparks fly with this journal featuring full-color artwork on the front and back covers. This charming stationery also features spot illustrations from the Studio’s beloved film sprinkled throughout. · Has four spreads of […]
195 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro Journal
Showcasing gorgeous concept art from Hayao Miyazaki’s animated film My Neighbor Totoro, this paperback journal provides note-taking inspiration for Studio Ghibli and Totoro fans of all ages. Incudes full-color artwork on the front and back covers, spot illustrations throughout—plus 4 full spreads of concept art.
195 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture - Sketchbooks - Stationary
My Neighbor Totoro Sketchbook
Let your creativity soar with Totoro! Celebrated for being one of the best hand-drawn films in the history of animation, My Neighbor Totoro is a true inspiration. This luxe hardcover sketchbook is a must-have for Totoro fans. • Cloth case with a foil stamping of Totoro on the cover • Lay-flat binding for ease of […]
295 SEK -
Art - Sketchbooks - Stationary
Spirited Away Sketchbook
Featuring a cloth case, lay-flat binding, a foil-stamped cover, and extra thick pages, the Spirited Away Sketchbook makes writing and drawing an enjoyable experience. Perfect for writers, artists, collectors, and animation fans alike looking for one-of-a-kind art supplies.
295 SEK -
Art - Pop Culture - Sketchbooks - Stationary
Princess Mononoke Sketchbook
Let your creativity run wild with this luxe sketchbook featuring inspiring icons from Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke, an epic film about a noble warrior, a young girl raised by wolves, and the pursuit of peace between humanity and nature. Featuring a cloth, foil-stamped cover, lay-flat binding, and extra-thick pages, the Princess Mononoke Sketchbook provides a […]
295 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro: Totoro Plush Journal
Featuring the mysterious forest spirit from Hayao Miyazaki’s iconic film My Neighbor Totoro, this plush and embroidered journal includes lined interiors and colorful artwork on the front and back pages—sure to delight Totoro fans and all who love irresistibly cute and fluffy characters.
225 SEK -
Spirited Away: No Face Plush Journal
This novelty plush embroidered journal features No Face, the mysterious spirit from the award-winning masterpiece Spirited Away from legendary animation studio Studio Ghibli in Japan. With lined interiors and full-color artwork on the front and back pages, this collectible, irresistible notebook is sure to cast a spell on Studio Ghibli fans and animation lovers of […]
225 SEK -
My Neighbor Totoro: Catbus Plush Journal
Adorned with the fantastical Cat Bus character from the animated classic My Neighbor Totoro, this soft plush and embroidered journal is a must-have for Studio Ghibli fans and cat lovers of all ages. Includes lined pages and full-color endsheets.
225 SEK -
Food & Drink
JapanEasy Bowls & Bento
Tim Anderson shows you how you can build your own delicious bowl from scratch as well as how you can construct your very own bento (Japan’s beloved and beautiful lunch boxes) from the comfort of your own home. Fun to make (and eat) JapanEasy: Bowls & Bento celebrates the versatility, simplicity and joy of Japanese […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
JapanEasy: Classic and Modern Japanese Recipes to Cook at Home
What are your favorite Japanese dishes? Sushi? Surprisingly easy. Gyoza? Very easy. Karaage? Soooooo easy! Tempura? Stupidly easy. Yakitori, yakisoba, miso soup? Easy, easy, easy. It’s easy to be intimidated by Japanese food, but in JapanEasy, Tim Anderson offers an introduction to the world of Japanese cooking via some of its most accessible (but authentic) […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Vegan JapanEasy
Believe it or not, Japanese cuisine in general is actually quite vegan-friendly, and many dishes can be made vegan with just a simple substitution or two. You can enjoy the same big, bold, salty-sweet-spicy-rich-umami recipes of modern Japanese soul food without so much as glancing down the meat and dairy aisles. And best of all, […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ramen Forever
Ramen Forever showcases the world’s most perfect food: ramen. In Ramen Forever, Tim Anderson shows you the way to enjoy delicious homemade ramen on a regular basis, and gives you the tools to build your own ramen, just the way you like it! It is broken into five sections – Broth, Seasoning, Aromatic Oils and Fats, Noodles […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink - Travel
Tokyo Stories
Tokyo is rightfully known around the world as one of the most exciting places to eat on the planet. From subterranean department store food halls to luxurious top-floor hotel restaurants, and all the noodle shops, sushi bars, and yakitori shacks in between, there may be no other city so thoroughly saturated with delicious food. Tokyo Stories […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
Japan: The Cookbook
Japan’s signature foods – sushi, ramen, cakes – are loved around the world. Now, the iconic and regional dishes of Japan’s traditional cuisine are made available to home cooks with this authoritative collection from acclaimed food writer Nancy Singleton Hachisu. 400 recipes divided into 15 chapters by course explore every part of Japan with soups, […]
549 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi FLAVOUR
In this stunning new cookbook Yotam and co-writer Ixta Belfrage break down the three factors that create flavour and offer innovative vegetable dishes that deliver brand-new ingredient combinations to excite and inspire. Ottolenghi FLAVOUR combines simple recipes for weeknights, low-effort high-impact dishes, and standout meals for the relaxed cook. Packed with signature colourful photography, FLAVOUR […]
425 SEK -
Ottolenghi SIMPLE
Yotam Ottolenghi’s award-winning recipes are always a celebration: an unforgettable combination of abundance, taste and surprise. Ottolenghi SIMPLE is no different, with 130 brand-new dishes that contain all the inventive elements and flavour combinations that Ottolenghi is loved for, but with minimal hassle for maximum joy. Bursting with colourful photography, Ottolenghi SIMPLE showcases Yotam’s standout […]
425 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi Test Kitchen: Extra Good Things
Ottolenghify every meal. Flexible, flavour-packed dishes that all lend a little something ‘extra’ to your next meal. It’s harissa butter on a roasted mushroom, then tossed with steamed veg or stuffed into a baked potato. It’s tamarind dressing on turmeric fried eggs, then drizzled over a steak the next day. Rounded off with a chapter […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi Test Kitchen: Shelf Love
This book takes us into the world of the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen team, and offers flexibility to make each dish our own, using whatever is on hand. The book is a guide for feeding ourselves and our families with less stress and less fuss, but with all the ‘wow’ of an Ottolenghi meal. It’s a […]
325 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi: Plenty More
Exploring the world of vegetables further, Ottolenghi takes us on a journey of discovery, showing how to get the best from your humble vegetables. As vegetables start to play a main role, as opposed to their more historical position as a side dish, this book is in a prime position to lead the way forward. […]
385 SEK -
Food & Drink
Ottolenghi: The Cookbook
Inspired by their childhoods in West and East Jerusalem, Yotam Ottolenghi’s and Sami Tamimi’s original cookbook Ottolenghi: The Cookbook showcases fresh, honest, bold cooking and has become a culinary classic. Yotam and Sami’s inventive yet simple dishes rest on numerous culinary traditions, ranging from North Africa to Lebanon, Italy and California. First published in 2008, […]
399 SEK -
Art - Design - Gifts - Home Accessories
Be Nice Magnet by David Shrigley
Say what you think with these new David Shrigley magnets. Packaged on coloured card for easy display. Packaging size 10.5cm x 13cm. Magnet size 9cm x 6.5cm
149 SEK -
Playing Cards
Playing Cards by David Shrigley
This pack of 54 playing cards is part of our Play collection, a collaboration between Third Drawer Down Studio and David Shrigley.?A true test in skill and chance, and individually illustrated by David Shrigley, these cards are a revolt against modern deck formats with only black suits in the entire pack. ?Every spade, heart, diamond […]
249 SEK -
David Shrigley Magnetic Bookmark – Read Books
This bookmark measures 45mm x 105mm Clips over one or several pages and unlike a traditional bookmark will not fall out! Printed in the UK on high quality material This bookmark comes cello wrapped and makes a great gift!
40 SEK -
David Shrigley – Fucking Ace Air Freshener
This car freshener is part of our Play collection, a collaboration between Third Drawer Down and unofficially labelled as ‘talcum powder scented’ to some, this irreverently spirited product is keen to arouse your nostrils and cleanse your car dashboards.
95 SEK -
David Shrigley – Fucking Ace Iron on Patch
Will give any jacket, bag or holey pants a f**king ace facelift! Embroidered and iron on, it doesn’t get easier than this!
179 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – A Pleasing Situation
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – Fucking Ace
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – Beer Swimmers
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – Opening Hours
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – Sorry I Fell Asleep
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
Home Accessories
David Shrigley Coaster – One More Pot of Coffee
Spread the comic joy of David Shrigley around the house with these illustrated coasters. Available in different designs, they are perfect as a set or mixed and matched to create a unique collection. Each square coaster is made from melamine with a cork backing, making it sturdy and easy to wipe clean.
59 SEK -
David Shrigley Sketchbook – Ass Drawing
In a congratulatory message on the inside cover, Shrigley calls this ‘a fine sketchbook’, and he’s right to: 144 pages of heavyweight 135gsm GF Smith Calisto Diamond White paper make up the book, with a lay-flat binding and thread-sown spine. A contrasting yellow spine adds a pop of colour to the book, with a further […]
179 SEK -
David Shrigley A6 Notebook – Everything Is Good
This notebook has a matt laminated cover and is printed and manufactured in the UK on high quality paper • Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm • Perfect Bound – Contains 96 feint lined pages (48 sheets)
89 SEK -
David Shrigley Sketchbook – My Artwork Is Terrible
In a congratulatory message on the inside cover, Shrigley calls this ‘a fine sketchbook’, and he’s right to: 144 pages of heavyweight 135gsm GF Smith Calisto Diamond White paper make up the book, with a lay-flat binding and thread-sown spine. A contrasting yellow spine adds a pop of colour to the book, with a further […]
179 SEK -
David Shrigley A6 Notebook – Pile Of Shit
Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm Perfect Bound – Contains 96 feint lined pages (48 sheets) This notebook has a matt laminated cover and is printed and manufactured in the UK on high quality paper
89 SEK -
David Shrigley Sketchbook – No One Disrespects My Drawings
In a congratulatory message on the inside cover, Shrigley calls this ‘a fine sketchbook’, and he’s right to: 144 pages of heavyweight 135gsm GF Smith Calisto Diamond White paper make up the book, with a lay-flat binding and thread-sown spine. A contrasting yellow spine adds a pop of colour to the book, with a further […]
179 SEK -
David Shrigley A6 Notebook – So Hungover
This notebook has a matt laminated cover and is printed and manufactured in the UK on high quality paper • Dimensions: 105mm x 148mm • Perfect Bound – Contains 96 feint lined pages (48 sheets)
89 SEK -
Card Game
Art Oracles: Creative & Life Inspiration from the Great Artists
Be guided and inspired by the world’s greatest artists with this creative set of oracle cards. Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what Picasso, Pollock, Kahlo and other great artists would have done. Simply select an artist’s card from the pack, select the oracles’ advice on […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Game
Music Oracles: Creative and Life Inspiration from 50 Musical Icons
Be guided and inspired by the gods of the music world with this creative set of oracle cards. Are you suffering from creative block? Struggling to make a difficult life decision? Find out what David Bowie, Grace Jones, Maria Callas and other great artists would have done. Simply select a card from the pack and […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Fashion
Fashion Oracles: Life and Style Inspiration from the Fashion Greats
Struggling to define your style? Worried your thinking is so last season? Want to break out of the box, but not sure how? Coco Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld and a host of great fashion photographers, models and muses are here to help. Simply select any card from the pack, choose the oracle’s advice on attitude, style […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Self-Help & Personal Development
Feminist Oracles
Be guided and motivated by the world’s most inspiring women with this creative set of oracle cards. Need advice on breaking the glass ceiling? Find out what Gloria Steinem would do. Juggling family and career? Ask Serena Williams. Need to change your attitude? Angela Davis is at hand. Pick a card and let 50 feminist […]
249 SEK -
Film & Entertainment - Horror - Illustrations - Inspiration
Classic Horror Oracle
Discover truth and inspiration in the dark with the Classic Horror Oracle Deck. This uniquely entertaining and beautifully creepy oracle deck harnesses the energies and dark truths revealed in iconic classic horror movies to find guidance, discover inner resources, and inspiration. Each of the 50 carefully selected films is represented by an evocative mini-movie-poster-like illustration […]
249 SEK -
Card Game - Game
Mafia: The World’s Deadliest Party Game
Will you survive the game of Mafia? Two teams compete in this delightfully deadly party game. Based on the classic role-playing strategy game, it’s kill or be killed as innocent city folk pit their wits against a mob of ruthless international gangsters. Engage in a tangled web of intrigue, subterfuge, wild accusations, protestations of innocence, […]
249 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Wanderlust Nordics: Exploring Trails in Scandinavia
Experience the best hiking routes in the Nordic countries through practical tips, informative maps and stunning visuals. From the Ice Sheet in Greenland, to the arctic tundra and rocky coastline in Sweden, to a plethora of enchanting lakes and forests in Finland – the Nordics offer a breathtaking variety of landscapes and endless options to […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Wanderlust Alps
Stretching from France all the way down to Slovenia, the Alps are the highest and most expansive mountain range in Europe. For hikers, trekkers and outdoor enthusiasts alike, that means boundless possibilities for adventure. Wanderlust Alps charts the mountain range’s best routes and hidden trails away from the crowds. The featured hikes offer a rich […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Leaving the Comfort Zone: The Adventure of a Lifetime
When you are leaving the comfort zone for an outdoor adventure the most incredible things can happen. This book showcases what it’s like to experience the full spectrum of life. From encountering different cultures to embracing the freedom of nature, making friendships, and traversing through new landscapes, this adventure ultimately takes you on a journey […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Epic Train Journeys
From a journey through the Alps on the Bernina Express to a ride from Colombo up to Sri Lanka’s tea plantations, there are endless possibilities to explore the world through fabulous train rides. Train Journeys will provide inspiration and practical tips for people who want to experience the joys of traveling by rail. The book […]
479 SEK -
Escape - Travel
The Great American Road Trip
There’s really nothing quite like the freedom of the open road. And there’s nowhere on the planet more thrilling to traverse by car than the United States, a country that in many ways is the birthplace of the modern road trip. As more and more travelers are looking to reduce their reliance on flying, The […]
549 SEK -
Escape - Travel
Wanderlust Europe: The Great European Hike
Europe offers an astonishing variety of scenic landscapes and some of the most enchanting trails to explore them. Wanderlust Europe takes you from the Scottish Highlands to endless amber beaches of the Baltic Sea, from the Scandinavian tundra, the majestic peaks of the Alps, the pristine peaks of the Balkans, to the rugged coastal mountains […]
549 SEK -
Body & Spirit - Nature - Non Fiction
Nordiska bad : – i sjö, hav, bassäng och källa
Boken Nordiska bad – i sjö, hav, bassäng och källa handlar om badandet i Norden; om attityder och förhållningssätt till badandet, våra gemensamma men också egna badtraditioner i Sverige, Finland, Norge, Danmark
275 SEK -
Hur bastar folk runtom i världen? Hur badas och risas det? Hur ser den urgamla historien ut med grottor, tält och stugor fyllda med värme som folk samlats kring? Vad är egentligen basturökt kött? Varför mår så många
249 SEK -
Health - Nature - Non Fiction - Sports
Trailrunning Sthlm : 50 löpvänliga stigar från Mörkö i söder till Märsta i norr
Löpträning innebär ofta att slita på i samma runda, vecka efter vecka. Jaga tider och räkna kilometer. Traillöpning – att springa på skogsstigar – är väsensskilt. Att bara vara här och nu och låta skogen överraska.
255 SEK -
Nature - Non Fiction
Expedition Sverige : Vandra, cykla, paddla….
Linda Åkerberg reste världen över i jakten på nya äventyr tills hon hittade en perfekt utmaning hemma i Sverige. På fyra månader tog hon sig till fots, i kajak och på cykel 486 mil genom alla våra 25 landskap, från Smygehuk i Skåne upp till Treriksröset i nordligaste Lappland. Här får vi följa med på […]
265 SEK -
Nature - Travel
En praktisk bok för dig som vill börja vandra, med stort fokus på detaljer – hur du packar, hur du tar rast, och hur du hanterar akut hemlängtan. Känner du liksom allt fler att du vill lägga ifrån dig skärmen, ta på dig kängorna och uppleva äkta återhämtning? Vandra visar på ett enkelt och praktiskt […]
265 SEK -
Nature - Photography - Sports
Skidhistorier – Om världens bästa offpistskidåkning, toppturer & skidäventyr
Journalisterna Patrik Leje och Gunnar Andersson är Sveriges mest beresta, erfarna och publicerade skidskribenter. Tillsammans har de besökt hundratals skidområden runt om i världen och
425 SEK -
Hip Hop Raised Me
In 2008, with help from Jay-Z and Puff, Obama got the hip-hop vote, and became the first African American to be elected president. For a brief moment the “Audacity of Hope” seemed attainable. Yet only months ago the Ferguson riots brought an abrupt end to that hope, making emerging hip-hop artists, such as J Cole […]
395 SEK -
Graphic Novels - Music
Hip-Hop (and other things)
It’s a smart, fun, funny, insightful book that spends the entirety of its time celebrating what has become the most dominant form of music over the
295 SEK -
Art - Lifestyle - Music - Photography - Pop Culture
Do Remember!: The Golden Era of NYC Hip-Hop Mixtapes
Do Remember! The Golden Era of NYC Hip-Hop Mixtapes is the first comprehensive deep-dive oral and visual history of the golden era of hip-hop mixtape culture in New York City. From street corners to corner offices, mixtapes made a huge impact on the music industry and hip-hop culture in New York City during the late ’80s, […]
495 SEK -
Music - Photography
Beastie Boys
Spike Jonze and Beastie Boys met for the first time in Los Angeles in 1991, when Jonze went out to photograph the band for the cover of Dirt magazine. A connection formed between the three MCs and the young photographer, which has lasted throughout their careers. Almost thirty years later–published to coincide with the release […]
495 SEK -
Ode to Hip-Hop: 50 Albums That Define 50 Years of Trailblazing Music
Celebrate the music that has shaped the culture and given us some of the greatest hits of all time with this vibrantly illustrated anthology, featuring 50 of the most lauded, controversial, and iconic hip-hop albums! From underground roots to mainstream popularity, hip-hop’s influence on music and entertainment around the world has been nothing short of […]
375 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Pop Culture
Electric Boogie – När Hip Hop kom till Sverige 1982-1988
Kenneth Agibou (f. 1971) är journalist och historiker, men också en del av den första generationen som började dansa på Stockholms gator när Hip Hop kom till Sverige i början av 80-talet. Han växte upp i Rinkeby utanför Stockholm. 1984 medverkade Kenneth i ungdomsprogrammet Bagen, det första svenska TV-programmet som sände inslag med Breaking och […]
549 SEK -
Art is Magic
Art is Magic is artist Jeremy Deller’s attempt to tie up the key works of his career alongside the art, pop music, film, politics and history that have inspired his work.
425 SEK -
Keith Haring
Closely based on Haring’s own concept for the monograph he wanted to publish before his untimely death, this volume represents more than a decade of research and contains a wealth of…..
625 SEK -
Banksy You Are An Acceptable Level of Threat and if You Were Not You Would Know About it
Banksy is the closest thing we have to Che Guevara. Except, as far as we know, he’s never flunked medical school, shot anyone or attempted to foment revolution in the Congo. You will…..
425 SEK -
Botanical Inspiration: Nature in art and illustration
A world without plants is a world without life, both literally and figuratively. Besides forming the very basis of human survival on Earth, they are also an important source of creative inspiration, ingenuity, and expression. From scientific explorers like Sir Joseph Banks who travelled across the globe in search of never-seen-before species to impressionist painters […]
395 SEK -
Art - Graphic Design - Pop Culture
The Wide World of Graffiti
A guide to the art, artists, and culture of graffiti from the 1970s to today, as told by the taggers themselves. This major co-publication with the Museum of Graffiti chronicles the worldwide graffiti movement from its birth in the 1970s, through the street and train painting of the 1980s, to its emergence as an artistic […]
549 SEK -
Marina Abramovic
An accessible and expertly written introduction and overview of Marina Abramovic’s incredible life and work. Marina Abramovic has truly pioneered performance as a visual art form. Her work – notorious for its feats of endurance, pain and intense physical encounter – has pushed the boundaries of contemporary art and cemented her reputation as one of […]
235 SEK -
Interior Design
Beata Heuman: Every Room Should Sing
The highly anticipated debut monograph from one of today’s leading designers championing playful, original interiors infused with Scandinavian flair. Swedish-born, London-based interior designer Beata Heuman founded her eponymous studio in 2013 after working for Nicky Haslam for nine years. In a short amount of time her lively interiors and custom furnishings have made her one […]
649 SEK -
The Ideal City: Exploring Urban Futures
The city is an always changing human experiment. But in the last half century, it has changed more than ever before – with little sign of slowing down. As this phenomenon takes place, an increasing number of architects, innovators and policy-makers are rethinking the city to make the most of space and resources. This book […]
579 SEK -
Escape - Home & Living - Interior Design - Travel
Barefoot Living Book
Barefoot Living invites you to kick off your shoes and ground yourself, not just literally but metaphorically. In this book, Natalia Swarz explores the concept of barefoot living through her personal lens, exploring the destinations where she has found herself living her best unrushed life: the Mediterranean coast, island life, the countryside, Latin America and in […]
895 SEK -
Welcome to HAY’s universe of irresistible, affordable, everyday design. ‘HAY is destined to be an important part of the modern design canon – not as the result of design theory or design thinking, but as a result of design doing.’ – John Hoke III, Chief Design Officer, Nike In 2002, husband and wife Rolf and Mette […]
549 SEK -
Architecture - Home & Living
Upgrade Your House
Turning an unassuming house into a desirable home requires creative vision and skillful execution but not a huge budget. Discover the art of transforming old architecture into a haven of comfort and style. This is your guide to upgrading your home without breaking the bank, as it offers a carefully curated selection of projects that […]
525 SEK -
New Nordic Houses
In a climate that ranges from cold, dark and unforgiving to endless sun and crystalline skies, the homes of the Nordic countries are lifted by ever-changing and dramatic natural light balanced by an intrinsic sense of warmth. Nordic architects today are as much informed by vernacular traditions and natural materials as their forebears, but the […]
479 SEK -
Hilma af Klint – Visionary
Hilma af Klint s works have taken the international art world by storm, more than one hundred years after they were created. Around the turn of the 20th century, the new spiritual and
349 SEK -
Hilma af Klint – Tidsandans visionär
Hilma af Klints verk har tagit den internationella konstvärlden med storm, mer än hundra år sedan de skapades. Kring det förra sekelskiftet påverkade ockulta religiösa rörelser som teosofi och antroposofi de tidiga modernisterna Kandinsky, Mondrian, Malevich och Hilma af Klint. Vilken tidsanda inspirerade en sådan artistisk explosion? Denna antologi baseras på seminariet som hölls när […]
349 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: The Dove (40 postcards)
Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) is one of Sweden’s most celebrated artists, but for a long time she was almost completely unknown. Today she is internationally recognised for her pioneering role in abstract art.
299 SEK -
Hilma af Klint: Seeing is Believing
This volume presents seven series of works by the pioneering artist Hilma af Klint. They were all created in the first half of the year 1920 and are the last paintings af Klint made before turning to watercolour and adopting a recognisable style of painting taught by Rudolf Steiner and his disciples. The anthology is […]
349 SEK -
Hilma af Klint – Tidsandans visionär
Hilma af Klints verk har tagit den internationella konstvärlden med storm, mer än hundra år sedan de skapades. Kring det förra sekelskiftet påverkade ockulta religiösa rörelser som teosofi och antroposofi de tidiga modernisterna Kandinsky, Mondrian, Malevich och Hilma af Klint. Vilken tidsanda inspirerade en sådan artistisk explosion? Denna antologi baseras på seminariet som hölls när […]
349 SEK -
Art - Notebooks
Hilma af Klint – Orange Notebook
Blank paged notebook with a cover featuring Hilma af Klint’s “The Ten Largest”, No. 3, “Youth”, Group IV, 1907. Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) was a pioneer of art that made a turn away from visible to spiritual reality. Already in 1906, she had made abstract paintings. Hilma af Klint perceived a spiritual dimension and envisioned contexts […]
225 SEK -
Design - Illustrations - Puzzles
Forest Dream: A 1000-piece flow state jigsaw puzzle
Discover the calming power of the flow state. We all know flow, even if we don’t yet know what to call it: that blissful state of absorption, when you’re so engaged with what you’re doing that you don’t notice the time passing. Psychologists now know that this still, almost meditative, state, brings us a host of […]
295 SEK -
Agatha Christie Bingo
Follow the trail of murder, blackmail and mystery set by the Queen of Crime. Travel down the Nile, on the Orient Express and into the drawing rooms of quaint English country cottages hot on the heels of Poirot, Miss Marple and other famous characters while
425 SEK -
James Bond Bingo
The name is Bond. Bond Bingo. Grab Q’s gadgets and rev up the Aston Martin DB5 in readiness for a high-stakes game. Featuring 64 characters and curiosities from the world’s most famous movie franchise – including six 007s, his most iconic nemeses, and his most innovative cars and devices – this is the ultimate gift […]
425 SEK -
Where’s Bowie?: David Bowie in Outer Space (500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle)
There’s a jiiiigsaaaaw, waiting in this box / It’d like for you to solve it / but it thinks it’ll blow your mind! Not unlike the lyrical genius of David Bowie, jigsaw puzzles are at times mystifying yet always satisfying. Not only is the Where’s Bowie? Jigsaw Puzzle a fun 500-piece detail-focused puzzle, it’s also […]
249 SEK -
Design - Illustrations - Puzzles
Reef Dream: A 1000-piece flow state jigsaw puzzle
Discover the calming power of the flow state with inspiration from the coral reef. Jigsaw puzzles give us an easy way to get into the flow, which is one of the reasons why they have boomed so dramatically in recent years. With Reef Dream, the second of her 1000-piece Flow puzzles, Elin Svensson uses harmonious colour […]
295 SEK -
Food & Drink
Spirited: Cocktails from Around the World
A major global celebration of classic and cutting-edge cocktail recipes that define the way we drink, wherever we are. Spirited is the most important book of cocktails from around the world – researched and collected for the home drink maker. It spotlights hundreds of cocktail recipes from the past 500 years and 60 countries, ranging […]
449 SEK -
Food & Drink
The Noble Rot Book: Wine from Another Galaxy
Noble Rot manages to unravel the mysteries of wine with insight and humour. A wonderful – and essential – read for anyone interested in the world of wine, or even for those, like me, who just drink it. Nigella Lawson The Noble Rot guys have the ability to describe wines as if they’re either future […]
395 SEK -
Design - Food & Drink
The World Atlas of Coffee
The worldwide bestseller – 1/4 million copies sold. For everyone who wants to understand more about coffee and its wonderful nuances and possibilities, this is the book to have. Coffee has never been better, or more interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access to more varieties and techniques than ever before and we, […]
349 SEK -
Food & Drink
How to make the best coffee
World-leading coffee expert and best-selling author of The World Atlas of Coffee shows you how to make barista-level coffee at home. We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn’t that be just as […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink
The Curious Cocktail Cabinet
Take a delectably eccentric excursion to the Hendrick’s Gin Palace. Step inside the curious world of Hendrick’s Gin and perfect the peculiar alchemy of cocktail making. Distilled in a gloriously inefficient way, Hendrick’s is world renowned for its signature infusion of rose and cucumber. Since opening its very own Gin Palace on the south west […]
275 SEK -
Food & Drink
Signature Cocktails
A collection of 200 iconic drinks from around the globe, each of which has changed the culture of the cocktail. A signature cocktail is a bespoke drink that expresses the nature of the time, person, or place for which it was created. In this book, the author curates a collection of the most celebrated cocktails […]
425 SEK -
Mind & Body
Zen: The Art of Simple Living
Drawing on centuries of wisdom, renowned Zen Buddhist priest Shunmyo Masuno applies the essence of Zen to modern life in clear, practical, easily adopted lessons–one a day for 100 days. Discover the secrets to a calmer, more joyful life: * Understand uchimizu: conveying your true intentions without asserting them * Welcome a Zen mindset into […]
225 SEK -
Ikigai translates as ‘a reason to live’ or ‘a reason to jump out of bed in the morning’. It’s the place where your needs, desires, ambitions, and satisfaction meet: a point of perfect balance, and perfect fulfilment. On the Japanese island of Okinawa, people live longer than anywhere else in the world. There, finding your […]
225 SEK -
Activity Book - Mind - Psychology
The Art of Noticing
Distracted? Overwhelmed? Feel like your attention is constantly being pulled in different directions? Learn how to steal it back. Accessible and inspiring, this book features 131 surprising and innovative exercises to help you tune out white noise, get unstuck from your screen and manage daily distractions. Make small yet impactful changes and bring focus to […]
235 SEK -
Activity Book - Notebooks
One Line a Day: A Five-Year Memory Book (Malachite Green)
The bestselling One Line a Day journal series has sold over 2.5 million copies! This elegant new edition of the classic memory keeper features a beautiful stone-inspired case design perfect for crystallizing a five-year slice of life. More than a daily diary: For those daunted by the idea of keeping a journal or diary, the […]
225 SEK -
One Line a Day (Canvas)
This tactile new version of our bestselling One Line a Day memory book features a rich oatmeal-colored, canvas cloth case, striking metallic page edges, and a ribbon page marker. Each page features space to jot down an idea or daily highlight on the same date over five years, allowing journalers to look back on years […]
225 SEK -
One Drawing A Day
A fun and inspiring daily drawing journal from beloved artist and author Lisa Congdon! With 365 creative prompts and enough space for a whole year’s worth of drawings, this is the perfect tool for starting or switching up your daily drawing practice. Who better than Lisa Congdon, bestselling author and inspiring illustrator, to guide you on […]
225 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
Filmmakers on Film: How They Create, Craft and Communicate
Through a curated selection of quotations, images and interviews, Filmmakers on Film reveals what matters most to the masters. Discover how the giants of filmmaking – from Sofia Coppola to Agnès Varda – developed their distinctive visual styles, the core ideas that underpin their practice and, most importantly, what their films mean to you.
195 SEK -
Film & Entertainment
The Movie Quiz Book
Imagine the best movie-themed pub quiz you’ve ever been to, but without suffering the hangover the next morning! From heroic heroines, famous final lines and award-winning directors, to Hollywood’s golden age, memorable movie flops and the film world’s biggest franchises, the book’s over 1,600 questions cover every aspect of the movies. Thrown in among the […]
225 SEK -
Film & Entertainment - Game
The Little White Lies Movie Memory Game
Can you remember Dirty Harry’s weapon of choice? Or the type of flower given to Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games? Does a severed horse’s head mean anything to you? Or what about a pair of glistening shoes with magical powers? Film magazine Little White Lies dares you to test your mental agility and pop […]
225 SEK -
The Movie Misquote Game
Film magazine Little White Lies invites you to relive 300 movie moments – from the iconic to the downright filthy – in this hilarious new party game for film lovers. Simply pick a quote and ask your friends to transform it by filling in the blank with a phrase from another classic film. The funniest movie mash-up […]
349 SEK -
The NME Quiz Book
Put your music knowledge to the test with The NME Quiz Book. Rediscover your favourite music and memories, from punk to EDM, the Red Hot Chili Peppers to the Rolling Stones, pop videos to iconic festival headliners, with questions crossing multiple genres and decades. Sourced directly from the NME archive for added authority, quizzes will […]
195 SEK -
666 Songs to Make You Bang Your Head Until You Die
Featuring 666 standout metal songs from 1960 to the present day and illustrated with sleeves, flyers, posters and magazine ads, this is a feast for fans who love it loud. 666 Songs to Make You Bang Your Head Until You Die delves into the dark corners of hard rock and metal, unearthing hidden treasures and […]
279 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Handbok i möblering
Efter den internationella succén med bästsäljaren Handbok i inredning och styling är inredaren Frida Ramstedt tillbaka med en ny bok som lär dig grundläggande möbelkunskap som är viktig att känna till – oavsett inredningsstil. Idag vet vi mer om vilka stolar vi tycker är snygga, än vilka vi tycker är sköna. Ibland behöver man till […]
315 SEK -
Architecture - Art - Design
Swedish Grace
“Det går en stark strömning bland moderna konstnärer att göra den förut försummade vardagsvaran vacker, vare sig det gäller bostadshus, möbler eller husgeråd.” Så skrev konsthistorikern Gregor Paulsson 1919. Den strömning som åsyftades var den stilriktning som senare kom att kallas ‘Swedish Grace’. Stilen kom att dominera 1920-talets formgivning och arkitektur. Antiken, barock, rokoko, fornnordiska […]
475 SEK -
Home & Garden - Home & Living
Nyckeln till hemmet: Inredning, vänner & maten vi delat
I den här boken får läsarna följa med på Elsa Billgrens och Sofia Woods personliga jakt efter nycklarna till ett njutbart och vackert liv hemma. Det är laddat med inspiration, tips och reflektioner. Det är en bok där hemmets uttryck tillåts vara betydelsefullt, där detaljer kan bli centrala, där att inreda är ett sätt att […]
295 SEK -
Home & Living - Interior Design
Hemtrevligt : 7 byggstenar för att skapa ett personligt hem
Hur får man till ett hem som känns hemtrevligt och personligt? Elin Lervik och Katarina Matsson har identifierat sju byggstenar som tillsammans och var för sig lägger grunden till ett mysigt, kreativt och levande hem. En inredningsfilosofi som tittar förbi trender, fördomar och förbud. De utforskar varför det hemtrevliga är så viktigt för vårt välbefinnande, […]
365 SEK -
Home & Living - Inspiration - Interior Design
Handbok i inredning och styling
Inredarnas hemliga knep! Idag kan vi mer än någonsin tidigare om inredning och design. Eller rättare sagt: vi vet väldigt mycket om prylar, möbler och trender. Samtidigt har många dålig koll på de grundläggande principerna inom inredning och styling. Trots att vi spenderar alltmer pengar på inredning och på att renovera hemma är det förvånande […]
295 SEK -
Home & Living - Inspiration - Interior Design
The Interior Design Handbook
Furnish for how you would like to live, not for what you want people to think.’ When interior designer Frida Ramstedt moved from a characterful old apartment to a functional new build, she started to think about design in a new way. Rather than relying on high ceilings and architectural features, she had to make […]
365 SEK -
Roliga rekord
Vad vet du om världens roliga och knäppa rekord? Varje fråga har tre svarsalternativ där du gissar på vilket alternativ du tror är rätt. Hela familjen kan vara med och spela! Hur många korvar åt världsrekordhållaren Joey Chestnut på 10 minuter? 32 stycken 51 stycken 74 stycken Tävlingen hölls […]
165 SEK -
Bäst i familjen – Charader
Uppföljaren till det populära Bäst i Familjen kommer nu en version med charader. Charaderna passar alla åldrar, det finns till och med illustrationer för de yngsta barnen som ännu inte kan läsa. Ett fartfyllt och underhållande spel som gör varje sammankomst till en skrattfest! Ålder: 5+ Antal spelare: 2+ Speltid: 15 min+ Innehåll: 380 charader Storlek: 110 […]
165 SEK -
Var är vi? : Middagsspel
I det här spelet gör vi nedslag i massor av olika orter och städer världen över. Fem ledtrådar i fallande svårighetsgrad hjälper dig att komma fram till svaret. Ju tidigare du lyckas klura ut var vi befinner oss, desto mer poäng får du. Efter att stadens namn avslöjats har du dessutom chans till ytterligare poäng […]
165 SEK -
Sanning eller bullshit : Middagsspel
Hur godtrogen är du? I detta spel ställs du inför en mängd absurda sanna eller falska fakta. Finns det snö i Tanzania? Har sniglar gjort en landningsbana för hal att landa på? Byggde en forskare ihop ett dinosaurieskelett fel och satte djurets huvud på rumpans plats? Svarar du rätt får du poäng! Innehåll: 96 spelkort […]
165 SEK -
Utbyt tankar med dina vänner om livets egenheter. Berätta om vilken plats du helst väljer på bussen, om pinsamma saker du gjorde i högstadiet och om hur dina grannar spionerar på dig. Dyk ned på djupet i frågor som du själv funderat på men aldrig pratat om. Lyssna på dina vänner och skratta åt era […]
165 SEK -
Bäst i familjen
Samla hela familjen, eller dina vänner, och gör dessa knasiga och roliga utmaningar. Skratta när de vuxna dansar balett eller härmar en tvättmaskin, eller när barnen utmanar varandra i luftgitarr, står på ett ben eller håller sig för skratt i arga leken. Hela familjen kan vara med, den som vinner utmaningen får behålla kortet som […]
165 SEK -
Board games - Game
Spelet där du kastar dig in i stuglivet! När sommaren nalkas drömmer många stadsbor om att flytta ut på landet. För det krävs stugor, helst belägna vid en sjö eller till och med på en egen ö! I Stuglandet tävlar du om att bygga stugor på de mest idylliska platserna. Ge dig hän Stuglandets nostalgiskt […]
199 SEK -
Card Game
KAPOW! – Kortspelet med superkrafter
Välkommen till den slutgiltiga uppgörelsen om vem som är mäktigast i universum! Här slåss omaka superhjältar i ett organiserat kaos där alla möter alla med bisarra vapen och krafter att välja bland. Superskurkar har naturligtvis också gett sig in i leken, men de spelar som vanligt efter egna regler. Låt kampen börja! KAPOW! är ett […]
149 SEK -
Card Game
SWIPE – Spelet om drömdejter och dealbreakers!
KÄRLEKEN ÄR BLIND. Och det är därför vi behöver våra klarsynta vänner. Men vem av dina kompisar är egentligen bäst på att hitta den där perfekta uppsättningen egenskaper som just du smälter av? Och vem i gänget är skickligast på att veta vilka små irritationsmoment som just du inte klarar av i längden… eller ens […]
249 SEK -
Board games
Nice Dice
Nice Dice innehåller allt du behöver för att spela Yatzy, Maxi-Yatzy och nio andra tärningsspel. Tärningarna förvaras i behändig, tålig ask – liten nog att få plats i fickan.
149 SEK -
Board games
Sing Sing 3
Spelet som fortsätter bjuda upp till sång! Du vet alla de där låtarna du har i huvudet utan att du bett om det, de som bara finns där? Festspelet SING SING 3 trycker på play! Tillsammans med karaokebaren Sing Sing har vi kokat ner massvis med data till 300 nya låtar som vi vet att […]
195 SEK -
Board games
Say What – Festspelet med över 1000 saker i lådan att beskriva!
Vad gömmer sig i lådan? Kan du din populärkultur? Och hur bra är du på att förklara saker? Här har du 1 200 tillfällen att visa vad du går för i en enda liten låda! Say What är ett charadigt festspel där ni under tre fartfyllda ronder beskriver och gissar påverkliga och påhittade personer, kända […]
249 SEK -
Sanning eller konsekvens
Detta är Sveriges ett av mest populära partyspel. Välj om du vill svara på en fråga (sanning) eller göra en utmaning (konsekvens). Dra ett kort och svara på frågan eller utför uppdraget. Spelet fortsätter sedan medsols. Exempel: Sanning: Har du någonsin skickat nakenbilder till någon? Beskriv bilden. Konsekvens: Gruppen får skicka ett sms till valfri […]
149 SEK -
Snurra flaskan
Utmana dina vänner i ett parti Snurra flaskan. Den yngsta drar ett kort och väljer vilken utmaning som ska utföras. Därefter snurras flaskan och det bestäms vem som ska utföra utmaningen. Ett roligt spel fyllt med spännande sanningar och roliga utmaningar. Ålder: 15 år+ Antal spelare: 3+ Speltid: 15 min+ Innehåll: 100 kort, 200 frågor
149 SEK -
HETA STOLEN: Partyspel
Vem har gjort flest roliga eller pinsamma saker? Hur mycket vet dina vänner egentligen om dig och hur bra är du på att vara ärlig? Ställ två stolar med ryggen mot varandra. Två personer sätter sig och svarar ja eller nej på olika påståenden. Den som svarar ja (genom att dricka) får sitta kvar och […]
149 SEK -
ROAST: Partyspel
Roasta och hylla dina vänner med detta roliga partyspel där ingen kommer undan. På varje spelkort finns fyra kategorier som hjälper er att roasta varandra: -Minnen & pinsamheter -Fördomar -Hyllningar -Ämnesord Ni väljer själva hur snälla (eller inte snälla) ni vill vara. Har du någon riktigt pinsam historia från en gemensam festkväll? Vad hade du […]
149 SEK -
Jag har aldrig
Detta är ett av Sveriges mest populära partyspel. Dra ett kort och läs högt. Alla som har gjort det som står på kortet ska bestraffas, till exempel genom att dricka en klunk hallonsaft eller annan dryck. Spelet fortsätter sedan medsols. 100 spelkort, 400 frågor. Ålder: 15 år+ Antal spelare: 2+ Speltid: 15 min+
149 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs - Culture & Lifestyle - Design - Travel
The Forecast (Monocle) 2024
Monocle’s annual special issue The Forecast is your guide to the year ahead. It’s full of thoughtful advice and predictions from a diverse range of experts hailing from the worlds of fashion, business, aviation and mor…..
199 SEK -
Business & Current Affairs
The Entrepreneurs, Issue 7 (Monocle)
The Entrepreneurs is Monocle’s handsome handbook for starting, improving or upending your business – and we have plenty in the way of ideas and inspiration. We profile the best places to start a venture, whether that’s running a hotel in Mexico or a business from the beach beyond Lisbon. Our outposts of opportunity also spell […]
199 SEK -
Copy, Issue 2
Copy Magazine, founded in 2023, is the world’s first AI-powered fashion magazine. It’s made by Copy Lab, a studio specializing in AI-driven visuals, to create captivating images that redefine storytelling. The magazine aims to push boundaries by using AI to challenge traditional content creation and representation norms, exploring the intersection of technology and media.
399 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Design - Food & Drink - Home & Living - Travel
Kinfolk, Volume 49 – Scandinavia
Delving deeply into home, work, style and culture, Kinfolk promotes quality of life and connects a global community of creative professionals from London to Tokyo. Since 2011, Kinfolk has become a leading lifestyle authority with a dynamic mix of print and online media, including a quarterly magazine sold in over 100 countries in four languages, […]
279 SEK -
Culture & Lifestyle - Fashion
AnOther Magazine, Autumn/Winter 2024, Winona Ryder
AnOther Magazine‘s launch in 2001 heralded a new chapter in magazine publishing. Its blend of high fashion and world-class photography with features on the arts, politics and literature continues to make each……
225 SEK -
Art - Fashion
Holiday, Issue 393 – The Kathmandu Issue
Between 1946 and 1977, Holiday was one of the most exciting magazines in the United States. Reknowned for its fun layout, its challenging choice of photographers, and the aura of its writers…..
395 SEK -
Japanese Ghost Stories
The dead wreak revenge on the living, paintings come alive, spectral brides possess mortal men and a priest devours human flesh in these chilling Japanese ghost stories retold by a master of the supernatural. Lafcadio Hearn drew on the phantoms and ghouls of traditional Japanese folklore – including the headless ‘rokuro-kubi’, the monstrous goblins ‘jikininki’ […]
159 SEK -
Classics - Fiction
Beautiful Star (Penguin Modern Classics)
Beautiful Star is a 1962 tale of family, love, nuclear war and UFOs, and was considered by Mishima to be one of his very best books.
159 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
The Bell Jar
When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer. But in between the cocktail parties and piles of manuscripts, Esther’s life begins to slide out of control. She finds herself spiralling into depression and eventually a […]
159 SEK -
Classics - Fiction
On the Road
‘I read On the Road in maybe 1959. It changed my life like it changed everyone else’s’ Bob Dylan Sal Paradise, a young innocent, joins his hero, the mystical traveller Dean Moriarty, on a breathless, exuberant ride back and forth across the United States. Their hedonistic search for release or fulfilment through drink, sex, drugs […]
149 SEK -
Biography - Essays - Literature
Novelist as a Vocation
An insightful look into the mind of a master storyteller—and a unique look at the craft of writing from the beloved and best-selling author of 1Q84, Norwegian Wood, and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. “Murakami is like a magician who explains what he’s doing as he performs the trick and still […]
199 SEK -
Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
‘I just love this book and I hope you love it too’ JOHN GREEN, TikTok This is not a romance, but it is about love Two kids meet in a hospital gaming room in 1987. One is visiting her sister, the other is recovering from a car crash. The days and months are long there. […]
179 SEK